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Metrology and standardization

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These days, traditional agriculture has to be replaced by a new generation of

agricultural practices. Because other ways of producing agricultural products are

being explored every day and are striving to produce more with less energy for a fast-

paced world. When it comes to improving export performance, it should be noted that

business can move to the next new level only when quality and safety issues take

precedence over other issues. That is, when the quality and safety of products meet

the requirements of international standards, a contract can be signed for their export.

This, in turn, ensures the protection of consumer rights in the control of various

harmful substances in food products in accordance with the requirements of

international standards.

In order to ensure a high level of protection of consumer rights, the production

(cultivation) of plant and animal products intended for human consumption, which may contain pesticide residues, is allowed to be exported (imported) subject to the

guarantees established by law [3].

If you plan to export plant products to the international market, the active ingredients

used to protect the plants must be included in the database of pesticides specified in

international requirements.

Pesticides (pests-parasites, cids-killing) - a very broad term, which includes viruses,

pests and diseases, substances that control the growth of foreign plants, devrolyants


Pesticides are used to prevent, destroy, attract, scare or control any pests, including

the elimination of unwanted species of plants or animals in the production, storage,

transportation, distribution and processing of food, agricultural raw materials or

animal feed is any substance intended to do or anything that can be given to an animal

to fight ectoparasites. The term includes plant growth regulator, defoliant,

desalination, ovary thinning agent or bud growth inhibitor, as well as substances that

are processed before or after harvest to protect against damage during storage and

transportation of raw materials. Typically, the term does not include fertilizers, plant

and animal nutrients, food supplements, and veterinary drugs [1].

It is known that many pesticides accumulate in the natural environment, in food,

leading to the accumulation of contaminants in environmentally harmful substances

in dangerous concentrations.

The only food items with high permissible concentrations (RECs) of pesticides are the

most dangerous objects. They cover very large areas, even far from the lands used.

Most of these pesticides are stored in the soil for a long time

15.07.2022 14:45

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