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Blended learning - innovation for education.

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Innovation - the engine of development. We come up with new, for something aspire. We get the best result. The teacher must constantly evolve, to find new interesting methods and techniques, to study innovative technology in education. In this academic year, we pay great attention to group work. Students are part of the three groups, assign roles and learn from each other, performing various tasks and projects. Blended learning - it is a good opportunity to make education more flexible, individualized learning. We want to rebuild the schedule such a way as to have the opportunity to rotate the laboratories. In the next quarter will be 2 classes of mathematics and 2 lessons of the Russian language to each other. In addition, we want to connect the world objects and technology laboratories rotation. We try to use the model of the inverted class. In the outside world lesson the children discuss their own topics studied. House work with online resources, and then show the practical application of the knowledge gained. We organize debates and discussions, the students act with reports on the subject and show a presentation.

On the lessons of mathematics and Russian language children work on the model of a rotation station. For example, one group of viewing videos and performs tests on the computer, the second - studying the topic with the teacher, and the third makes a small project. Then the group are swapped.

In the next quarter we want to try to apply the rotation laboratories. One lesson will be held at the computer, and the second in the form of a discussion on the topic studied. The role of adult learning in mixed - consultant, mentor, helper. For students it opens up huge opportunities for self-development and individual characteristics. In the future, we will strive to implement blended learning in the learning process, not only in primary school, but in the middle and high. Will talk about the results of work on blended learning technology.

18.12.2016 23:15

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