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Загадки на английском языке для начальной школы

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«Загадки на английском языке для начальной школы»

A mouse

I live in the house.I eat everything.I am small and grey.
Cats eat me.

A cat

I am a pet.I like mice.I have nine lives.I purr and meow.

A hamster

I am small.I am a pet.I keep food in my cheeks.

I am active at night.

A camel

You can ride me.I don’t drink often.I live in the desert.I have a hump.

A cow

They live in a field.Milk is what they make
They help give us leather.And a juicy steak.

A duck

I can swim and dive.I have two legs.
I have wings.I quack.  

A panda

I live in China.I am a kind of bear.
I am black and white.I eat bamboo.

A horse

What animal always sleeps with its shoes on?

A dog

I’m a pet that has four legs.And a tail at the end
You might hear me barking And I’m known as man’s best friend.

A hen

You might be called this animal
If someone thinks that you’re afraid
This is something that you might eat
As well as its eggs that it laid.

A hippo

I have four legs.I live in Africa.
I am big and grey.I live in the river.

A giraffe

I live in Africa.I am yellow and brown.
I eat leaves.I have a long neck.

A zebra

This is something black and white
But it’s not an old TV,It’s a type of animal
That starts with the letter Z.

A frog

I eat insects.I live in the pond.
I hop.I am green.

A spider

I am small.I can be scary.
I have eight legs.I spin a web.

A rainbow

I am purple, yellow, red, and green
The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen.
I show my colours after the rain
And only when the sun comes out again.


I am asked to come,
I am waited for;
But I make you hide
When I knock at the door.

A cloud

I do not have wings, but I can fly. I don’t have eyes, but I can cry! What am I?


Higher than a house,
Higher than a tree –
Oh, whatever can that be?


Without hands it can paint,
Without teeth it can bite.


If I drink, I die. If I eat, I am fine. What am I?

A policeman

I wear a uniform.
I often have a gun.
I conduct traffic.
I catch thieves.

A teacher 

I use markers or chalk.
I work in a school.
I have students.
I give homework.

A secretary

I work in an office.
I make phone calls.
I send emails.
I make appointments.

A cook

I wear a white hat.
I feed people.
I work in a kitchen.
I cook.

A stewardess

I work in the sky.
I’m often a woman.
I serve food and drinks.
I’m usually good-looking.


I work with scissors.
I work in a salon.
I wash, dry and brush.
I cut hair.

A farmer

I work at or near home.
I drive a tractor.
I grow vegetables.
I have animals in the field.

A postman

I wear a uniform.
I walk or cycle a lot.
I don’t like dogs.
I deliver mail.

A firefighter

I wear a uniform.
I work in shifts.
People in trouble call me.
I put out fires.

A banana

I am a yellow fruit
That you might eat at lunch
When there’s a group of me
We are known as a bunch.

A watermelon

I am one color outside.
I am another color inside.
I grow in the summer.
I am sweet.
You cannot eat my outside.
My skin has stripes.

A tomato

I’m red and have seeds
And I am also round
Sliced up in salads
Is where I can be found.

A potato 

I am the most popular vegetable.
I grow underground.
I cannot be eaten raw.
You can cook me in many ways.
Children adore me.

A cabbage

It stands on one leg with its heart in its head. What is it?


This is a root vegetable
That can be red, white or green
It can make you cry a lot
Even though it is not mean.

A carrot

Rabbits like to eat me
When I grow in a field.
This orange vegetable
Tastes best when it is peeled.


There’s white and milk and dark,
These three types you might eat
As a type of candy
It really can’t be beat.


I’m something that is sticky.
I’m something that is sweet.
I’m made by more than one bee.
I’m something that you eat.

An egg

What has to be broken before you can use it?

A mirror

I am made of glass.
I hang on the wall.
You often look at me.
You can see yourself in me.

A table

I’m often made of wood.
I have four legs.
You eat on me.
You put a cloth on me.

An armchair

I’m in the living-room.
You can sit in me.
I am soft.
I have arms.

A book

I can be thin or thick.
I have a lot of pieces of paper.
I usually have pictures, too.
You can read me.

A calculator

I am small.
I am an electronic instrument.
I can add, subtract, multiply and divide.
You can use me on Maths lesson.

A computer

I need electricity.
I have a screen.
I can send email.
You can play games on me.

A clock

I’m usually round.
I have two hands.
I hang on the wall.
I can tell you the time.

A ruler

I am long.
I am made of plastic or wood.
You can use me for drawing straight lines.
You can measure things with me.

A knife

I am made of metal.
You eat steak with me.
I am sharp.
You use me to cut.

A globe

I have a ball shape.
I have one leg to stand on.
I have the map of the world.
I am very useful on Geography lesson.


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