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Evaluation of the wallpaper 31-ER

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Here I evaluated wallpaper of 31-ER.While reading all the wallpapers, the poster of the group 31-ER caught my eye. The leaflets are informative, they are creative and they have photos of students. They did everything that was required in the task, and each student declared the choice to become a teacher. To evaluate I used following criterias:

Content: All information is clear.They gave all the necessary information(address,number,e-mail.).But hey wrote too many words that doesn`t involve us to read.

Accuracy: There are no grammatical mistakes,but the leaflet of one student stands outside of the wallpaper.They had to discuss it with each other before.

Design :They used flags of 4 countries,smiles and different colors.But I think they had to use more vivid colors.Because at one glance,it doesn`t attract our attention.The sizes of letters could be a little bit bigger

Authentecity: The leaflets are made in authentic way.

Additional information:They used the form of the Earth and the flags of 4 countries in order to show the connection between them.I liked this idea.

I liked this poster for its creativity, interesting content. Each member of the group shows own reason for choosing this profession. I liked their idea of ​​decorating this wallpaper

According to these criterias i can give the total point : 90/100

04.03.2018 23:05

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