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Activity to improve speaking skills.

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Stand up and share !

Let’s play a game to explore some of our similarities and differences! We’ll read ten statements – if the statement is true for you,stand up! Then, take a moment to look around and notice who else shares this quality in common with you.

1 Stand up if you love reading books!

2 Stand up if you have a pet at home!

3 Stand up if you have family members who live in a different country.

4 Stand up if you are scared of spiders,snakes, or insects.

5 Stand up if you enjoy creating art (like painting, drawing,writing)

6 Stand up if you speak more than one language.

7 Stand up if you have learned a new skill recently.

8 Stand up if you have a different opinion than your family members or friends on a social issue.

9 Stand up if you have felt overwhelmed by the news recently.

10 Stand up if you enjoy cooking.

After, students will create a game by their own statements.

They will be given five minutes.

26.03.2024 17:35

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