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Teaching Grammar: Form-Meaning-Use

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We as teachers should teach to the moment or what Ss should work on. If it’s a learning challenge with the form, so we have to concentrate on meaningful repetition. Either way, if learners face challenges with the form and meaning, we should select the appropriate activities that would link meaning and form together. Then, Ss may or may not internalize the grammar encounters, but at least, we will get them in the situation or simulation (TBL) where they would apply and exploit the target structure.

Certainly, while designing activities for groups, we have to keep in mind this balance between accuracy and fluency. Sometimes I am focused on fluency only, sacrificing accuracy a little. I mostly rely on restructuring as my students are all at proficiency levels. Though they expect more academic approach towards classes, but still, I am trying to incorporate debates, discussions, storytelling, so that they are able to use and speak the language they are learning. My students get used to seeing the whole picture of a grammar encounter, not step by step. Thus, working solely on the form will not work out in my teaching context.

My next step is: I will be selecting activities by the ‘nature of the learning challenge’, that’s really makes sense for me now. It’s very similar to the ‘organic garden approach’.

20.12.2017 00:53

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