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Oscar Wilde. The Portrait of Dorian Grey (Chapter I). Oscar Wilde. The Portrait of Dorian Grey (Chapter II). Oscar Wilde. The Portrait of Dorian Grey (Chapter III). Oscar Wilde. The Portrait of Dorian Grey (Chapter IV). J. D. Salinger. The catch ...
23.11.2016 21:48 400 1
The term «lexicology» is of Greek origin / from «lexis» - «word» and «logos» - «science»/ . Lexicology is the part of linguistics which deals with the vocabulary and characteristic features of words and word-groups.Lexicology can ...
23.11.2016 21:43 1614 9
How do the British spend their holidays?  ...
22.07.2016 12:58 1345 5
Успех обучения может гарантировать только рациональная система упражнений. Под системой упражнений понимается такая совокупность необходимых типов, видов и разновидностей упражнений, выполняемых в такой последовательности и в таком количестве, которые учитывают закономерности формирования  у ...
02.05.2016 16:14 23905 88
Learning to speak a language is the most important aim of the language learners. To be able to operate effectively in the real world, students need plenty of opportunity to practise language in life-like situations. Motivation comes from knowing that language activities in the classroom are at al ...
22.01.2016 16:49 467 3
Prepositions pose more problems for the non-native speaker or learner of English than any other part of speech. Why? Prepositions are just little words that never change in form; they are pronounced softly, in unstressed syllables; they aren't even given capital letters in book titles; native ...
13.01.2016 20:44 324 2
Love Story was phenomenally successful when first published. It was at the top of The New York Times bestseller list for nine months. Why was Love Story such a hit? It ever so simply, yet beautifully, portrayed timeless themes of love, courtship, and conflicts between social classes and the younger ...
29.07.2015 17:46 394 6
Modal verbs make up a small group of structural words having special semantic and grammatical peculiarities. Besides there is a group of the so-called equivalents of the modal verbs. Modal verbs denote neither action nor states; they show that the action or state denoted by the infinitive is consi ...
17.03.2015 20:13 403 11
Разработка для 11 класса "FRIENDS AND FRIENDSHIP" Everyone needs a friend. Some people want to have a lot of friends, others need one, or two close ones. Sometimes you choose friends, sometimes other people choose you as their friend. Some of us make friends easily, but there are people who are shy ...
11.03.2015 16:00 411 10
Разработка для 11 класса "FRIENDS AND FRIENDSHIP" Everyone needs a friend. Some people want to have a lot of friends, others need one, or two close ones. Sometimes you choose friends, sometimes other people choose you as their friend. Some of us make friends easily, but there are people who are shy ...
11.03.2015 15:58 683 2

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