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100 вопросов для беседы и активизации словаря на уроках английского языка.

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В своей работе для активизации словаря  учащихся использую различные вопросы для беседы.

Предлагаю 100 вопросов,которые помогут активизировать словарный запас.



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«100 вопросов для беседы и активизации словаря на уроках английского языка.»

100 вопросов для беседы и активизации словаря на уроках английского языка.

1 How do airplanes work?

2 How dangerous are airplanes?

3 What will airplanes be like in the future?

4 Which is better, Boeing or Airbus?

5 What movies have you seen about airplanes?

6 Would you like to fly (pilot) an airplane? Why?

7 What effect do airplanes have on the environment?

8 How do airplanes get off the ground and fly?

9 How cool are airplanes?

10 What three adjectives describe airplanes?

11 How important is a person's appearance?

12 What could you do to improve your appearance?

13 What could I do to improve my appearance?

14 Has your appearance ever made you feel bad all day?

15 Is it rude to tell someone that they need to improve their appearance?

16 How often do you check your appearance in the mirror?

17 How often do you talk about other people's appearances?

18 Are people obsessed with appearance today?

19 Is what's on the inside more important than what's on the outside?

20 Is appearance more important in politics or show business?

Do bullies need help? What kind?

21 What can people who are bullied do to stop the bullying?

22 If bullying involves violence, should someone call the police?

23 What damage does bullying do to people?

24 Should someone who is bullied make the name of the bully public – put it on the Internet?

25 Is it always best to stand up to a bully?

26 Do you think bullying will disappear one day, or is it getting worse?

27 What message do you have for bullies?

28 What advice would you give to someone who is bullied (a) online and (b) physically or emotionally?

29 Are there similarities between bullying and torture?

Do you like birthdays?

30 What’s the best and worst birthday you’ve ever had?

31 Do you know how people celebrate birthdays in other countries?

32 What’s the best birthday present you’ve ever been given?

33 What present would you like for your next birthday?

34 Do you think everyone should have a holiday from school or work on their birthday?

35 In English people wish those whose birthday it is “many happy returns”. What do you think this means?

36 What do you do on people’s birthdays in your country that you think doesn’t happen in other countries?

37 Do you know of any big events that happened on your birthday?

38 Do you think birthdays have become too commercial?

39 How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

40 What did you do on your last birthday?

41 Do your family and friends always remember your birthday?

42 What are the milestone birthdays in your country?

43 Do you think old people like birthdays?

44 Do you think you were born at a good time of the year?

45 Do you sing the song “Happy Birthday” in your country?

46 Would you like to live to celebrate your hundredth birthday?

47 What happy memories do you have of your birthday parties?

48 What is a “birthday suit” and why is it called so?

What is beauty?

49 Who decides who or what is beautiful?

50 How often do you think about beauty?

51 Do you think you have the same concept of beauty as your friends?

52 What are the most important features when determining someone’s beauty?

53 How would the world be different if we never considered beauty?

54 Is beauty in design important in your culture?

55 Do you think we are conditioned by advertising to think what is beautiful and what is not?

56 What do you think of beauty contests?

57 What does "beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" mean? Do you agree?

58 Do you think the idea of beauty is changing? How?

59 Do you think different races have different perceptions of what beauty is?

60 Is beauty important?

61 Is there beauty in everything we see and do?

62 Do you think about your beauty?

63 Do you think the beauty industry is important?

64 Do beautiful people have better lives?

65 Do you think it is important to get your beauty sleep?

66 What beauty can you see around you now?

67 Do you see beauty in the English language?

68 Do you know anyone who has tried aromatherapy?

69 Why are the oils used in aromatherapy called ‘essential’ oils? What do you think is essential about them?

70 Do you like the idea that aromatherapy uses natural products like lavender oil and peppermint oil?

71 Do you think aromatherapy could be effective for reducing stress, helping you sleep, and making you study better?

72 If aromatherapy works, why do you think it is not used in most of the world’s hospitals?

73 Do you think aromatherapy can help with things like broken bones? How?

74 Do you think aromatherapy is just a “hippy thing”?

75 Do you think there are smells that are bad for our health?

76 What would you really like to know about aromatherapy?

77 What smells make you feel good?

78 Do you think all children should study art at school?

79 Do you think children should learn the history of art?

80 Do you think a painting can really be worth a million (or more) dollars?

81 Do you think today’s artists are as good as those from hundreds of years ago?

82 What was the last painting / poster / piece of art you bought. Why did you buy it?

83 Describe the pieces of artwork in your house.

84 What kind of art is your country famous for?

85 What kind of life do you think an artist’s is?

86 Do you have any artistic talents?

87 How would the world be different without artists?

88 Do you think aliens are likely to be friendly or unfriendly?

89 What would you say to an alien if you met one?

90 What would you do if you saw a UFO in a field near your house?

91 Do you think aliens might have lots of viruses that could wipe out the human race?

92 If the secret service discovered an alien, do you think they would tell the general public?

93 Do you think aliens would be afraid of humans?

94 If aliens visited Earth for a week, what do you think they should see to fully understand us and our achievements?

95 How likely is it we will ever be able to visit a planet that has aliens?

96 Do you think it’s worthwhile for your government to spend money on alien research or sending signals into space in case aliens are listening?

97 If an alien visited Earth, what would it say about our planet and people when it returned home?

98 What do you think aliens look like?

99 Why do you think aliens in movies and comic books generally have a human shape and eyes?

100 Do you think aliens are likely to be more or less intelligent than us?


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