Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Responsibilities of the teacher and the student

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Theme: Why it is important to know cultural heritage?

Abdikhalyk Fariza, Iskakova Kamila 31-EK



Teacher’s role

Student’s role


  • Creating the theme of the project
  • To identify the age of learners
  • To create driving question and problem question
  • To form didactic aims of the project
  • To form methodical aims

Chooses the themes and age

Creates driving question and problem question

Formulates didactic and methodical aims of the project

Discusses essential and problem questions with a teacher

Engages in the process of PBL


  • To form groups for research conducting and to define forms of presenting the results- students

Uses engaging methods such as brainstorming

Students divide into groups of 4-6 people. Choose the form of presenting the results of project.


  • Discussion of the work plan with students in groups or individually
  • Discussion with students about possible resources of information, issues of copyright protection
  • Individual work of students in groups, discussion of task with each member of the groups.
  • Individual work of groups

Gives the direction of finding information

Discusses sources of information

Consulting students and monitor discussions of groups

Think through ways of conducting their research

The students divide their tasks.

Take responsibilities for each task.


  • Preparation of students for the presentation of the work progress.

Motivates student Helps and advises

Preparing posters, reports.


  • Protecting the results and conclusions

Create rubrics for assessment the presentation

Present results

Answers the questions of peers

Evaluation of the result

  • Evaluation of project results by students and teacher.

Evaluates the work of the groups.

Evaluate works of peers

27.04.2017 21:51

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