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Методические указания 1 курс 7 часть ТОР (2023 год)

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Данная разработка предназначена для 1 курса по специальности "23.02.07 «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт двигателей, систем и агрегатов автомобилей» по темам: Тема 16 Промышленные технологии; Тема 17 Известные ученые; Тема 18 Профессиональные требования 

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«Методические указания 1 курс 7 часть ТОР (2023 год)»



Государственное бюджетное профессиональное

образовательное учреждение Нижегородской области




по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (Английский язык)»

для студентов I курса 7 часть

Тема 16 Промышленные технологии

Тема 17 Известные ученые

Тема 18 Профессиональные требования

для специальности 23.02.07 «Техническое обслуживание

и ремонт двигателей, систем и агрегатов автомобилей»



иностранного языка

Воронина М.В.,

Булкина Т.А.

Красные Баки


Lesson 1

Machines and mechanisms

1. Write out the words (24) and translate them:

2. Read and translate the text:

What is Simple Machines?

A machine is something we use to make work easier. We can classify machines as simple machines and complex machines. Simple Machines have few or no moving parts. When you put simple machines together you can get a complex machine. All machines need energy to work.

A simple machine is something that reduces the effort needed to do work. Machines come in all shapes and sizes and can be very basic; a bottle opener, a screw, and even your skeleton, work as machines. They magnify the effort that we apply to a task and enable us to do many things that our muscular strength alone could not manage. The amount of effort saved by using a machine is known as its mechanical advantage. The greater the mechanical advantage of a machine, the less effort is required relative to the load. There are six different types of simple machines: pulley, inclined plane, screw, wheel and axle, wedge and lever.


3. Complete the sentences:

A) A … is an object with at least one slanting edge. We use it to cut objects.

B) A … uses a Wheel and a rope to lift or lower an object.

C) A … is a circular object that turns around. We use it to lift or move objects.

D) A … is a rigid bar with a support called a fulcrum.

E) An … is a slanting surface that connects a low level with a high level.

F) A … is a type of inclined plane. We use it to hold things together or lift objects.

4. Complete the sentences using these words:

simple      pulley      ramp      electricity       levers      resistance

A) When doing work, a lever has 2 forces: an effort and a …

B) A … is an inclined plane used to lift and lower objects.

C) A … has a wheel, an axle and a rope.

D) … machines have few parts.

E) The handlebar and pedals on a bike are …

F) Many complex machines use energy from … to work.

5. Write the name of the cars:

6. Match the words with the definitions.

  1. headlight

  2. engine

  3. hood

  4. windshield wiper

  5. windshield

  6. window

  7. trunk

  8. taillight

  9. steering wheel

  10. horn

  11. dashboard

  12. gas pedal / throttle

  13. clutch

  14. brake (pedal)

a) A folding cover on a car

b) One of the large lights at the front of the vehicle

c) The part that produces power to make it move

d) One of the two rear lights at the back of a vehicle

e) A space or an area of glass in the wall of a building or vehicle that lets in light

f) A piece of glass or plastic placed at the front of a car to protect the passengers or drivers/riders

g) The part at the back of a car where you can put tools, luggage

h) A long thin piece of metal with a rubber edge that moves across a windscreen to remove rain

i) A wheel that you turn to control a car

j) The part in front of the driver that has the controls in it

k) The signal at a car you use to make a loud sound as a signal of warning

l) The pedal you press to change gear or shift

m) The pedal you press with your foot to make the car go faster

n) The pedal you press to make the car stop

7. Separate the parts of the cart into two groups:



8. Write, translate the words. Underline the wrong word

1) bonnet, engine, silencer, monarch, bumper.

2) racing car, wiper, lorry, motorcycle, sports car.

3) battery, river, ocean, pond, sea.

9. Read the following definitions and match them with the words given below. Choose the right word.

1) An induction system component intended to filter particulate matter from the incoming air.

a) battery; b) wiper; c) air cleaner

2) A foot-operated device which allows the driver to vary the degree of opening of the induction system throttle.

a) engine; b) accelerator pedal; c) bonnet

3) An on-board electrical storage component which may be used to activate electrical devices or systems, such as starter, ignition, etc.

a) battery; b) wiper; c) wheel

Lesson 2

Industrial equipment

1. Read and translate the text “Hand Tools”:

In mechanical engineering hand tools are widely used. The fitter’s tools firstly include a work bench and a vice. The vice is secured to the table and is used to hold an object for working by a cut or a needle file. The fitter’s working place contains hammers, chisels, pliers, files, spanners, screw drivers, various marking and measuring tools, etc. Cold chisels are used for work on metals which are in a cold state. The cold chisel is used for chipping off, or cutting away, small pieces of metal and also for cutting out works from sheet metal. Pliers are used for gripping or holding small objects by manual operation. The most common type is the plain or straight-jaw type pliers. Among other types of pliers there are round-nosed pliers, gas pliers, pincer pliers, etc.

Other tools may also have several varieties. Files, for example, are divided according to their degree of roughness (по степени шероховатости насечки, а именно по классам точности). There are the following hand files: rasp or rough cuts, bastard cuts, smooth cuts, dead smooth cuts. As to their shape files may be flat, round, half-round, square, three-cornered, etc. Files used for delicate work are called needle files.

