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Задания тема Рождество

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«Задания тема Рождество»


         The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It’s a happy holiday for many people in different countries.

         Some week before Christmas English people are busy. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them. Many children make their cards at school.

         People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, colored balls and little colored lights.

         On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds.

         At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents in the children’s stockings.

         Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. They send it to Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree.

         In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square to look at the tree. On Christmas Eve streets in London are decorated, too.

         The shops are very busy at Christmas. People want to buy presents for their family and friends (for their nearest and dearest). And they buy a lot of food and drink for all the Christmas parties.

         People open their presents on Christmas morning and they all are happy with what they get.

         For Christmas lunch people eat turkey, potatoes and green vegetables. Then they have the Christmas pudding. At five o’clock it’s time for tea and Christmas cake.

           On Christmas people wish their nearest and dearest a merry Christmas.

         The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. People usually visit their relatives and friends. They do not work on that day.

1.   Answer the questions.

      1) Why are people busy some weeks before Christmas?

2) Where can people get Christmas cards?

     3)  Where is a Christmas tree from?

     4) What are the traditional Christmas dishes?

     5) What is Boxing Day?

     6) Do English people like Christmas?

2. Complete the sentences.

1. Many children make their cards at …….

2. Father Christmas puts the presents in the children’s ………..

3. There is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of ………

4. On Christmas people wish their nearest and dearest a ……….

5. They do not………. on that day.


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