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Модульный контроль 8 класс

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«Модульный контроль 8 класс»

Контрольная работа по иностранному языку (английский)

Модульный контроль

по теме: Досуг, увлечения. Спорт.

8 класс

  1. Put the sentences into indirect speech.

Nick said that…

1. I am living in Berlin now.

2. My mother isn’t very well.

3. I don’t know what Nina is doing.

4. You can come and stay at my place.

5. I am not enjoying my study very much.

6. You sent me a fantastic card.

7. The boy was glad to get a cat for his birthday.

8. The new film will be bad.

9. We can go to bed late on Saturday.

10. You have watched the game.

  1. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb

(must, may, can, need, to have to).

1.Sandra _________ not come to me tomorrow – I’ve done the job.

2.There is no need to rewrite the essay completely – it’s quite good. You _____ only rewrite the third passage.

3.It’s so late, we _______ be going!

4.Students _____________ pay for their education at private school.

5.You ________ stay at home today.

6.It ________ be your car there. You have parked it today.

7.You ______ not take pictures in this museum.

8. We _________ speak Spanish at the lesson.

9. ___________ you help me?

10. You _________ be glad to find the best flat.

3. Transform the sentences from Active into Passive.

1.They cancelled the flight to Rome.

2.Karl Lagerfeld designed these sunglasses.

3.My mum makes this salad with pickled cucumbers and fresh parsley.

4.They offered him a new job.

5.Somebody has cleaned the room.

4. Translate from English into Russian

1. During match of the basketball series, our star player injured his back and couldn't finish the season.

2. Ben was too tired to go climbing, so he decided to spend a relaxing day on the golf court.

3. One of the biggest attractions in our town is paragliding.

4. I think we’ll beat our opponents in record time.

5. Tom took up football and volleyball when he was younger, but he didn't like either of them.

6. My driving instructor has given me very useful advice about how to park on narrow streets.

7. Dennis played his first match of tennis when he was just seven years old.

8. I don’t have snorkel, that’s why I can’t go scuba diving.

9. These paintings are brilliant! You should participate in the school's painting competition; you'll win.

10. Jenny bought a new pair of ice skates, as her old ones had fallen apart.

5. Complete the sentences using Conditional (Type 0, 1, 2 or 3).

1. You will get higher marks if you ..............(study) more.

2. Milk goes off if you............... (not/keep) it in the refrigerator.

3. If 1 had more time, I ............. (take) karate lessons.

4. Janice will be disappointed if you......... (not/attend) the sports festivities on Sunday.

5. If I had known it was a secret, I........ (not/tell) anyone.

6. If Jack .............. (train) harder, he could have got first place in the track event.

7. Anna will forgive you if you ............(apologise) to her.

8. If we had enough money, we............. (buy)new sporting equipment.

9. If the weather was a bit warmer, we............... (go) on a picnic today.

10. When you drop oil in water, it .......... (float).


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