Spanners or wrenches are used for tightening up or unscrewing nuts and bolts. There are two chief types of open-jaw spanners: the single-ended and the double-ended. If the bolt head or nut are in position difficult to access ordinary spanners either a box spanner or socket wrench may be used. To serve several sizes of nuts and bolts adjustable spanners, or monkey wrenches are applied.

Among other hand tools used in craftsman’s work there are hand shears, hack saws, drift punches, hand drills, grind stones and others. Besides, in mechanical job the application of thread screwing tools is also required. The tools comprise two forms: for internal thread cutting (screw taps) and for external thread formation (stock and die, screw plate). In addition to hand tools employed by a fitter electric and pneumatic tools are also used. Thus, a hand tool is a device for performing work on a material or a physical system using only hands. To such tools a punch may also belong. A punch is a hard metal rod with a shaped tip at one end and a blunt butt at the other that is usually struck by a hammer. A center punch is typically used as an aid to drilling operations. A center punch forms a small dimple in which the tip of the drill (if it is small) will fit. A prick punch serves an entirely different purpose. A prick punch is primarily used for the purposes of layout. A transfer punch is a punch of a specific outer diameter that is non-tapered and extend the entire length of the punch (except for the tip). It is used to transfer the center of the hole from one surface to another. A pin punch is used as a driving tool to affix a fixture to a rotating shaft. A doming punch is used in conjunction with a doming block to make spheres or hemispheres out of sheets of metal. The punch is generally made of tool steel, but can be made of wood. A drift punch, or drift pin. is used as an aid in aligning bolt or rivet holes prior to inserting a fastener. A drift punch is constructed as a tapered rod, with the hammer acting on the large end of the taper.


2. Translate the words from the text in the form of Gerund into Russian:

working, measuring, cutting, gripping, holding, tightening, unscrewing, performing, screwing, marking, measuring, inserting.


3. Translate word combinations into English:

рабочий инструмент, рабочее место, измерительный инструмент, разметочный инструмент, режущий инструмент, затяжная гайка, нарезное приспособление, операция сверления, шаровой кернер, крепежный болт.


4. Complete the sentences:

1. The first fitter’s tools are …

2. The vice is used to …

3. The cold chisel is used for …

4. Files are divided according to …

5. The different types of files are …

6. According to their shape files may be …

7. Files used for delicate work are called …

8. Spanners (wrenches) are used for …

9. A punch is …

10. A hand tool is a device for …


5. Insert the proper words into the sentences:

1. (Ручные инструменты) are widely used in mechanical engineering.

2. The fitter’s working place firstly included (верстак) and (тиски).

3. The fitter needs in (отвертки), (стамески) and (напильники).

4. The fitter also needs in (разметочных) and (измерительных инструментах).

5. (Напильники) used for delicate work are called (надфили).

6. (Гаечные ключи) are used for (закрепления) or (раскручивания) (гаек и болтов).

7. (Гаечные ключи) may be (раздвижными) and (нераздвижными).

8. The tool used for (нарезки внутренней резьбы) is called (клупп).

9. The tool used for (нарезки внешней резьбы) is called (винторезная доска).

10. (Кернер) is usually used in (сверлильных) operations.


6. Find English equivalent to the Russian word:

1. инструмент

а) instrument; b) tool; c) device; d) equipment;

2. верстак

a) board; b) plate; c) bench; d) support;

3. гаечный ключ

a) hammer; b) pliers; c) jaws; d) spanner;

4. напильник

а) chisel; b) wrench; c) screw driver; d) file;

5. надфиль

a) cut; b) needle file; c) smooth cut; d) bastard cut;

6. резьбонарезной инструмент

a) grinding stone; b) riveting tool; c) thread-screwing tool; d) tap wrench;

7. резьба

а) screw; b) needle; c) thread; d) punch;

8. шаблон

a) divider; b) square; c) pattern; d) screw tap.

7. Translate into English:

1. В машиностроении часто используется такое оборудование, как ручные инструменты.

2. Рабочее место слесаря оборудовано, как правило, тисками, плоскогубцами, напильниками и измерительными инструментами.

3. Ручные инструменты используются для обработки металлов в холодном состоянии.

4. Напильники бывают различных видов, в зависимости от класса точности обработки детали.

5. Напильники могут иметь различную форму: плоскую, круглую, полукруглую, квадратную и треугольную.

6. Гаечные ключи используются для затягивания или раскручивания гаек.

7. Накидной гаечный ключ или торцевой применяются там, где обычные ключи не работают.

8. Резьба делается с помощью резьбонарезного оборудования.

9. Пробойник – это прочный металлический стержень с острым концом с одной стороны.

10. Различные виды пробойников используются для пробивания отверстий.

Lesson 3

Automobile industry

1. Match the English combinations with the corresponding Russian ones:

1. mechanical engineer

2. deal (with)

3. designing cars

4. put into mass production

5. long service life

6. driving safety

7. meet up-to-date demands

8. smooth-acting clutch

9. silent gearbox

10. dependable brakes and steering system 11. subject to tests

a. долгий срок службы

b. запустить в массовое производство

c. подвергать испытаниям

d. плавное сцепление

e. отвечать современным требованиям f. иметь дело (с кем-л., чем-л.)

g. надежные тормоза и рулевое управление

h. безопасность езды (вождения)

i. бесшумная коробка передач

j. инженер-механик

k. конструирование автомобилей

2. Read and translate the text:

Specialists in automobile industry deal with designing and manufacturing cars, so they should know that the production of the automobile comprises the following phases:

1) Designing,

2) Working out the technology of manufacturing processes,

3) Laboratory tests,

4) Road tests,

5) Mass production (manufacturing).

