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Англис тили баары үчүн

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Бул усулдук колдонмо англис тилин үйрөнүүчүлөр (окуучулар, студенттер, жеке кызыкдар тараптар) үчүн түзүлгөн. Анда англис тилинин тамгалары, тыбыштары жөнүндө маалымат жана окуу эрежелери камтылган.

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«Англис тили баары үчүн»




Международный Узгенский

технологии и образования

имени академика Б. Мурзубраимова

Кафедра педагогики и языковых наук

Мааткеримов З. Ж.

Английский язык

для всех


Английский алфавит

В английском алфавите 26 букв, из них 20 – согласных и 6 – гласных букв. При письме они передают 44 английского звука, из них 20 гласных и 24 согласных звуков.

№ \п



по англ.



№ \п



по англ.




A a








B b








C c








D d








E e








F f








G g








H h








I i








J j





[dLbl ju:]



K k








L l








M m







Oh, well you see,

Now we know the ABC,

Now we can say the ABC

Понятие о гласных и согласных звуках

Все звуки речи делятся на два больших класса - гласные и согласные. Для гласных звуков характерно то, что при их произнесении органы речи не смыкаются и не сближаются настолько, чтобы образовать какую-либо преграду для выходящей из легких струя воздуха. Все гласные звуки - звонкие, при их произнесении голосовые связки колеблются.

Для согласных звуков характерно то, что при их произнесении органы речи либо смыкаются, образуя полную преграду, либо сближаются, создавая неполную преграду

(щель), и звук образуется струей воздуха при размыкании органов речи (в первом случае) или в результате трения воздуха о стенки щели (во втором случае).

Гласные звуки являются звуками музыкального тона, а большинства согласных звуков являются звуками шума. Однако есть такие согласные, в которых музыкальный тон преобладает над шумом: (м, н, л, р). Такие согласные называются сонантами или сонорными. Остальные согласные, в которых шум преобладает над голосом, называются шумными.

По работе голосовых связок согласные подразделяются на: звонкие, при произнесении которых голосовые связки колеблются, например, русские звуки (б, д), глухие, при произнесении которых голосовые связки не колеблются, например, русские звуки (п , т).

Если струя воздуха не встречает на своем пути шумообразующей преграды, произносятся звуки, так называемыми гласными.

В английском языке есть 20 гласные звуки: [i], [i:], [L], [a:], [u], [u:], [e], [ә], [כ], [כ:], [ǽ], [ә:], [ou], [au], [ai], [כi], [ei], [iә], [eə], [uə]

Согласные характеризуются наличием шума, образуемого при преодолении преграды. При произнесении глухих согласных слышится только шум, при произнесении звонких – шум и голос. Если шум превалирует над голосом, согласный называется шумным.

В английском языке есть 24 согласные звуки.

[p], [b],[ t], [d], [k], [g], [s], [z], [Ө], [ð], [f], [v], [t∫], [dз], [∫], [з], [m], [n], [η], [l], [w], [j], [һ], [r].

Из них парные согласные:

[p], [b], t], [d], k], [g], [s], [z], [Ө], [ð], [f], [v], [t∫], [dз], [∫], [з],

непарные звуки:

[m], [n], [η], [l], [w], [j], [һ], [r].

Английские звонкие согласные звуки:

[b], [d], [g], [z], [ð], [v], [dз], [з], [m], [n], [η], [l], [w],[j], [r]

Английские глухие согласные звуки:

p],[ t], [k], [s], [Ө], [f], [t∫], [∫], [һ]

