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МБОУ "СОШ №8 МО "Ахтубинский район"

Обо мне

Why I Love Being a Teacher? • I get the opportunity to relate to children in so many different ways, learning from them whilst also teaching them. Its fun! • I get the opportunity to constantly learn, research and improve better my own skills and knowledge in the process of planning lessons and finding ways to impart knowledge in the best effective way which would engage the kids and help them to think critically. Fun and learn!!!! • It gives me satisfaction and I feel proud to see how my students become wiser and not only learn what I teach, but also apply the knowledge in their day to day lives, connecting every dot and analyzing any situation in best possible ways. • As a teacher I get the opportunity to make a significant difference in the world each and every day, just by touching the lives of my students and relating with them. As a teacher I shape the future of my students and therefore contribute towards making their future bright and colorful. • There is never “sameness” in my job everyday because for me everyday it’s a new lesson to be taught in a different way utilizing different teaching aids (Which I design on my own) ranging from Power point presentations to showing specimen. • I enjoy and have fun with kids while teaching them, listening to their problems and trying to solve them in the best possible ways. • I love teaching because it is so much more than just helping children learn. Teaching is all about forming connections and building trusting relationship with the students. • There’s a lot of problem solving involved with my job, so my brain gets a pretty good workout every day. Everyday is new challenge. OOPS!! I forgot to mention every student is a new challenge instead because every kid is different in his own way, and to impart knowledge in the best effective way I need to understand them inside out which guides me to plan individually. Same teaching strategy does not apply to every student as every kid learns differently. • I am NEVER bored. I enjoy every bit of my day with students and for students. • I am dedicated and honest to my job as I enjoy being a teacher. This is what I always wanted to do. I don’t find reasons to skip it even for a min. I simply love being a teacher!

Моё образование

3 высших


Баллов: рейтинг531.8 Место: место84828 (Подробнее)

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