Why is it necessary to know all these facts? It is important to know them as before the automobile (car or truck) is put into mass production, it should be properly designed and the automobile must meet up-to-date requirements.

What are these requirements? The automobile must have high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of maintenance and pleasant appearance. In order to obtain all these qualities engineers should develop up-to-date methods of designing cars, using new types of resistant to corrosion light materials. Also, it is important to know computer science because it is intended to shorten the time between designing and manufacturing. Computers offer quick and optimal solutions of problems.

But before the car is put into mass production all its units and mechanisms are tested, first in the plant's laboratory, then the car undergoes a rigid quality control in road tests. Only then the car is put into mass production. Why are these tests required? What qualities are required of the automobile? The modern automobile must be rapid in acceleration, must have smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable brakes and steering system, as well as pleasant appearance. Also, it must be comfortable and have all conveniences.

3. Complete the sentences using the information from the text:

1. The cars are subjected to road tests in order…

2. The car must have the following units...

3. The car must have the following qualities...

4. The production of the automobile comprises the following phases…

5. Engineers should develop up-to-date methods of…

4. Find the answers to the following questions. Write down the questions in the order they are asked.

1. Why is it important for the specialists in automobile industry to know computing methods?

2. What qualities are required of the automobile?

3. Why are cars subjected to road tests?

4. What requirements must the automobile meet?

5. What phases does the production of the automobile comprise?

a. It must have high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of maintenance and pleasant appearance.

b. They should be able to develop up-to-date methods of designing cars and shorten the time between designing and manufacturing.

c. Because they must meet up-to-date requirements.

d. Designing, working out technological processes, laboratory and road tests, mass production.

e. It must be rapid in acceleration, must have smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable brakes and steering system.

5. Make up comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives and adverbs in the expressions listed below and translate them:

Important properties, pure metals, much experience, new solutions, long service life, good protection, well-known metals, useful devices, high efficiency, bad results, a modern truck, a large team of designers.

6. Match the logos to the car makes. Where are the car manufacturers from?

BMW, Chery, Chevrolet, Citroen, Ferrari, Honda, Jaguar, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Peugeot, Renault, Suzuki, Toyota, Volkswagen.

Example: 9 – BMW (Germany)

7. Translate these sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives and adverbs:

1. Metals are the most widely used materials in industry.

2. In general, a metal with small grains will be harder and stronger than one with coarse grains.

3. Small amounts of other metals, less than 1 per cent, are often added to a pure metal.

4. Toughness is different from strength: the toughest steels are different from the ones with highest tensile strength.

5. Plastics are lighter and more corrosion-resistant, but they are not usually as strong as metals.

6. Hot-worked products have better ductility and toughness than the un-worked casting.

7. Rolling is the most common metalworking process.

8. Medium-carbon steels containing from 0.2 to 0.4 per cent carbon are tougher and are used as structural steels.

9. In operations that involve stretching, the best alloys are those which grow stronger with strain.

10. Metals such as copper and aluminium are more ductile in such operations than other metals.

8. Match the following car parts with their definitions.

Car Part





a wheel that you turn to control the direction of a vehicle


brake pedal


something that you sit on




the pedal or handle in a vehicle that is used to operate the engine's clutch


steering wheel


a device that produces electricity to provide power for radios, cars




a small mirror inside a car which the driver looks in to see what is happening behind the car




the bar which you push down with your foot to make a vehicle slow down or stop


rear-view mirror


a device, often consisting of connecting sets of wheels with teeth around the edge, that controls how much power from an engine goes to the moving parts of a machine




a circular object fixed under a vehicle so that it moves smoothly over the ground




a horizontal bar along the lower front and lower back part of a motor vehicle to help protect it if there is an accident




a piece of equipment in a vehicle that shows how fast it is moving

Lesson 4

Competitions of professional skills

1. Read and translate the text “Agency for the Development of Professions and Skills”:

The Agency was established in 2020 in accordance with the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated November 23, 2019. It is founded by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects. The Agency is the functional successor of the Union "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers "Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)".

Main directions of the Agency:

1) formation of advanced standards of professions and skills based on the best world practices and their implementation in the activities of companies;

2) implementation of international projects in the field of skills and professions development, including the holding of international professional skill championships;

3) formation and development of a partner network of countries and experts, companies, educational organizations;

4) retraining of citizens according to advanced standards of professions and skills.

WorldSkills International (WSI) — an international non-profit association whose goal is to raise the status and standards of professional training and qualifications around the world, popularize working professions through international competitions around the world. It was founded in 1946. Today 80 countries participate in the organization's activities. WSI calls its mission to attract attention to working professions and create conditions for the development of high professional standards. Its main activity is the organization and holding of professional competitions of various levels for young people under the age of 22. Every two years, the WorldSkills World Championship of working professions is held, which is also called the "Olympiad for Workers". Currently, this is the largest competition of its kind.

2. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false once:

1) WSI is an international non-profit association.

2) The Agency for the Development of Professions and Skills was established in 2002.

3) WSI calls its mission to attract attention to working professions.

4) 8 countries participate in the organization's activities.

5) The WorldSkills World Championship of working professions is held every four years.

3. Insert the prepositions into sentences

1) It is founded … the Government … the Russian Federation.