Тренировочные упражнения

[e]-seven, every, get, help, chess, nest, breakfast

[ә]- teacher, river, leader, actor, doctor, answer

[ǽ]-cap, cat, map, that, factory, black, blackboard

[L]-up, us, come, other, mother, brother, duster

[a:]-father, half, past, yard, card, farm, classroom

[כ]-wash, was, want, o’clock, dog, on, not, got

[כ:]-door, floor, board, chalk, water, saw, morning

[u]-book, look, good, took, hook, shook, full, put

[u:]-school, schoolboy, schoolgirl, soon, moon, do

[ai]-right, night, tight, bright, light, might, white

[כi]-boy, toy, enjoy, choice, joy, noise, soil, coin

[ei]-hi, gate, table, date, play, wake, fade, wait, rate

[ou]-go, home, hope, nose, note, rode, alone, bone

[au]- out, about, noun, ground, sound, town, down

[eə]-chair, chairman, hair, pair, fair, rare, fare, where

[uə]- poor, sure, tour, lure, cure, fuel, pure, flower

[iә]- here, dear, beer, mere, cheer up, tear, near

[ju:]-duty, pupil, new, you; huge, mute, tune, beauty

[k]- cap, cat, coat, factory, black, blackboard, clock

[∂]-father, mother, with, this, then, there; they, hey

[Ө]-month, thanks, thing, everything, anything, nothing;

[t∫]-chicken, children, child, chips, check, chain words;

[∫]-ship, sheep, shine, shock, shoulder, she, shop, short;

[w]- what, when, where, why, white, wet, west, well, will

[η]- evening, king, ring, bring, wing, cling, morning, singer

I тип чтения гласных (открытый слог)

Первый тип слога-открытый слог, т.е. слог, оканчивающийся на гласную. Ударная гласная читается здесь так, как она называется в алфавите. Обычно это долгий гласный или дифтонг.

Первый тип слога имеет две разновидности:

  1. абсолютно открытый слог - слог, графический образ которого совпадает с фонетическим, т.е. с его звучанием.

Например: me [m i:], no [nou], hi [hai], he [hi:], we [wi:]

  1. условно открытый слог - слог только графически открытый, а фонетически закрытый.

Например: note [nout], Pete [pi:t], like[laik], take [teik]

Буква Aa читается как [ei]- [эй]

Фонетическое упражнение 1

Kate [keit], made [meid], date [deit], same [seim], plate [pleit],

way [wei], take [teik], save [seiv], make [meik], rate [reit],

blame [bleim], cake [keik], fade [feid], name [neim]

READ: tame, late, rate, cage, safe, came, phrase, waste, grade,

wave, lake, trade, case, taste, graceful.

Transcribe and translate.

Kate, don’t take the cake from the plate, it’s for Mrs. Jane.

Proverbs: Better late than never.

Haste makes waste.

Буква Oo читается как [ou] –[оу]

Фонетическое упражнение 2

no [nou], nose ['nouz], go ['gou], note ['nout], mole ['moul],

hope ['houp], so ['sou], rose [rouz], tone ['toun], bone ['boun], robe ['roub], cope ['koup]

READ: Rome, joke, bone, broke, cozy, close, phone, stole, arose, copy, so-so.

Transcribe and translate.

Oh, no, don’t go home, alone!

Буква Ee читается как [i:] –[ии]

Фонетическое упражнение 3

we [wi:], she [∫i:], meter ['mi:tə], Pete ['pi:t], me [mi:], he [hi:], Peter ['pi:tə], see [si:], bee [bi:], tea [ti:]

READ: Lee, free, tree, three, eve, fee, knee, breeze, see, cheese, Greece, greedy, needle.

Transcribe and translate.

Pete and Peter look at the deep river. We can’t see any tree there.

Proverbs: East or west home is best.

Easier said than done.

Буква Ii читается как [ai] – [ай]

Фонетическое упражнение 4

Mike [maik], file [fail], mine [main], tribe [traib], site [sait], bride [braid], wine [wain], nice [nais], ripe [raip], wife [waif]

READ: time, tide, hide, write, rise, wise, rice, five, invite, knife, life, decide, white, size, wise, like, kite, bike, dine, fine, hike, line.

Transcribe and translate.

Mike is a little child, his kite is fine.


Never say die.

Life is short, but art is long.

