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Energy supply and energy efficiency on the map of business processes of enterprise

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1 Industrial production is associated with the consumption of a significant amount of energy and energy carriers of various types: electricity, gaseous, liquid and solid fuels, hot and cold water, steam, compressed air, oxygen, acetylene, etc.

The organization of sustainable and efficient energy supply is carried out by the energy system of the enterprise, whose tasks include:

-interruptive maintenance of the enterprise with all necessary kinds of energy with observance of technical and economic requirements, requirements of industrial safety - effective power supply;

-Rational use of power equipment, maintenance and repair of power equipment, replacement of worn-out power equipment;

-effective use and economical expenditure in the process of production of all types of energy - effective energy consumption;

-Energy saving - lowering the energy intensity of products through increasing the energy efficiency of energy supply, energy consumption, maintenance and repair of power equipment.

The purpose of the energy economy of the enterprise is reliable and uninterrupted. Satisfaction in full volume of the needs of the enterprise's production units in the energy of the necessary parameters with minimal costs.

The main objectives of the energy economy of the enterprise: determining the needs of the enterprise in energy resources and the most eco-comical ways of its coverage; Organization of sustainable energy supply of the enterprise and its divisions in exact accordance with the need; Rational organization of operation, maintenance and repair of power equipment and networks in the enterprise; Development and implementation of measures aimed at reducing energy consumption, economies. Energy and all types of fuel, use of secondary energy resources and non-traditional energy sources, cost reduction; On the energy supply of the enterprise and the maintenance of the energy economy. Reduction of energy intensity and energy component in production costs.

Functionally (technologically) the following subsystems are allocated in the energy sector of the enterprise: generating (power plants, boiler houses, gas-generating and compressor stations, pumping units, etc.), transmission and distribution (pipelines and networks, switchgears and transformer substations) consuming (energy receivers Main and auxiliary production and non-productive consumers).

An important feature of energy supply is the lack of the ability to create significant energy reserves (not to be confused with energy reserves), which forces to produce and consume energy at the same time, and to ensure proportionality in terms of production and consumption. The mode of energy production in each period of time depends on the mode of its consumption. Energy consumption in production is uneven by the hour of the day, by the days of the week, by the months and by the seasons of the year. As the demand for energy (demand) varies over time, its offer (production, purchase, selection of an external power supply network) should accordingly change. Another important feature that determines the requirements for the organization of the energy economy of the enterprise is the inadmissibility of failures in the power supply of technological means involved in the production of marketable products: the energy economy must ensure the reliability and continuity of energy supply. The volume and structure of energy consumption of an industrial enterprise, the organization of energy supply depend on the energy intensity of production, the production capacity and size of the enterprise, the type of products and the nature of the links with external energy networks and energy suppliers.

Energy supply can be organized in three forms: internal, external and combined. Internal power supply is used when, for economic or other reasons, the enterprise considers it appropriate to fully supply itself with energy of all kinds from own generating plants and stations. External power supply assumes full satisfaction of the needs of the enterprise for energy of all kinds due to its purchase from specialized suppliers and intermediaries of energy supply, ensuring its delivery exactly to the place of consumption at the enterprise. Combined power supply is now the main one for most industrial enterprises: they receive electricity, heat, water and gas from territorial energy systems and networks, and compressed air, acetylene and everything else from their own generating plants and stations. All types of energy resources are divided into three groups: incoming from outside (purchased on the side), own production and secondary. Secondary energy resources are understood to mean various energy sources, obtained as waste or by-products of the main technological process (blast furnace and coke oven gases, crushed steam of hammers, hot gases from industrial furnaces, etc.).

Organizationally, the subsystems of two levels are allocated in the energy sector of the enterprise: factory and workshop. Generating, conversion plants and networks of general plant value belong to the general plant part of the power economy and are operated by special power shops or sections (electric power, heat-power, gas, and low-current, electromechanical). The shop part of the energy sector includes all primary energy receivers (consumers of energy - furnaces, machines,lifting and transport equipment) and partly shop-mounted conversion plants, installations for the use of secondary energy resources and in-shop distribution networks.

At large enterprises, the energy sector of the production workshops leads the energy of the workshops. At the head of the energy economy of the enterprise is the chief power engineer, subordinate to the chief engineer (or chief mechanic) of the plant. In charge of the chief power engineer there is a department of the main power engineer and power shops. In small enterprises, the energy sector can be combined into one or two power plants or a site in the service of the chief mechanic, which is subordinated to the energy bureau. The OGE or the energy bureau usually includes: an energy use group that regulates the consumption of energy resources, energy supply planning, energy balance compilation, consolidated accounting and analysis of the use of energy resources; The group of power equipment (technical), which manages the preventive maintenance of power equipment and power supply, controls their technical condition and technical supervision of compliance with the operating rules, develops measures to save fuel and energy; Energy laboratories (electric and thermal), which perform research on the consumption of energy resources, ensure the production of various types of measurements, testing equipment and networks, maintenance, inspection and repair of instrumentation.

The personnel of the energy workshops and the workshop energy facilities include two categories: on-duty personnel, ensuring the uninterrupted power supply; Personnel engaged in the implementation of preventive maintenance and installation work.