2) Skills are based … the best world practices.

3) The Agency was established … accordance … the instruction … the President.

4) Professional competitions of various levels are … young people … the age of 22.

5) Retraining … citizens is … … advanced standards … professions and skills.

4. Повторите материал «Указатели времени»




Perfect Progressive


always, usually, often, seldom, rarely, sometimes,

every week,


now, at present,

at the moment,


this week,

Look! Listen!

since, already, just, yet,



ever, never

for …,

all day long,





last week,

two days ago

at 2 o’clock yesterday,

while…, when…,

the whole day

since, by,

after, before


all day/night,

by, when



next week,

in a week, in 2039

at 10 o’clock tomorrow, all day long tomorrow

by the time tomorrow, by, before


all day/night,

by, when

5. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I … (to go) to school at 8 o’clock every day.

  2. Nick … (to play) football in the gym on Sundays.

  3. They … (to read) books every evening.

6. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. Vlad … (to go) to college last year.

  2. She … (to swim) very well a year ago.

  3. They … (to speak) English last lesson.

7. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I … (to invite) my friends tomorrow.

  2. They … (to go) to the theatre in a week.

  3. Alex … (to watch) a new film next Tuesday.

8. Write numbers:

8, 13, 2nd, ½, 74, 21st, 6 ¼, 12.6, 43rd, 8

Lesson 5

Technical sciences

1. Read and translate the text:

Today machines have to withstand such tremendous stresses and to be able of such complex motions that complicated and specialized calculations taking hundreds of factors into account are needed in the design of even quite a simple machine like a motor-car engine. So, as engineering progresses, engineers must become ever more scientific and specialized. Today the branches of engineering are so wide that it is impossible to classify them satisfactorily. But we may try to divide them into uses. The main divisions of engineering may be listed as follows:

1. Mechanical engineering - steam engines, internal combustion engines, turbines (steam, gas, water), pumps; compressors; machine-tools; mechanisms.

2. Electrical engineering - a) Power: generators; motors; transformers; transmission (power lines etc.): b) Electronics: radio, radar, television.

3. Civil engineering - dams; tunnels; roads, and so on.

4. Structural engineering - the structural details of all large buildings and bridges.

6. Chemical engineering.

Any of these branches of engineering may require the special services of the following specialists' the metallurgist; the strength of materials expert; the thermodynamics of heat expert, the mechanics or machines experts; the various production engineering experts such as the engineering designer or the tool designer; the mathematician specializing in engineering problems and many more. The engineer must also deal with the economists to assure himself that he is producing what is wanted, and economically.

2. Fill the table:

Branch of Engineering


Object of Work

1. civil engineering

civil engineer

dams, tunnels, roads…

2. mechanical engineering

3. electrical engineering

4. structural engineering

5. chemical engineering

3. Translate the sentences:

1. Much attention is being given at present to the modern equipment of research laboratories.

2. The idea of constructing a new auto plant was being widely discussed some years ago. 3. Much is being done to improve the conditions for research work.

4. wide investigation is being carried on in the field of machine-building now.

5. Many old plants and shops are being expanded and reconstructed now.

4. Read and match the words with their definitions:

1. Science

а) the use of scientific knowledge and discoveries to develop new machines and systems

2. Technology

b) the activity of designing and building roads, bridges, machines, etc.

3. Engeneering

c) knowledge and theories about the world which are based on facts, experiments and research

4. An invention

d) when something brings progress and makes it possible for people to do the things that they couldn’t do before

5. A discovery

e) using the latest technology

6. A technological /scientific / medical advance

f) a new product, machine, system, etc., which someone has thought of for the first time

7. High-tech

g) a fact or thing that someone has found out about, which was not known about before

5. Study the information Gerund

Герундий — это неличная форма глагола, обладающая признаками как глагола, так и существительного. Подобной формы в русском языке нет.
Как и глагол, герундий имеет формы времени и залога, может определяться наречием.


Действительный залог

Страдательный залог



being read


having read

having been read

На русский язык герундий переводится существительным, неопределенной формой глагола, деепричастием, глаголом в личной форме или придаточным предложением.

В предложении герундий может употребляться в следующих функциях:
1. Подлежащего:

Your coming now and saying "I'm her father" doesn't change my feellings. - To, что вы пришли сейчас и говорите: «Я - ее отец»,- не меняет моих чувств.

2. Именной части сказуемого:

Seeing is believing. - Увидеть - значит поверить.

3. Дополнения (прямого, предложного):

The teacher has aimed at teaching students to speak in correct English. - Учитель поставил цель научить учащихся правильно говорить на английском языке.

4. Определения:

The difficulties of rebuilding the plant were successfully overcome. - Трудности, связанные с перестройкой завода, были успешно преодолены.

5. Обстоятельств:

You can help him by supporting him. - Вы можете помочь ему тем, что поддержите его.

Глаголы с предлогами, после которых употребляется только герундий:

to give up, to be afraid of, to be famous for, to be fond of, to be interested in, to be worth of, to be proud of, to depend on, to insist on (upon), to know of, to object to, to prevent from, to think of, to go on. После составных предлогов употребляется только герундий: because of, on account of, thanks to, due to, owing to, instead of, in spite of, for the purpose of, with a view of, of (no) use

6. Translate into Russian

  1. He always suggested staying here.

  2. The job involves travelling to Germany once a month.

  3. I proposed having party at the beach.

  4. I promised to care for the cat but I’m not much good at babysitting.

  5. He is capable of standing on his head and playing the saxophone.

  6. You’d better start digging the garden.

  7. Writing letters is more boring than phoning.

  8. It is not worth helping him do this job.

  9. My wife apologized for being late.

  10. I’m very excited about attending tomorrow’s game.

7. Translate into English

  1. Мой дядя бросил курить и сейчас предпочитает есть.