Time and tide wait no man.

Буква Uu читается как [ju:] – [юyу]

Фонетическое упражнение 5

tube [tju:b], usage ['ju:sidз], use [ju:z], unit ['ju:nit], mute ['mju:t], tuner ['tju:nə], tune [tju:n], super ['sju:pə]

READ: Europe, salute, accuse, exclusive, annually, confuse, duke, value, tune, blue, June, mute, huge, include.

Transcribe and translate.

Sue used the tuner and tuned the radio to music.

II тип слога (закрытый слог)

Второй тип слога - закрытый слог. В этом типе слога за ударной гласной буквой следует одна или несколько согласных (любых, кроме буквы r). Гласная буква в закрытом слоге передает краткий гласный звук.

Буква Aa читается как [æ]

Фонетическое упражнение 6

map [mæp], sat [sæt], cap [kæp], hat [hæt], cat [kæt], black [blæk], pat [pæt], lab [læb]

Transcribe and translate.

That black cat sat on a hat, and ate the fat rat.


Every man is an architect of his own fortune.

Буква Oo читается как [כ]-[o]

Фонетическое упражнение 7

on [כn], cost [kכst], hot [hכt], got [gכt], pot [pכt], spot [spכt], not [nכt], dog [dכg], frost [frכst], frog [frכg], soft [sכft]

Transcribe and translate.

Tom has got a clock, but not a spotty dog,

Tom and Molly have got a spot on her frog.


No song, no supper.

Буква Ee - читается как [e]-[э]

Фонетическое упражнение 8

ten [ten], pen [pen], tent [tent], mend [mend], men [men], send [send],help [help], well [wel], sent [sent], nest [nest], rest [rest]


Better late than never.

A good beginning makes a good ending.

Буква Ii – читается как [i]-[и]

Фонетическое упражнение 9

in [in], his [hiz], still [stil], Nick [nik], sit [sit], ship ['∫ip], hit [hit], big [big], is [iz], if [ if], did [did], fish [fi∫ ], wish [wi∫], still [stil]

Transcribe and translate.

Little Bill sit still, if you sit still, little Bill, Jimmy will bring you to a big hill.

Proverbs: Live and learn.

Little children, little sorrow, big children, big sorrow.

Little knowledge is a dangerous thing

Буква Yyчитается как [i]-[и]

Фонетическое упражнение 10

myth [miθ], synonym ['sinənim], mystery ['misteri], system ['sistem],symphony ['simpfəni], syringe ['sirindз], syndicate ['sindikit]

Transcribe and translate.

Sid, “Symphony” and “syndicate” are not synonyms of the words “system” and “syringe”.


Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.

Every country has its own customs.

Буква Uu – читается как [L]-[а]

Фонетическое упражнение 11

nut [nLt], cup [kLp], struck ['strLk], much [mLt∫], cut [kLt], but [bLt],structure ['strLkt∫ə], such [sLt∫]

Transcribe and translate. But, Mungo you strike the bucket.


Don’t trouble, trouble, until trouble troubles you.

Every country has its own customs.

Hunger breaks stone walls.


Третьим типом слога принято считать слог, в котором за ударной гласной следует буква r [a:]. Буква r не читается. Она только указывает на то, что предшествующая ей гласная имеет долгое чтение.

Чтение гласных букв а, о, е, i, y, u в третьем типе слога

a+r [a:]


e+r [ə: ]

i+r [ə:]

y+r [ə:]

u+r [ə:]






















Правила чтения буквосочетании

Буквосочетание a+r читается как: [a:] – [aa]

Фонетическое упражнение 12

car [ka:], card [ka:d], bar [ba:], art [a:t], park [pa:k], mark [ma:k], marble ['ma:bl], far [fa:], sparkle ['spa:kl]

Transcribe and translate.

Mark, don’t park your car near the bar.


Barking dog never bites.

