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Задания по формированию финансовой грамотности на уроке английского языка в 8 классе.

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Внедрение компонентов финансовой грамотности на уроках английского языка является эффективным и логичным, показывает необходимость его практического применения в реальных ситуациях общения.

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«Задания по формированию финансовой грамотности на уроке английского языка в 8 классе.»

Задания по формированию финансовой грамотности на уроке английского языка в 8 классе.

Учитель : Гришина Е.В.

Test I. «How much are Mr Fisher’s tickets?»

№1. Read the dialogue. Answer the questions below:

1. How much are available seats in the fourth row near the aisle ?

2. How does he pay?

3. What is PIN?

4. Why do we need to use PINs when we pay by card?

Cashier: Good morning, how can I help you?

Fisher : Hello. I’d like to buy two tickets for this comedy film, please.

Cashier : Certainly. There are available seats in the fourth row near the aisle which cost 150 RUB each, and some near the centre ... 250 RUB each. Which would you


Fisher: Mmmm ... The ones near the centre, I think.

Cashier :So, two seats near the centre. That comes to a total _______of RUB. How would

you like to pay?

Fisher: Can I pay by bank card?

Cashier : Certainly. Just put it into the machine and enter your PIN.

Fisher: Sure.

Cashier :Thank you. You can take your card. And here are your tickets. We start at 8 pm. Enjoy the movie.

Fisher :Thank you very much.

№2. How much are Mr Fisher’s tickets ?


Ответы: №1- It costs 150 RUB. 2 – He pays by bank card.

3. It is a personal identification number.

4. PIN is a password to access to the terminal as a secret key.

№2. Mr Fisher’s tickets are 500 RUB.


Test II.

Can I afford it?

№1. Read the text and the dialogue and do the exercises below.

It's so expensive

Lesley works as a teacher in London. She says: “Living in the city is very expensive!

Transport and clothes cost a lot of money and food prices are high too. I can't afford to go

out very often: I don't have enough money. I spend all my money. I don't have any money

left at the end of the month - it's difficult to save .

Careful with money. Lesley is talking with her friend Camilla.

Camilla: Are you careful with money?

Lesley : Yes, I am. I try not to spend too much.

Camilla: How do you try to save money?

Lesley : I try not to spend too much. I go to shops when there is a sale - with lower prices than usual.

Camilla : Yes, when I'm at the supermarket, I look for special offers - for example when you get two products for the price of one.

Lesley: And I try not to waste money by

buying things I don't need.

Camilla : Are you renting or buying your house?

Lesley : I'm buying it. I borrowed £200,000 from the bank but it's difficult to repay the loan. What about you?

Camilla: The bank lent me £185,000 and I have to pay back £700 per month.

Exercise 1 . Match the word and phrases in the columns.

save money

Тратить деньги

a sale

Специальные предложения (акции)

to repay the loan.

Одалживать, давать в долг

spend money

Экономить деньги


Погашать кредит

special offers

Брать взаймы



A loan


Exercise 2. Use the correct word to complete each sentence. The text “Can I afford it?” can

help you.

a) If you want to buy things at lower prices, you go to a shop where there's a ........................

b). If you want to buy things more cheaply at supermarkets, you look for ……

c). If you don't have enough money to buy something, you .................it.

d) If you spend more money than necessary, you ....................... money.

e). If something costs a lot of money, it is ........................

f). If you pay money to live in a house or flat owned by someone else, you .......... it.

Exercise 3 .Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. The text “Can I afford it?” can help you.

1. The bank ........... (lent/loan) me 150,000 rubles and I .............(repay/repayment) 550 rubles a month.

2. I have a .................. (loan/lend) to buy a car. The .................(repayments/repaid) for this are 25,000 rubles per month.

3. It ............(cost/costs) so much to eat out in restaurants! I prefer to eat at home.

4. I get 60,000 rubles a month from my job. I spend 40,000 rubles and ............(save/savings) 20,000 rubles.

5. I ...........(borrow/borrowed) 40,000 rubles for a long holiday. Then I won some money so I ..............(repay/repaid) 10,000 rubles.


Ответы :

№1. save money - экономить деньги, a sale – распродажа,

to repay the loan - погашать кредит, spend money – тратить деньги, to lent– брать взаймы

special offers - специальные предложения (акции), to borrow - одолжить, дать в долг,

A loan – кредит

№2. A) sale b) special offers c) lent d) waste e) very expensive f) rent

№3. 1-lent,repay; 2- loan, repayments; 3 –costs, 4 – save, 5 borrow, repay.

Test №3. Notes and Coins

I. Notes and Coins

The money used in a country is its сurrency. The currency in Britain is the British pound or pound sterling (GBP). The sign is £. There are notes or banknotes for: 5, 10, 20, 50 pounds .The British pound is divided into 100 pence. There are coins for 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 pence and 1 and 2 pounds.

Задание 1. You have got six coins of 50 pounds each, five coins of 20 pounds and ten coins of 10 pounds. Can you replace coins by a banknote ? Which one ?

Задание 2. You want to buy a hamburger. You have 2 coins 20 pence each, 1 coin 50 pence, 10 coins 1 pence each. The hamburger costs 98 pence. Which coins will you use? What will your change be?

II. A) Changing Money

Anastasia is going on holiday to Great Britain. To change or to exchange money, she goes to a bank. She asks a lot of questions there. Read the questions below and try to answer them. Match the answers given below the questions to them.

Anastasia’s questions

Cashier’s answers

1. What’s the currency in Great Britain?

2. What’s the exchange rate? I mean, how many Russian rubles are there to the British pound?

3. How much commission do you charge? How much does it cost to change money?

4. Can I change Russian rubles in Great Britain? Can I change euros into British pound in Great Britain?

5. If I have some British currency at the end of my holiday, can I change it back into rubles here in Russia?

a.. There are Russian rubles to the British pound.

b. We charge 0 per cent commission.

c. It’s the British pound.

d. Yes, you change the notes back, but not the coins.

e. Unfortunately, no. But yes, there is no problem with changing euros into British pound in Great Britain.

f.1 £ = 100 RUB

II. B ) Anastasia wants to change twenty thousand rubles. How many pounds will she get?

Ответы: I. Задание 1. Yes, 1 – 6 x 50= 300, 5x20=100, 10x10= 100 .Total = 500 pence.

5 pound banknote= 500 pence.

I.Задание 2: 2 coins x 20p, 1 coin x 50p, 8 coins 1p . Останется: 2 coins x1 pence.

II. A) Changing Money. 1-с, 2 - f , 3 – b, 4 – e, 5 – d

II. B) 200 pounds

Критерии и нормы оценивания.

Формат ответа

Задания с развёрнутым ответом

2 балла

Дан ответ. Дано развёрнутое подтверждение своего мнения

1 балл

Дан ответ. Отсутствует развёрнутое подтверждение своего мнения

0 баллов

Отсутствует ответ.

Задания с выбором ответа

2 балла

Даны верно все ответы

1 балл

Даны верно 3 ответа

0 баллов

Дан верно 1 ответ. Ответ отсутствует

Отметка «5» - правильность ответов составляет 80-100%

Отметка«4» - правильность ответов составляет 79-60%

Отметка«3» - правильность ответов составляет 59-40%

Отметка «2» - правильность ответов составляет менее 40%


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