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Schools around the world (индивидуальная карта ученика)

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индивидуальная карта ученика на тему Школы мира. УМК Spotlight

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«Schools around the world (индивидуальная карта ученика)»

Индивидуальная карта урока по теме “Schools around the world

ученика(цы) 10 Б класса __________________________________________________________________________

1. Greeting

2. Working with the song “A place in the world”

3. The explanation of the proverbs.

4. Listening. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps.

- The subject of Adam’s talk is …

- School athletes are asked to have a …

- Girls in Adam’s school are not allowed to wear …

- Adam’s school library doesn’t have many books which the school officials find …

- In the school newspapers there are no articles that …

- … in Adam’s school support the officials’ right to restrict the pupils’ freedom.

1) immoral or harmful 4) rules and requirements

2) the majority of pupils 5) a drug test ( to prove they are not cheating)

3) may hurt somebody or include racism or hatred 6) short skirts and T-shirts that show their stomachs

5. Video-film “Schools in Britain”.

Watch the film and answer the questions:

1) How many days a week do British students go to school?

2) Do they wear uniform?

3) When does the school start?

4) What subjects do they study?

5) How many students go to university?

6) Most schools are co-educational, aren’t they?

6. Reading the text “Eton”.

Read the text, complete the task and try to retell it according to the plan:

- the type of the school

- the founder of Eton

- the number of King’s scholars and the way they get to Eton

- the number of Oppidans and their origin (who are they by birth?)

- the colour of their uniform

7. Our school. (compositions about your school)

Let’s see how well you have worked at the lesson.

Count the correct answers and put a mark to yourself. Maximum 17 points

15 – 17 - “5”

10 - 14 - “4”

7 – 9 - “3”

What is the difference between school and life?

In school you are taught a lesson and then given a test.

In life you are given a test that teaches you a lesson.”

(Tom Bodett)


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