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Задания на времена английского языка

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задания на времена английского языка: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple

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«Задания на времена английского языка»

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1.Alice (to have) a sister. 2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann. 3. Ann (to be) a student.
4. She (to get) up at seven o'clock. 5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning. 6. Jane (to be) fond of sports. 7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute. 10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus. 11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework. 12. She (to speak) English well. 13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock. 14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed. 15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m.

Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Present Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).

1) They _____ football at the institute. (to play) 2) She _____ emails. (not / to write) 3) ____ you____ English? (to speak) 4) My mother ____ fish. (not / to like) 5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have) 6) His brother _____ in an office. (to work) 7) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read) 8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water) 9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride) 10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink)

Переведите на английский язык:

1. Она занята. (to be busy) 2. Я не занят. 3. Вы заняты? 4. Они дома? (to be at home) 5. Его нет дома. 6. Я не знаю. 7. Они знают? 8. Она не знает. 9. Кто знает? 10. Никто не знает. 11. Он читает английские книги? (to read English books) 12. Они никогда не читают. (never / to read) 13. У неё есть квартира? (to have a flat) 14. У него ничего нет. 15. Это кто?

 Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.

1. Bess helps her mother. 2. My friend plays the piano. 3. We listen to music. 4. You make a lot of mistakes. 5. The farmer works in the field. 6. The small boy rides a bike. 7. He looks at the pictures in the book. 8. The workman paints the house. 9. Richard and Henry swim in the river in summer. 10. John goes to school by tram. 11. She gets up at eight o’clock. 12. He has tea for breakfast. 13. She usually has dinner at two o’clock. 14. Peter lives in London.

Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную форму предложений.

1. I visit my parents very often. 2. They live in Great Britain.3. He goes to school by bus. 4. She lives in this house. 5. He wants to be a doctor. 6. They play tennis every Sunday. 7. We work every day. 8. My sister goes to bed at nine. 9. Usually I have dinner very late. 10. My brother watches TV every evening. 11. She likes classical music. 12. We go to the theatre once a month.

Переделайте данные предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные. Используйте конструкции don’t и doesn’t.

  1. Mary takes the dog for a walk in the evenings. 2. Peter buys a morning newspapers every day. 3. I come to every lesson. 4. We go to the seaside every summer. 5. You go shopping on Saturday morning. 6. Peter plays the piano very well. 7. The sun rises in the west. 8. My big brother knows everything. 9. Dogs like cats. 10. Some children like chocolate. 11. It rains often in summer.

Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Past Simple.

1.I (to do) morning exercises. 2. He (to work) at a factory. 3. She (to sleep) after dinner. 4. We (to work) part-time. 5. They (to drink) tea every day. 6. Mike (to be) a student. 7. Helen (to have) a car. 8. You (to be) a good friend. 9. You (to be) good friends. 10. It (to be) difficult to remember everything.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

1.Alice (to have) a sister. 2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann. 3. Ann (to be) a student. 4. She (to get) up at seven o'clock. 5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning. 6. Jane (to be) fond of sports. 7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute. 10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus. 11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework. 12. She (to speak) English well. 13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock. 14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed. 15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m.

Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Past Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).

1)They _____ football at the institute. (to play) 2) She _____ emails. (not / to write) 3) ____ you____ English? (to speak) 4) My mother ____ fish. (not / to like) 5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have) 6) His brother _____ in an office. (to work) 7) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read) 8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water) 9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride) 10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink)

 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

1. He (to look) at her for a moment with surprise.2. She (not to smile) when she (to see) him.3. On the way home she usually (to buy) a slice of honey cake at the baker’s.4. The stranger (to climb) into his car and (to drive away), and when he (to notice) later that his speedometer (to indicate) seventy-five, he (to laugh) at himself but (not to slow down).5. When he (to arrive) he (to find) the patient to be a small boy of nine years of age.6. A quarter of an hour later he (to hear) voices.7. A little before nine o’clock I (to descend) to the ground floor.8. On the fifteenth of October Andrew (to set out) alone for London.