  2. Пожалуйста, прекратите шептаться.

  3. Мне нравится быть одному. Я никогда не чувствую себя одиноко.

  4. Я перешел дорогу, не посмотрев.

  5. Подумай хорошо (carefully), прежде чем принять решение.

8. Повторите материал и употребите глагол в форме сослагательного наклонения:



main clause

zero conditional

(для констатации общеизвестных истин, научных фактов, правил, законов)

Present Simple

If we study hard,

Если мы учимся усердно,

Present Simple

we always pass our exams.

мы всегда сдаём наши экзамены.

1st conditional

(для описания вероятных событий в будущем)

Present Simple

If I study hard,

Если я буду учиться усердно,

will + V1

I will pass my exams.

я сдам мои экзамены.

2nd conditional

(для маловероятных или нереальных событий в настоящем и будущем)

Past Simple

If he studied hard,

Если бы он учился усердно,

would + V1

he would pass his exams.

он бы сдал его экзамены.

3rd conditional

(события, которые могли бы произойти в прошлом, но не произошли)

Past Perfect

If they had studied hard,

Если бы они учились усердно

would have + V3

they would have passed their exams.

они сдали бы экзамены.

  1. If I hadn’t been rude to him yesterday we … (not, to quarrel).

  2. If Barbara … (to come) to my birthday party I would be so pleased.

  3. If Jack were a polite man, he … (not, to behave) in such a way.

Lesson 6

Famous scientists and their discoveries

1. Match the following English nouns with their Russian equivalents

1) discovery

2) achievement

3) invention

4) explanation

5) observation

6) research

7) knowledge

8) science

9) progress

10) experiment

a) исследование

b) наблюдение

c) опыт

d) открытие

e) развитие

f) наука

g) объяснение

h) достижение

i) знания

j) изобретение

2. Match the following English verbs with their Russian equivalents

1) to improve

2) to discover

3) to research

4) to invent

5) to involve

6) to identify

7) to design

8) to achieve

9) to promote

10) to encourage

a) изобретать

b) способствовать

c) улучшать

d) достигать

e) поощрять

f) проектировать

g) распознавать

h) вовлекать

i) открывать

j) исследовать

3. Read and translate the text “Inventors and their inventions”:

Samuel Colt was an American. He lived in the 19th century. In 1836 he designed and patented a pistol. It was a pistol with a revolving barrel that could fire six bullets one after another. It was the first pistol of its kind. Later there came many other pistols with six


Rudolf Diesel was a German engineer. He was born in 1858 and died in 1913. In 1897 he invented a new internal combustion engine. This engine is known as a diesel. And it began a transport revolution in cars, lorries, trains and ships.

Samuel Finley Morse was born in 1791. He died in 1872. He was a portrait painter. Then he became an inventor. For twelve years he tried to perfect the telegraph and he was a success. Later he invented the telegraphic dot-and-dash alphabet. Now it is known as Morse code. Morse code was not only one in America of that time. There were some others. But now we use Morse code all over the world.

Charles Makintosh lived from 1766 to 1843. He lived in Scotland and was a chemist by profession. He worked in a textile industry. In 1823 he developed a rubber solution. This rubber solution was used for raincoat production. Raincoats with this rubber solution didn’t allow water to penetrate. These raincoats were called makintoshes. Now people all over the world use them in spring and in autumn.

Charles Rolls was born in 1881 in Great Britain. He died in 1910. He was an aristocrat and businessman. He was especially interested in cars. Once he met another enthusiast of cars Henry Royce. Henry Royce was a famous car engineer. They decided to design the most comfortable and reliable car. At the beginning of the 20th century it seemed to be a fantasy. But they worked hard and at last in 1907 they created the famous Rolls-Royce car. It was so comfortable and reliable that one of the models of Rolls-Royce cars «Silver Ghost» hadn’t changed greatly for 20 years since 1907.

Gottlieb Daimler and Charles Benz were two inventors. They lived in Germany. They were both interested in car production. At the end of the 19th century, each of them designed a car. At the same time, they organized two independent firms to produce them.

All the cars produced by the firm of Daimler were called «Mercedes». Mercedes was a daughter’s name of one of the stockholders of the firm. This man saved the firm of Daimler from financial crisis at the beginning of the 20th century. But after the World War I the firm of Daimler met with financial difficulties again.

