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"Шаги в карьере"

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Афанасьева Михеева .Контрольная работа.юнит 1.класс 11 

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«"Шаги в карьере"»

Test I form 11 (UNIT 1)

Variant I

Task 1. Translate into English.

  1. продвинутый уровень

  2. делать успехи

  3. обязательный

  4. исследовать проблему

  5. окончательный результат

  6. ряд правил

  7. так называемый

  8. иметь дело с чем-либо

  9. разочаровывать

  10. как бы то ни было

Task 2.Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

  1. People of teaching (job/ profession/ occupation/ career) are mainly woman.

  2. Neither of her books (have/ has) been bought.

  3. They are thinking about (whether/ if) the plan is good.

  4. (None/ No one) knows where she is.

  5. Both kittens were so wonderful that I was prepared to take (either/ any).

  6. The box (contains/ includes) old letters.

  7. He wasn’t at home, (either/ neither) were his parents.

Task 3.Rewrite the sentences using «have something done».

Example: My windows are cleaned twice a month.

I have my windows cleaned twice a month.

1. The star's latest film has just been released.

2. Their swimming pool will be drained.

3. The carpets must be laid in our flat by Monday.

4. The brakes on my bicycle have been oiled.

5. Our desks are being painted at the moment.

Task 4.Complete the sentences using "neither/either" "either…or или neither…nor".

  1. ___ Peter ___ Mary could go to the party.

  2. Julian told me that I could ___ have a vacation ___ take a day off. What a pity! 

  3. What day is it today - the 18th or the 19th? ____. It's the 20th.

  4. ___ my parents ___ my brother take advantage of my leaving. 

  5. When shall I phone, in the morning or afternoon? ___ I'll be in all day.

  6. Where's Liz? Is she at work or at home? ___. She's away on holiday.

  7. It's nice with ___ yellow ___ red

Task 5. Вставьте предлоги for, in, out, up

  1. Could you call_____ at the bank after 4 p.m.?

  2. The man on a chair was calling_____ the names of the race participants.

  3. I don’t think Brian will call_____ on us on Sunday.

  4. Many people call____ a ban on nuclear tests.

The picture in the magazine called_____   memories of our summer holidays.

6*. Ask at least 5 questions about the opponent’s future job.

Test I form 11 (UNIT 1)

Variant II

Task 1. Translate into English.

  1. подавать заявление о приеме на работу

  2. обязательный

  3. исследовать проблему

  4. детский сад

  5. обучение, плата за обучение

  6. так называемый

  7. иметь дело с чем-либо

  8. разочаровывать

  9. продвинутый уровень

  10. карьера

Task 2.Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

  1. Her (job/ profession/ occupation/ career) as a driver came to an end after a bad accident.

  2. Either Ann or Alice (is/ are) responsible for this job.

  3. He can’t decide (whether/ if) to go to London in winter.

  4. (None/ No one) of my friends has paid their tuitions at the university.

  5. She had to (practice/ practise) the violin every day.

  6. We have two bedrooms but (neither/ no one) is comfortable enough.

  7. (Either/ Neither) his son nor his daughter were at the party.

Task 3.Rewrite the sentences using «have something done».

Example: My windows are cleaned twice a month.

I have my windows cleaned twice a month.

  1. Her bookcase was delivered last week.

  2. A new computer has been ordered for me.

  3. Annie's sculptures are going to be exhibited tomorrow.

  4. A skateboard was being made for Tim.

  5. He told the student to clean the board.

Task 4.Complete the sentences using «neither/either».

  1. I can ___ stay ___ leave. 

  2. I was so shocked that I could ___ laugh ___ cry. 

  3. I asked two people the way to the station, but ___ of them could help me.

  4. Unfortunately, ___ James ___ Diana works here.

  5. I was invited to two parties last week, but I couldn't go to __ of them.

  6. Sarah and I play tennis together regularly, but ____ of us can play very well.  

  7. ___ Frank ___ his neighbor has the key of the letterbox. We don't know where it is.

Task5. Вставьте предлоги for, in, out, up

  1. I would like you to raise your hands when you’re ready with your answers, but don’t call_____ them.

  2. Sebastian calls_____ at his grandparents’ once a week.

  3. All sensible people would call_____ peace and struggle against war.

  4. I’ll be very grateful if you call  in ____ us one of these days.

  5. Teachers don’t expect pupils to call answers ____.

6*. Ask at least 5 questions about the opponent’s future job.


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