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A topic "Professions"

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В даннаой работе разработана тема " Профессии"

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«A topic "Professions"»

  • There are different kinds of professions that you can choose. The choice of profession is one of the most important and difficult decisions . Today, you can choose anything you want. But, anyway, it all depends on your individual abilities and talents .
    Today a lot of Russian people have become lawyers manages or programmers. 
    These professions have some advantages, a big salary, for example, but there are some disadvantages too.
    To find job is a problem for every person without any experience, especially if there are a lot of specialists in your profession. 
    But if you are really good professional, you will find a job easily and quickly.  There are those who, for example, loves to take care of animals and therefore becomes a veterinary. Some have a talent for drawing, but no other abilities. It is easy to guess that they become artists, designers or architects. Anyway, today among the most popular professions we can distinguish office workers, police, teachers, waiters, hairdressers, drivers and others.
    There are some professions that are associated with liability and risk.
    They are teachers, doctors, police officers.firefighters.


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