4. Give a brief summary of the text. Complete the table.






Samuel Colt


A pistol with a revolving barrel

It could fire six bullets one after another






5. Match the names with their discoveries and inventions.

1. Gallileo Gallilei

a) paper

2. Isaak Newton

b) thermometer and microscope

3. Alexander Bell

c) low of universal gravity

4. Alexander Popov

d) diesel engine

5. John Logie Baird

e) telephone

6. Rudolf Diesel

f) table of chemical elements

7. Dmitry Mendeleev

g) radio

8. Tsai Lun

h) television

9. Nicolas Cugnot

i) automobile

10. Thomas Edison

j) light bulb

6. Finish the sentences using the words: the radio, telephone, the table of chemical elements, theory of relativity, X-rays, conditional reflexes, electromagnetic induction, radium, television,

1. Mendeleev created …

2. I. Pavlov discovered …

3. A. Popov invented …

4. A. Einstein worked on the …

5. Marie Curie opened …

6. J. L. Baird invented the …

7. A. Bell invented the …

8. W. K. Roentgen opened …

9. M. Faraday discovered …

7. Повторите материал и составьте предложения в страдательном залоге:

Passive Voice








is + V3



is + being V3



+ been V3





+ V3



+ being V3


had been +V3




+be V3




+ have been V3



  1. Claire knits nice jumpers for the kids.

  2. The pirates had found the treasure.

  3. Terry bought a new house in London.

8. Составьте к предложениям все типы вопросов (общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный):

  1. Family is very important for every person.

  2. She works at college.

  3. They spoke English last lesson.

Lesson 7

Russian Nobel prize winners

1. Read and translate the text about Russian Nobel prize winners:

Every year, six Nobel prizes are awarded for outstanding work in science, literature, economics and the promotion of peace. This international prize was founded by the Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite and built up companies and laboratories in countries all over the world.

Many Russians have been nominated for the Nobel Prize since it started in 1901 and 19 of them have received the Nobel Prize for their outstanding contributions, particularly in the field of physics, but also in other areas. The first Russian Nobel winner for medicine (1904) was Ivan Pavlov. He made many remarkable discoveries about blood circulation and the central nervous system and he discovered the conditioned reflex through his research on the digestive system. His experiments on dogs had a great impact on behavioural psychology.

Mikhail Sholokhov, the outstanding 20th century Russian writer, wrote and published a number of short stories while completing his most famous work And Quiet Flows the Don, which took him fourteen years to finish. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1965.

In 1978, Russian physicist Pyotr Kapitza was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. He founded the Institute for Physical Problems in Moscow, and he was the oldest scientist ever to win the award.

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded over the years to individuals and organizations that work actively for peace and greater understanding. It was suspended during both World Wars. It has been awarded to Russian physicist and civil rights campaigner Andrei Sakharov (1975) and to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev (1990).

2. Say if the statements are true or false:

1. The Nobel Prize is awarded annually.

2. Ilya Mechnikov is the only Russian who has won the Nobel Prize for medicine.

3. Pavlov’s work promoted the development of psychology.

4. Two Russians have been the Nobel Peace Prize winners.

3. Match the names of Russian Nobel Prize winners to their descriptions:

1) Boris Pasternak

a) A Russian writer wrote “The Gentleman from San Francisco”, which won him a Nobel Prize in 1933.

2) Ivan Bunin

b) In 1964, two Russian physicists shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Charles Touwns from the USA.

3) Alexander Solzhenitsyn

c) Many of his works are autobiographical, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1970.

4) Nikolay Semyonov

d) He made a great contribution to the study of chemical chain reactions, and in 1956 he became the first Russian to gain the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

5) Nikolay Basov and Alexander Prokhorov.

e) A Russian poet and novelist is also known for his translations of Shakespeare’s tragedies; in 1957 he wrote the novel “Doctor Zhivago”, which was followed by a Nobel Prize.

4. Study the materialInfinitive”:

Инфинитив – это неличная или неопределенная форма глагола, которая отвечает на вопрос «что делать?», «что сделать?». Инфинитив называет только действие, не указывая лица, числа и наклонения.

Инфинитив в английском языке может принимать шесть временных форм.

Активный залог

Пассивный залог

Simple (Indefinite)

to ask

to be asked

Progressive (Continuous)

to be asking


to have asked

to have been asked

Perfect Progressive (Continuous)

to have been asking

Verbs which are usually followed by an infinitive:

afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, care, choose, claim, come, consent, dare, decide, demand, deserve, determine, elect, expect, fail, get, hate, help, hesitate, hope, hurry, intend, learn, manage, mean, need, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, resolve, say, seem, tend, threaten, want, wish.

Verbs which are usually followed by a gerund:

acknowledge, admit, adore, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, celebrate, confess, contemplate, delay, deny, describe, detest, discuss, dislike, dread, endure, enjoy, fancy, finish, imagine, involve, keep, justify, mention, mind, miss, omit, postpone, practise, quit, recall, recommend, regret, report, resume, risk, suggest, tolerate, understand.

5. Complete with a gerund or an infinitive and translate the sentences:

1. She agreed … (pay) the electricity bill the following week.

2. Hector dislikes … (go) to the opera.

3. Martin admitted … (steal) the money from the safe.

4. Elizabeth didn’t need … (do) the final exams.

5. I regretted … (forget) to call my grandfather for his birthday.

6. Your aunt wished … (visit) Australia in Summer.

7. Please, avoid … (touch) the wires with wet hands.

8. Your friend seems … (be) very busy today.

9. We suggested … (sell) our apartment at the seaside.

10. I’m amazed because you didn’t hesitate … (accept) that job.

6. Поставьте глагол в форме инфинитива или герундия:

  1. I am planning … (to visit/visiting) London next week.

  2. When they finish … (to eat/eating) their breakfast, they’ll go to the college.

  3. He suggested … (to buy/buying) some fruits.

  4. Keep … (to beat/beating) the eggs.

  5. Fred can’t afford … (to travel/travelling) this year.

  6. John refused … (to answer/answering) my question.

7. Вставьте необходимый предлог в предложение, назовите его вид:

