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If we talk about Americans as a nation, then discard immediately the ethnic factor determination concept of nationality. It does not exist. Nationality American passport is determined by the presence of the United States. De jure. What do we mean by nationality, Americans call ethnicity. Hence the possible such a purely American concept, as an African-American American, Hispanic American, Asian, Indian, Russian and away, away. Therefore, the words «nationality», «national» translated into Russian as "citizenship", "citizen", but in literal translation from Russian into English the word "nationality" would mean "ethnicity» - «Ethnicity». That's such a discrepancy. De facto, we are well aware, was talking about when we talk about Americans. Melting Pot of the North American continent created a nation of Americans, but real Americans still considered white people from Britain, the ethnic English and Irish. (Salt of the Earth U.S. - or the fiery-red, or with two krolikopodobnymi large upper teeth - Kennedy boys. And what a name!) The rest of the ethnic elements of our Tower of Babel is largely kept aloof, while maintaining their ethnic characteristics and in terms of life, and in terms of mentality. They were assimilated into the nation only de jure. When dealing with features of American mentality, I have in mind only the Americans de facto. That is, those white citizens, whose ancestors were British. Soldiers of fortune. Bratko. Boys-fight! Ah, razzudis shoulder! For several centuries they have melted in a new way, and now not even remotely resemble their European ancestors. This new alloy differs completely non-European mentality. The new American mentality of former Britov has his own kind. If in Europe you do not already defined - a German or a Frenchman, a Swede or Swiss, the other person (all unisex!), Then you guess the American in American unmistakable. Fire Pepper varmint. The first and main feature - patriotism. For Americans it is not political advocacy. They really consider their country the best, its democracy, the most democratic, most fordatymi their Fords and their cows most korovistymi. Nobody obliges Americans to decorate his house the national flag. And the country is ablaze with flags. Europe and especially Asia for an American somewhere very far and few of his concerns. Cultural and educated Americans embraced European values, but rather condescendingly refer to the dying old woman. Poyuzali, but no longer want to be identified yuzannymi. The reason for such an epidemic of patriotism, in my opinion, is that the first settlers were people desperate and adventurously bold. They walked the difficult path of development of the New World. They dropped the British yoke. They have mastered the vast expanses of the country. They have revived it from the tribe into a mighty power. Passionateness in Gumilev. There is something to proud. Distance from the Old World has allowed them to build their country without looking back on the European model. It is this passionateness young nation laid the roots of today's high as patriotism, and the local patriotism. Wherever he lived and how long have dwelt on the ball or an American, he considers himself an American and is an American. (Seeing, just in case, new passionary country - Israel. Now he is in the process of the XIX century America. Decimating Israeli "Indians". Passionaries new example.) The same passionateness young animals developed other features of the American mentality - efficiency, enterprise, business aggressiveness. American businesslike. He more than anyone else running, it is less than all the rest. He makes money. The question "How are you?" He asks in the form of the phrase "How are you doing life?" He is swift and punctual: time - money. The time that he has is money, which he will not. All right! And it does not mean that the American - this is dull dull workaholic, makes money. This is - man, definitely knows how well and benefit from a rest, have fun and pokayfovat after the working day. He understands a lot about leisure, and if you hear someone shout the loudest and sincerely from the heart, laughs - it is American. If anyone knows how to handle money, they accumulate or risky to invest in new projects - he is the most, Americans. He knows how to insure themselves against anything, but a risk with money as no one in the world. He has not decided to request a loan - he can tell her no, he takes a loan only in the bank, and regularly pays its debts for life. Ask him a debt - to lose a friend. It has not passed 10 in the evening to knock over the salt. Even among close call is not accepted after 10 pm. Do not be taken to his house without invitation, but you yourself safe from unwanted calls and visits. Americans have not accepted to be sick. The American is always healthy. "How are you?" - "The best of all." The American is always smiling. Is this good or bad? But then he was all smiles. So all is well. American loves and appreciates humor. And I tell you, humor, they have a very salty! American is very athletic. What we call mass physical culture and sports, there really is a national sports culture, way of life. Remember "The Old Man and the Sea"? A solitary old man, surrounded on all sides by a relentless wave of battles and unsustainable fish, what he thinks in hard lonely moment? He thinks that with a same score there on the far shore, played his favorite baseball team. American believes that everyone should mind their business. He would not himself for days to lie under the faulty machine. This is the car wash. He will not own a pizza oven - there is a pizzeria. A growing number of Americans even have breakfast outside the home. All homes have coffee, but on their way to an American necessarily drop by a Starbucks. If the Americans something, and made their own hands, then be sure that it is only what he can do professionally. Otherwise, he prefers to earn money to pay for this work specialist. (I now imagined an American, making her own manicure and mentally laughed.) By the way, I do. About women and men. On the relation of the sexes. American does not perceive women as weak creature. First of all, the woman for him - a competitor. The American did not marry quickly, just because she was passionately in love. He married, when will the basis for the family. Even rather than for a family of two of them - the basis for a future child. In the meantime, they will just live together in a heavenly shack and get ground to a long future life together. And everyone will pay for itself in the restaurant. (Oh, I can already see the reaction of my Russian readers! And kissing the hands of the ladies here are not accepted - the lady can sue! "Put back your tomatoes. A pair.) This is - okay. In my opinion. Young people live together in a rented apartment. They pay rent and utility bills in half. Perhaps, they agreed to take turns to pay for the purchase of supplies, household trifles, or just set up for the joint expenditure. (By the way, and in marriage, many lives: it is her money, he has his money at stake put the total agreed amount, and both banks. Very handy chart.) Woman-American has much more rights in the family than her middle-American husband. For entry into sexual relations with his wife against her will apply article "deliberate rape" with all the attendant. My husband has no right to force his wife to have an abortion. If he wants to be fruitful as a rabbit. Again, whose initiative? All right. And one last tip for the final: if an American you wondered how you doing, do not let God take you and say "Thank you, shitty", and even delve into the description of parts shitty. He will no longer hear. He did not allow it, one way or another cowered, load themselves with your problems. That bastard, huh? But, relax, and you he never will load their problems. It will deal with them himself. From passionateness young animals.

06.11.2015 23:24

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