The energy saving mode predetermines the need for precise regulation and accounting of energy consumption in the enterprise. The purpose of the standardization of energy consumption is the establishment of norms for the consumption of energy, excluding its excessive consumption. The result of this is an improvement in the use of available energy resources and fixed assets of the energy sector, a reduction in the share of energy costs in production costs and output. The norms of energy consumption are divided into differentiated and enlarged ones. Differentiated (specific) norms establish the energy consumption for individual units, for individual parts and other units for measuring production. Enlarged norms establish the energy consumption per unit, unit and enterprise per unit (conventional unit) of products: per 1 ton of blanks, a set of parts for the product, assembly unit or product.

With the help of the analytical method, technically justified norms are established, the experimental-statistical method of rationing is used to establish experimental statistical standards for energy consumption. An analytical method, more laborious, but also more precise, it is necessary to establish technically justified norms for energy-intensive units (furnaces, compressors, pumps) and large machine tools. For this, it is necessary to establish relationships that show the influence of individual factors on the value of the specific energy expenditure (energy characteristics). From the practical point of view, the greatest interest is the establishment of the value of the specific energy consumption with a change in the capacity of the unit. This dependence is based on dividing the total energy expenditure into two components: a constant part that does not depend on the output of the aggregate, and a variable proportional to this quantity. The use of this method to normalize the energy consumption of the entire machine park is complicated by a large number of units of installed equipment, small unit capacity, a variety of machined parts and technological operations, as well as uneven operating modes.

Despite the introduction of computer technology in the practice of rationing, the experimental-statistical method of rationing prevails in mechanical shops based on the actual specific norms achieved in the past period. In order to bring the experimental and statistical standards closer to the technically sound, adjust the actual unit costs based on the expected changes in technology and the organization of production in the planned period when determining the magnitude of planned specific norms.

The total energy consumption of an enterprise is conventionally divided into a variable and a constant part, that is, dependent and independent of the volume of output. The variable part is the expenditure of all types of energy for the performance of basic technological operations, constant - energy consumption for lighting, drive ventilation devices, heating, air conditioning. The energy expenditure for the variable part can be determined by enlarging it on the basis of the operating time of the equipment or by the composite norms. In the first case, the equipment is grouped according to the operating conditions-the time of use, the degree of capacity utilization, and other factors. In the second case, the consolidated rate of energy consumption per unit of production is multiplied by the total number of units of output planned for release (in physical or value terms). The constant part of the energy consumption can also be determined on the basis of the standards of illumination, space heating, etc.

An obligatory condition is the linkage of the system of rationing of energy consumption with the production accounting system (accounting of finished products) and the energy accounting system. The objects of energy accounting are the generation and consumption of energy, the output and use of secondary energy resources. The basic requirements for energy accounting are maximum differentiation, accuracy and efficiency. Differentiation of accounting is necessary in order to separately take into account the consumption of all types of energy in each link of the energy sector, the production unit of the enterprise and a separate unit. Efficiency of accounting is necessary for timely response to changes in the environment, deviations, energy consumption and energy supply failures; Therefore, continuous counting or periodic with the minimum time between the next measurements is most preferable. Accuracy of accounting is necessary for the correct establishment of energy consumption norms and deviations from them, for the compilation of reliable energy balances.

A prerequisite for proper planning of energy supply is the compilation of a fuel and energy balance that determines the enterprise's need for energy resources and the sources of its coverage. The development of energy balances is the main method for planning energy supply and analyzing the use of energy resources. Energy balances establish the necessary amounts of consumption, production and receipt of various types of energy resources.

Energy balances are divided into planned and reported. Planned energy balances are designed to justify the needs of the enterprise in energy and fuel (expenditure part), to determine the most rational and economical sources of coverage of this need (the revenue side). The basis for the compilation of planned energy balances is the specific rates of energy and fuel consumption, as well as planned tasks for the production of the main production. Reported energy balances are intended for controlling energy consumption, analyzing the use of energy and fuel, for assessing the quality of work of power plants. Energy balances should be of two types:

Working form of balances - the balance sheet items in it are grouped according to production areas and the direction of energy use, without separating the consumption elements into a useful component and losses. A separate article stands out only for general plant losses. The working form of balances is a detailed plan and a report on the energy supply of the enterprise;

The synthesized form of balances serves to analyze and assess the level of energy use. To do this, the entire energy consumption by the enterprise is divided into a useful component and losses (further dismemberment of the useful component by elements in the directions of energy use and losses - in their place and kind.

When drawing up the working form of balances, you should keep in mind. That energy of one kind can be used at the enterprise in energy carriers of various types and parameters. Therefore, the preparation of the working form of balances is preceded by the preparation of working balance sheets, where the entire internal turnover of energy must be reflected. Drawing up of turnaround balances refers only to heat and fuel. Drawing up actual energy balances in working forms should be based on accounting data. In the absence of accounting for individual sections, the energy consumption can be determined from the energy characteristics of the sections and shops obtained by measurements or calculations and representing the relationship between energy consumption and output. In the absence of characteristics, energy consumption can be defined as the product of actual output by specific energy consumption rates. This method is less precise, since it does not take into account changes in the specific norms of energy consumption due to changes in output. The definition of energy found in practice (in the absence of separate accounting) using coefficients that take into account the specific weight of individual shops and sites in the total consumption by the enterprise is incorrect, since depending on the production program, the load of energy receivers, and, consequently, the energy consumption varies greatly Throughout the year. The loss of energy and its consumption for the needs of small consumers are determined by calculation.

Категория: Физика
01.02.2020 22:18

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