  1. The guests are sitting … the table.

  2. Are you usually at home … 7 o'clock … the evenings?

  3. The boys ran … the road.

8. Вставьте much или many:

  1. There are … students in our college.

  2. I don’t have … time. I have to leave now.

  3. How … girls were present in English lesson today?

  4. How … water is there in the glass?

9. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме и составьте отрицательное и вопросительное предложения из данных предложений:

  1. He … a hardworking student last year.

  2. The students … at the English lesson now.

  3. I … a good specialist in 2026.

10. Вставьте глагол to have в нужной форме и составьте отрицательное и вопросительное предложения из данных предложений:

  1. Jane … a birthday party every year.

  2. Carol and Mike … a dog next week.

  3. They … the interesting travelling last month.

Lesson 8

Specifics of mechanic’s job

1. Read and translate the text:

As a mechanic, the job involves working with machines, engines, and other mechanical systems. They are responsible for servicing, repairing, and overall maintenance of these systems. A mechanic must have a solid understanding of how machines work and be able to diagnose and fix mechanical issues. Typically, a mechanic specializes in a certain area, such as automotive or marine mechanics. They then work with various systems and components such as engines, transmissions, brakes, and suspension.

To become a mechanic, one must undergo formal training programs and obtain professional certification. Such training can take several years and typically include both classroom lectures and practical experience. In addition to technical skill, mechanics must also have strong communication and customer service skills. They must be able to explain mechanical issues and repairs to clients in a clear and understandable manner. Overall, the work of a mechanic is necessary to ensure the smooth operation of machines and equipment.

Their expertise and dedication to their profession ensure that our cars, boats, and other equipment run safely and efficiently. Skilled mechanics will always be important and in-demand professionals. The job of a mechanic requires a high degree of attention to detail and technical knowledge. A mechanic or repairman does not just work on cars, but may also work on motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, and other small engine devices. A mechanic can service anything from passenger cars, trucks, airplane engines, diesel engines on ships and more.

They typically install, check, and service a wide range of systems in the vehicle, from the engine to computer components. Mechanics use a wide range of tools including wrenches, sockets, screwdrivers, and even computer diagnostic tools to identify the problem.
One of the main tasks of a mechanic is to replace worn-out parts such as brake pads, drive belts, spark plugs, filters, etc. Mechanics may also work on the body of the car, performing repairs to body parts, replacing glasses, and painting. To become a mechanic, one needs to have a degree in mechanics or automotive technology as well as pass certification exams.

2. Find in the text:

двигатели, тормоза, трансмиссии, подвеска, тормозные колодки, машины, оборудование, компоненты, устранять проблемы, техническое обслуживание, ремонт, диагностировать, практический опыт, технические навыки, востребованные профессионалы.

3. Insert the prepositions:

1. The job involves working … machines.

2. One … the main tasks … a mechanic is to replace worn-out parts.

3. Typically, a mechanic specializes … a certain area

4. A mechanic is responsible … servicing, repairing, and overall maintenance

5. They explain mechanical issues and repairs … clients … a clear and understandable manner.

4. Translate into English:

Обязанности механика:

  1. создание и сборка машин или механических компонентов в соответствии со спецификациями

  2. осмотр машины, двигателя, трансмиссии и т. д. и выполнение диагностических тестов для выявления проблем с функциональностью

  3. выполнение ремонта, чтобы обеспечить максимальную надежность

  4. устранение неполадок и решение обнаруженных проблем как можно скорее

  5. тщательное обслуживание машины, оборудования и систем

  6. очищение и смазка деталей механизма

  7. заправка моторных и машинных жидкостей и компонентов

  8. рекомендации операторам машин или транспортных средств по надлежащему техническому обслуживанию и профилактическим мерам

  9. прочие возложенные обязанности (например, ремонт гидравлической системы, покраска автомобиля и т. д.)

  10. ведение журналов работы и отчетов по проблемам.

5. Образуйте множественную форму данных существительных, объясните правило:

book, photo, box, activity, leaf, bacterium, sheep, information, tomato, man

6. Прочитайте предложения, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы. Объясните значение модальных глаголов:

  1. They can understand French.

  2. Everybody must соmе to college on time.

  3. She should read aloud.

7. Вставьте необходимое местоимение в предложение, назовите его вид:

  1. John is late. We won't wait ..., because movie is beginning.

  2. My textbook is at home today. Will you, please, give me .....?

  3. This is a black pencil, … are green pencils.

8. Составьте отрицательное и вопросительное предложения из данных предложений. Переведите предложения:

  1. There are some English books on the table.

  2. There were very many mistakes in your dictation.

  3. There will be a conference next week.

Lesson 9

Basic principles of mechanic’s job

1. Read and learn the poem "I Want to Ве:

Some people often say to mе:

"Have уоu decided what уоu want to bе?"

I usually answer, "I don't know,"

But it isn't really so.

I want to win аn Olympic race,

I want to see the Earth from space,

I want to travel to Katmandu

I want to bе rich and famous, too.

I want to bе оn Hollywood's screen,

I want to invent а new machine,

I want to bе very clever and wise,

I want to win the Nobel prize,

But most of all, I want to bе

Healthy and strong, and nice.

