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To play cat and mouse with (someone)

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The idiom "to play cat and mouse with someone" is used to describe a situation in which one person or group is intentionally teasing, provoking, or trying to outwit another. It's often used when one party is toying with or manipulating the other. Here are a few examples to illustrate the use of the idiom in different contexts:

1. Relationship Context

"She felt like he was playing cat and mouse with her emotions, never fully committing but always keeping her interested."

2. Business Context

"The company's marketing strategy seemed to be playing cat and mouse with consumers, hinting at new product releases without revealing too much." 3. Political Context

"The opposition party accused the government of playing cat and mouse with the public, offering vague promises without concrete plans for change." 4. Competitive Context

"The two chess grandmasters played cat and mouse with each other, trying to anticipate and outmaneuver their opponent's moves."

17.12.2023 16:27

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