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ICE breakers

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The objective of this paper is to demonstrate a suitable integration of ice-breaker activities into upperintermediate EFL learners to test their speaking ability. Ice-breaking activities require students to practice speaking English as a foreign language in more enjoyable ways and get positive result. However four factors of grammar, pronunciation, fluency and vocabulary are considered simultaneously. The actual classroom research was performed while teaching speaking through ice-breakers to 20-27 year-old-students of the American culture Institution of Erzurum Branch in Turkey in upper-intermediate level. According to the result of factor analysis and information gained from a descriptive analysis of each factor in pre-test and post-test, using icebreaker activities has a positive effect in improving all four factors, but this effect for pronunciation and fluency is more than the effect for vocabulary and grammar. According to the results the most improved factor is pronunciation and the least improved factor is grammar.

17.02.2020 11:44

Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

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