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Английский язык - Все разработки учителей

Специально для учителя английского языка. Смотрите и скачивайте бесплатно уроки, тесты, конспекты, презентации, планы, мероприятия и прочие полезные материалы по английскому языку.
The Russian Federation is the 1st largest country in the world. It occupies the territory of 17 million square kilometers both in Europe and Asia. ...
20.06.2024 12:24 19 0
Сценарий сказки "Золотой ключик" поможет учителю провести заключительный урок ...
20.06.2024 12:36 31 0
Bronchitis is when the tubes that carry air to your lungs, called the bronchial tubes, get inflamed and swollen. You end up with a nagging cough. ...
20.06.2024 12:39 33 0
Russian outstanding surgeon N.I.Pirogov had a lot of talented pupils. One of them was Sklifosovsky. He became the continuer of Pirogov's ideas and actions. Due to doctorSklifosovsky the monument to N.I.Pirogov was opened in Moscow in August 1897. ...
20.06.2024 12:43 23 0
ØUnited States Public Health Service - united States Federal Executive Office. ØFoundation date may 4, 1980 ØThe main goal of the event is to protect the health of all Americans. ØMain Division - State Health Service ...
20.06.2024 12:52 18 0
The United States of America is considered to be a country of unlimited opportunities. Millions of people have arrived there to fulfill their American dream. ...
20.06.2024 14:10 35 0
prepositions of  English ...
20.06.2024 14:46 18 0
Урок открытия нового знания.Цель урока: Формировать умения учащихся говорить о доме, употреблять названия комнат, задавать вопросы, вести диалог. ...
20.06.2024 15:26 23 0
Our environment is constantly changing, and as our environment changes so does the need to become increasingly aware of the environmental issues that are causing these changes. ...
20.06.2024 18:13 28 0

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