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Проверочная работа по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"

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«Проверочная работа по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"»

Упражнение 1
Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени следующих прилагательных.

1. old — older
2. sweet —
3. small —
4. expensive —
5. big —
6. hot —
7. important —
8. cheap —

9. easy —
10. good —
11. difficult —
12. bad —
13. long —
14. far —
15. heavy —
16. lazy —

Упражнение 2
Закончите предложения. Используйте прилагательные в сравнительной степени из списка.
big, easy, important, bright, expensive, intelligent, cheap, fast, large, high, small, comfortable, hot, sweet
1. An elephant is bigger than a mouse.
2. A lemon is sour. An orange is a lemon.
3. Texas is a large state, but Alaska is Texas.
4. A diamond costs a lot of money. A diamond is a ruby.
5. Hamburger is expensive, but it's steak.
6. An airplane moves quickly. An airplane is an automobile.
7. A lake is an ocean.
8. A person can think logically. A person is an animal.
9. Hills are low. Mountains are hills.
10. The sun gives off a lot of light. The sun is the moon.
11. Sometimes my feet hurt when I wear high heels. Bedroom slippers are shoes with high heels.
12. Arithmetic isn't difficult. Arithmetic is algebra.
13. Good health is money.
14. The weather today is it was yesterday.

Упражнение 3
Закончите предложения правильной формой местоимения.
1. The less he works, (happy) he is.
2. The bigger the car, (fast) you can go.
3. (fresh) it is, (good) it will taste.
4. (many) you eat, (fat) you will get.
5. (little) you spend, (many) you save.
6. It was becoming (cold) and (cold).

1. Susan is ______ person in the whole world.
a wonderful
a more wonderful
the most wonderful

2. He is also ______ person than Paul.
a polite
a more polite
the most polite

3. She has ______ job of all.
a difficult
a more difficult
the most difficult

4. Nick is a person you can always rely on. He is ______ .
as safe as houses
as sharp as a needle
as black as thunder

5. I think dogs are _______ than cats.
more intelligent
the most intelligent

6. Don't talk about them. Let's talk about something ________ .
an interesting
more interesting
the most interesting

7. Ann is _______ girl in our group.
the prettyest
the prettiest

8. To study at a university is not ________ task.
an easy
more easier

9. She speaks in _______ voice than the last time.
a loud
a louder
the loudest

10. A whale is _______ than a dolphin.
the longest

11. I won't marry that man. He has got no money. He is ________ .
as mad as a March hare
as poor as a churc h mouse
as good as a play

12. The more we learn _______ we forget.
a more
the more

13. I'm not _______ a horse.
so strong as
as strong as
so stronger as

14. The weather was not very good yesterday but it's _______ today.
the best

15. Do you know that the Dead Sea is _______ sea.
a salty
a saltier
a saltiest

16. My case isn't very heavy. Yours is _______ .
the heaviest

17. Is it _______ to go there by car or by train?
the cheapest

18. Our government has not done much for _______ in our country.
disabled people
the disabled

19. A snail is _______ than a tortoise.
the slowest

20. _______ are very proud of their country.
The Dutches
The Dutch
The Dutch people


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