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Using fairytales for comprehending sequences of tenses Alina Ukanova Ayagoz Meirmanova Grade: 8 ...
17.04.2018 19:17 580 1
Plan for the project (Ayagoz Meirmanova,Alina Ukanova) ...
17.04.2018 16:54 262 8
                                                                   Outline for the project     &nbs ...
17.04.2018 16:39 318 2
I evaluated 2 essential questions of students from 33-EK. 1)I evaluated the essential question of Saniya Medelkhan.To evaluate  essential questions I used following criteria. Her essential question is: "How can film and book help to learn degrees of comparison?" ...
03.04.2018 15:15 383 1
This is essential question for the project (Why are fairytales improtant to comprehend sequences of tenses?) ...
03.04.2018 12:27 147 2
This is the glossary with term notios for PBL.I created it using lectures and web-sites recommended by the teacher ...
04.03.2018 23:25 179 1
In this leaflet you can find the main information about me:the reasons of choosing teaching as a future profession,my contacts,photos with the students(during my practice) ...
04.03.2018 20:32 134 1
This is my business card,where you can find general information about me,my future profession and the reason of choosing teaching as a future career.Also there are written my contacts on which you can find me  ...
04.03.2018 20:18 294 1

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