9. Clapper (to stare) at the photograph without a change of expression for at least half a minute.10. When Eddy (to leave) in the morning he (to take) her photograph with him.11. Their children (to clean) the yard and then they (to play) basketball.12. They (to wait) for the bus. The bus (to arrive) at 8 o’clock.13. Last Monday they (to visit) their friends.14. What your neighbours (to do) yesterday?15. The little girl (to cry) a little and then (to smile).

Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.

1.The children listened to their mother very attentively.2.Peter went home at once.3.She did her homework quite correctly.4.The children ran to the river to bathe.5.The postman knocked at the door.6.They looked at me angrily.7.We left the house early that morning.8.She told him everything at once.9.The lesson began at eight o’clock.10.They knew nothing about me.

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Tom was sleeping in his bed when somebody stole his car. His wife was watching TV in the living-room. His mother, Mrs. Crown, was talking on the phone in her bedroom. His father, Mr. Crown, was playing cards with his neighbors. Tom’s son was listening to music with his headphones. And Tom’s daughter was taking a shower. The dog wasn’t barking.

  1. Was Tom sleeping?

  2. What was his wife doing?

  3. Was Mrs. Crown talking on the phone in Tom’s bedroom?

  4. Was Mr. Crown playing chess or cards?

  5. What was Tom’s son listening to?

  6. Tom’s daughter was taking a bath, wasn’t she?

  7. Was the dog barking?

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.

(NOW) 1. Timothy (to feed) his dog. 2. Mr. Jones (to clean) his yard. 3. Nancy (to paint) her kitchen. 4. Our neighbours (to wash) their car. 5. I (to wash) my hair. 6. Who (to fix) your sink? 7. What she (to do) now? — She (to dance). 8. The children (to brush) their teeth. 9. What he (do) at the moment? — He (to fix) his bicycle. 10. They (to have) a big dinner together. 11. The boys (to run) about in the garden. 12. I (to do) my homework. 13. John and his friends (to go) to the library. 14. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography. 15. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette. 16. The old man (to walk) about the room. 17. The dog (to lie) on the floor. 18. You (to have) a break? 19. What language you (to study)? 20. Who (to lie) on the sofa? 21. What they (to talk) about? 22. It still (to rain). 23. I (to open) an umbrella. 24. John (to play) computer games.

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя гла­голы в Present Simple.

(ОБЫЧНО) 1. Я работаю. 2. Мы работаем. 3. Они не работают. 4. Вы работаете? — Да. 5. Он работает? — Нет. Он учится. 6. Мой брат не учит­ся. Он работает. 7. Ты носишь очки? 8. Вы помо­гаете людям? 9. Он любит читать сказки? 10. Она любит играть на скрипке? 11. Моя сестра не чита­ет книг. 12. Наша бабушка любит спать на дива­не. 13. Вы любите отдыхать в кресле? 14. Мы едим и пьем в кухне. 15. Мой брат не любит читать га­зеты. 16. Мы спим в спальне. 17. Мой брат спит на диване в жилой комнате.

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя гла­голы в Present Continuous.

(СЕЙЧАС) 1. Я читаю. 2. Он не пишет. 3. Мы не работаем. 4. Вы читаете? 5. Он спит? 6. Коля и Миша играют в футбол. 7. Катя играет на рояле. 8. Она не поет. 9. Моя сестра спит. 10. Папа пьет чай? 11. Твои родители пьют чай? 12. Я не сплю. 13. Она сидит за столом. 14. Мы делаем упражне­ние. 15. Мы не купаемся. 16. Они играют во дво­ре? 17. Нина и Аня моют пол.

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя гла­голы в Present Simple.

1.Где ты живешь? — Я живу в Москве. 2. Ког­да у тебя каникулы? — В январе. 3. Что тебе боль­ше всего нравится в школе? 4. Мой брат работает в больнице. Он врач. Он встает в двадцать минут восьмого. Он работает утром и днем. Вечером он не работает. Вечером он отдыхает. 5. Твоя сестра говорит по-французски? — Нет. Она говорит по-немецки, а ее муж говорит по-английски.

Раскройте скобки, употреблял глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. His father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired. 2. Pat (not to cook) dinner at the moment. She (to talk) on the phone. She (to cook) dinner every Monday. 3. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exer­cise. 4. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 5. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 6. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning? 7. Look! The baby (to sleep). 8. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 9. My grand­mother (not to work). She is on pension. 10. My fa­ther (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden.


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