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Организационный момент

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One word - two words - a sentence

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As far as you can see, I'm fond of games at the lessons. That's why I'd like to share one more idea with you. But the problem is that you'll need some cards (bought or handmade). Well, for such a game you'll need students subdivided into groups of 4-6 (depends on the whole amount) and cards with image of anything and a word it means (ENGLISH of course). Students choose 3-5 cards at once and then one by one choose a card, make a sentence. The idea is to make a logical story, by repeating their groupmates' sentences and making his|her ones. This game helps to develop memory, grammar skills and attention as well!

27.08.2015 15:21

Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

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