2. Look at the picture and fill in the parts of the car shown at the photo:

3. Write the words, all of them are parts of cars. Translate the sentences:

1. T r u n k the place where you can put your bag or your shopping, for example.

2. B … the part of a car which covers the engine

3. T … Michelin, Goodyear, Bridgestone and Pirelli make these, for example

4. L … you need these when you drive at night

5. I … … when you turn right or left you use these.

6. B … these are very important - unless you never want to Stop.

7. W … it’s nice to open these on a hot day

8. S … … you hold it in your hand when you drive

9. W… you look through it when you drive

4. Complete the recommendations for driving a car. Using the modals should or shouldn’t:

  1. You ________________ talk by mobile phone while you are driving.

  2. You _______________ take all your car documents.

  3. You _______________ respect the traffic light, when it is red.

  4. You ________________ drive a car drunk.

  5. You ________________ drive with high speed.

  6. You ________________ know the traffic rules.

5. Распределите слова по группам с одинаковым звуком:

Language, cycling, who, think, exotic, autumn, there, nationality, certainly, hall, manage, which, ball, competition, exam, caught, when, strength, treasure, future, city, whole, pause, example, knowledge, why, leisure, together, whose, education, north, with, usually, call, literature

6. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. Mary … (to eat) dinner in the kitchen at that moment.

  2. The children … (to brush) their teeth now.

  3. I … (to do) my homework right now.

7. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I … (to read) a text the whole day yesterday.

  2. He … (not/to play) football from 6 till 7 last week.

  3. The children … (to look after) by a granny the whole holidays last summer.

8. Read, translate the text and answer the questions:

The automobile is made up of three basic parts: the power plant, or the engine, the chassis and the body. The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels rotate and the car move. It includes fuel, cooling, lubricating and electric systems. Most automobile engines have six or eight cylinders. The chassis includes a power train (power transmission), a running gear, steering and braking systems as well. The power train carries the power from the engine to the car wheels. The power transmission, in turn, contains the clutch, gearbox, propeller or cardan shaft, final drive, differential, rear axle and axle shafts. The running gear consists of a frame with axles, wheels and springs. The body has a hood, fenders and accessories: the heater, stereo tape recorder, windshield wipers, conditioner, speedometer and so on.

1.What main parts is the automobile made up of?

2.What systems does the engine include?

3.What does the chassis consist of?

4.What has the body?

Lesson 10

Lexical-grammar exercises

1. Read the texts and match them with the most suitable heading (example: 1-A). One heading is odd.

A. Science

B. College

C. Hobby

D. Family

E. Sport

F. Travelling

1. We all need to exercise. Regular exercises give you more energy. That is why many people who suffer from general tiredness should take more exercise than more rest. Exercise makes you feel and look better. The best exercise is one, which involves in repeated movements, those are walking, jogging or swimming. Bending and stretching will add flexibility and feeling of lightness.

2. On the ground floor there are the classrooms for the first-year students, workshop and a library. There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshops. In the library two librarians help students to find the books they need. In the reading room there are laptops which we can use dining the breaks and after classes. Our canteen is spacious, light and clean. We have our meals there.

3. There is also another difference between old and modern ones. Nowadays it is very unusual to find three generations living under one roof as they used to do in the past. Relatives, as a rule, live separately and don't often meet one another. Our parents and grandparents usually suffer from lack of attention and respect from their children and grandchildren, although they try not to show it. They really don't need much, just a telephone call or a visit once a week will make them happy.

4. They use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts. They develop theories that help them order and unity facts. Such theories consist of general principals or laws that attempt to explain how and why something happens or happened. A theory is considered to become a part of such knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true.

5. Today it is possible to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world. Staying at home, you can book it through the Internet or by phone. The plane takes you straight there and within some hours of leaving your country. Now we can do it by different means of transport: by plane, by ship, by train, by car and even on foot.

2. Read the texts again from exercise №1. Are these statements true or false? Rewrite true statements and correct the false ones.

  1. Now we can travel by different means of transport except the traveling on foot.

  2. The reading room is equipped with laptops.

  3. To make observations and collect facts scientists use systematic methods of study.

  4. It is very usual to find three generations living under one roof.

  5. Exercises make you feel and look worse.

3. Put the words in the right order to make the sentence.

  1. you, like, ship, Why, don’t, travelling, by?

  2. is, sport, Fortunately, getting, more, in, our, popular, country.

  3. What, skills, language, is, the, way, to, best, improve, your, and, habits?

  4. Relatives, as a rule, separately, and live, meet, don’t, often, one another.

  5. most, People, with, the, creative, fresh mind, and, ideas, will get, better, career chances

4. Insert the article: a / an / the / -

  1. … Pacific Ocean is very … deep.

  2. He seems to be … clever man.

  3. … James Grey is … brightest student in our … class.

  4. They had … amazing time in Paris.

5. Write the right form of degree of comparison

  1. Germany is ___ than Poland. (big)

  2. You are the ___ girl I’ve ever met. (good)

  3. The New Year is ___ holiday in the year. (wonderful)

  4. It was the ___ day in my life. (bad)

6. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I … (to draw) a picture already.

  2. She … just … (to give) his bicycle to his brother.

  3. We … (to buy) a computer recently.

7. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to college.

  2. We …(to know) the results of the test by four o’clock.

  3. The performance … (to finish) by eight o’clock in the evening.

8. Переделайте предложения в косвенную речь:

  1. He advised, “Take the umbrella.”

  2. She said, “He is my friend.”

  3. He asked, “When do you finish your work?”


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