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31 ER Students' wallpaper evaluation.

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Exploring the wallpaper of the students from 31st group, I have noticed that they tried to make their wallpaper more vivid, unique and interesting. Each of the students has their own approach for creating a business card. Each student has written the reasons why they decided to become a teacher which helped to understand necessary qualities for their future profession. However, 2 works are not enough, which means that not all of the students from this group have taken part in the making this poster. Also, I would like to note that one student does not have information about her education. In addition, another student has not provided her contact information. But, in general, I would like to say that I like the creative approach of this wallpaper. Moreover, they have included all flags of countries whose languages we are learning. It shows their tolerance, respect for these countries. By the way, I want to mention the work of Chunina Anna. Besides the content I liked her creativity. She has put her beautiful photo, a beautiful font, a few interesting pictures in her business card. Furthermore, I would like to highlight the quote that she has chosen in her card, it is filled with meaning. All in all, well done, girls!

Grade: 95

05.03.2018 00:08

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