Буквосочетание o+r читается как:[כ:]-[oo]

Фонетическое упражнение 13

for [f כ:], north ['n כ:θ], form ['fכ:m], norm ['n כ:m], forty ['f כ:ti], born ['b כ:n], corn ['c כ:n], torn ['t כ:n], horn ['h כ:n]

Transcribe and translate.

Gordon Foster wasn’t born in the North of Georgia.

Буквосочетание u+r читается как:[ə:]- [ъъ]

Фонетическое упражнение 14

urn [ə:n], turn [tə:n], burst ['bə:st], purl [pə:l], turner ['tə:nə], burn [bə:n], turnip ['tə:nip], Burnice ['bə:nis]

Transcribe and translate.

Turcoman turner turned and went down to his turnery.

Буквосочетание e+r читается как:[ə:]- [ъъ]

Фонетическое упражнение 15

per [pə:], her [hə:], Burton ['bə:tn], fern [fə:n], herd [hə:d], stern ['stə:n], merchant ['mə:t∫ənt],fertile ['fə:tail], thirsty ['θə:sti], first [fə:st], sir [sə:], bird ['bə:d], girl [gə:l],third [θə:d],thirst ['θə:st], thirteen ['θə:'tin]

Transcribe and translate.

Sir Sydney was the first who saw the first night on the thirty first of March.

IV тип чтения гласных

Четвертый тип слога графически напоминает первый условно-открытый слог. Разница между ними в том, что в IV типе слога между ударной гласной и немым е стоит не любая согласная, а буква r.

Чтение гласных букв а, е, и, о в IV типе слога.(гласная + r + гласная )

a + re [ea ]

e + re [ iə ]

u + re [juə ]

o + re [כ:]













a+re, o+re, u+re, e+re, i+re (y+re)

Фонетическое упражнение 16

bare [beə], care [keə], spare [speə], tare [teə], hare [heə], fare [feə]

Буквосочетание o + r читается как: [כ:] – [оo]

Фонетическое упражнение 17

ore [כ:], forecast ['fכ:ka:st], forefinger ['fכ:fi ηə], bore ['bכ:],forearm ['fכ:ra:m], moreover [mכ:rouvə], sore ['sכ:], pore ['pכ:], more ['mכ:], forefront ['fכ:frLnt]

Transcribe and translate.

Core has a sore forefinger and moreover, she looked more and more at her sore forefinger.

Буквосочетание u + r читается как:[juə] - [юэ] или [уэ]

Фонетическое упражнение 18

pure ['pjuə], cure ['kjuə], sure ['∫uə], lure [luə]

Буквосочетание e + r читается как: [iə]- [иэ]

Фонетическое упражнение 19

here [hiə], merely ['miəli], mere [miə], interfere [intə'fiə], interference [intə'fiərəns]

Transcribe and translate.

Here after no interference is allowed here.

Буквосочетания i + r, y + r читаются как: [aiə] – [айэ]

Фонетическое упражнение 20

ire, yre [aiə], fire [faiə], tire [taiə], admire [əd'maiə], wire [waiə],wireless ['waiəles], require [ri'kwaiə]

Transcribe and translate.

Don’t admire the wireless and take the wire but not the type.

Словесное ударение (word-stress)

Словесным ударением называется выделение в слове одного или двух слогов среди других слогов. Акустически ударные слоги производят впечатление более сильных. Ударение обозначается знаком [' ] перед слогом.

Например: 'kiti, 'siti, 'gidi, 'tikit, 'beni, 'litl.

