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Peer-assessment of a project plan

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“Traveling is always a good idea”

Dinara Chakiyeva and Botagoz Taukeyeva 32 ER

Grades: 7

Level: Pre-intermediate

Essential question: Why creating comics will help to learn phrasal verbs?

Time: 4 weeks




Preparatory of the project

  • Help students to choose theme of comics
  • Make groups of 3-4 people and assign their responsibilities
  • Work with the EQ
  • Work out with research problem
  • Creating a plan of the project



  • To find out 20 phrasal verbs which are appropriate to the theme
  • Creation the main characters and their roles of the comics
  • Every group have to come up with their own story by using phrasal verbs
  • Start making comics


Presentation of products

  • Students present their comics and answer the questions



  • teacher-led assessment
  • peer assessment
  • self - assessment

Here I have evaluated the project plan created by Dinara Chakiyeva and Botagoz Taukeyeva 32 ER that you can find above. In the evaluation I used my rubrics for the peer-assessment that you can find in the previous blogpost.

All in all, I've liked the plan. I like the fact that the product will be created by a group, in this way students will be able to collaborate with each other in order to find the most creative and thought-out solutions. The Timeline is adequate. The only thing I would change is the diversity of activities. I think, in a project like that it's necessary to include Pre-reading, While-reading and Post-reading activities as well as prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and editing. Also I'm not so sure that the plan completely supports the curriculum because it's not multifaceted enough to provoke deep studies.

Total 85

17.04.2018 20:04

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