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Famous Museums in Great Britain

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Museums are always the biggest source to educate and inspire people about a nation’s history, heritage or legacy. There are hundreds of museums and galleries in the Great Britain which attracts are more than a million people every year. Museums revitalize society, making the vicinity more vigorous and create a center of attention. Museums egg on to share familiar experience and depict the new thoughts and cultivate forbearance and indulgence. Britain’s civilization is lighthearted, all-encompassing and flamboyant in particular as English people make merry of their past as the chronicle of their present.

Here is a list of some of the famous museums in Great Britain-

The British Museum

The British Museum located in London is out-and-out committed to the human being’s olden times and traditions. The museum houses some eight million articles and objects as permanent collection, which is the prevalent and most wide-ranging in existence. It was established in 1753 and was unbolted for the public on 15 January 1759 in Montagu House in Bloomsbury.

The museum has conquered the skies and considered as the largest building site in Europe during 1825-50. The museum building was disrupted and reconstructed during 1925-50. The circular reading space was premeditated by Sydney Smirke and opened in 1857. For approximately 150 years researchers came here to confer with the Museum’s cosmic library.

Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum is one of the largest museums located in South Kensington, London. This name “Natural History Museum of London” was officially attained in 1992. The museum is a non-departmental civic body supported by the division for Culture, Media and Sports.

The museum is the home for the life and earth science samples consisting of approx 70 million items in five categories: Botany, Entomology, Mineralogy, Paleontology and Zoology. The Natural History Museum Library contains extensive books, journals, manuscripts, and artwork collections linked to the work and research of the scientific departments.

The British Museum (Natural History) became a self-governing museum with its own Trustees, with the British Museum Act 1963. Dippy, one of the most illustrious and prominent display is a 105-footlong facsimile of Diplodocus Carnegie skeleton, positioned in the central hall.

The gallery opens Monday to Saturday 10:00-17:50 and Sunday 14:00-17:00.

Science Museum

Established in 1857, the Science Museum is one of the three major museums in South Kensington attracting 2.7 million visitors annually. Science Museum does not impose any admission charge.

It has seven floors of interactive and edifying exhibits which will definitely mesmerize anyone. The Museum now holds an assortment of over 300,000 items, including Stephenson’s Rocket, the first jet engine and citations of the first typewriter.

Science Museum also organizes “Science Night”, all night extravaganza with a scientific twist inviting children aged between 8 -11 accompanied with adults.



11.03.2017 18:57

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