Фонетические упражнения:

[d] [t] [m] [l] [b] [p] [k] [g]

red rat ram clip robe pad cat gun

dog flat mug lake bell cup yak dog

pad note mask plate black plan risk flag

desk fast mess fable globe step clip game

fund total game table back plant kettle globe

[u:] [כ] [ou] [ei] [h] [L] [i] [ә]

zoo box no cake had bus is sofa

tool cloth not game hunt cup thin cutlet

stool bronze robe plane hook sun hint basket

room contest stone table hostel club click contest

[r] [f] [ǽ] [j] [z] [e] [n] [s]

rat fan hat yes is pen no yes

risk flat flag yen zone mess not risk

robe flag bag yell zigzag step pen sun

dress fact fan yak bronze bell gun stone

rest fund fact yellow zebra tent plant mess

[b] [p] [d] [t] [k] [g] [l] [m]

bill cap bed tool lake rug bill room

ball pen bad talk balk bag look moon

balk spring good that look frog long small

fable temple hand stalk ticket good wall complex

book problem dress wallet kennel zigzag wallet problem

[כ] [L] [i] [ou] [ei] [ә] [h]

long bus bill robe fable sofa hen

song cup thin zone table basket help

cloth rug will sofa plane cutlet hall

contest hunt thing total game wallet hand

[n] [s] [z] [r] [f] [w] [ǽ]

thin task is robe fox will cat

plan song iz ring frog well flat

plant stool zone room film wall cap

moon small bronze spring sofa walks that

spoon contest zigzag bronze fable wallet plant

[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] [l] [m]

park big cat and car egg will mug

port bag plate bed fork big little tram

shop club start bad task bag shelf farm

sports book short dog park mug apple match

apple bench temple good check English small temple

[כ] [ou] [L] [i] [ә] [h] [u:] [f]

not sofa gun is total hat zoo fish

dog robe sun bill lesson hen tool film

frog zone mug fish contest hunt stool fork

shop hotel hunt ship difficult hook room farm

clock stone fund English problem hostel moon French

[n] [r] [s] [j] [u] [ei] [ǽ] [e]

and rug bus yes look lake map egg

gun ram star yen book cake and well

plan tram start yell hook table fact shelf

bench spring sport yak good plane apple bench

English French spoon game match lesson

[w] [כ:] [a:] [כ:] [∂] [Ө] [i] [] [t∫]

will ball car or the thin ring ship chat

well talk star fork they thank long fish check

wall hall start port this cloth song shelf bench

walk stalk park sports that three spring shop match

wallet small farm cord those think sing shine French

Правила чтения согласных букв

Буква Gg – читается как: [g], [dз] – г, дж

Gg перед буквами i, y, e - читается как [g] (г), в остальных случаях [dз] –[дж]

Фонетическое упражнение 21

big [big], fog [fכg], twig ['twig], smog ['smכg], large ['la:dз], gypsy ['dзipsi], general ['dзenerəl], cage ['keidз], gymnasia [dзim'neiziə]

исключение: get [get]

Буква Cc – читается как [k],[s]

Cc перед буквами i, y, e- читается как [s], в остальных случаях читается как: [k].

Фонетическое упражнение 22

cinema ['sinemə], carpet ['ka:pit], circle ['sə:kl], cat ['kæt], civil ['sivil], call ['kכ:l], certain ['sə:tn], calendar ['kæləndə], cycle ['saikl], cap ['kæp]

Чтение буквосочетания th:

а) Буквосочетание th читается как: [θ],

б) Буквосочетание th читается как: [ð]

1) [Ө]- author, thank, thin, cloth, think, thunder, thumb, thermos

2) [∂]- they, that, this, mother, father, brother, gather, another


Birds of a feather ['feðə ] flock together.

Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.

Фонетическое упражнение 23

the [ðə], thin [θin], thing [θin], they [ðei], theme [θi:m], this [ðis], teeth [ti:θ], them [ðəm], tooth [tu:θ], then [ðen], smith [smiθ], that [ðæt], these [ði:z]

Звонкий звук [ð] (перед гласными буквами)

Исключения из правил чтения:

breath ['breθ], wealth ['welθ], weather ['weðe], leather ['leðe]

Буквосочетание «ch» читается как: [t∫] – [ч]

Фонетическое упражнение 24

chess [t∫es], chest [t∫est], cherry [t∫eri], chicken ['t∫ikən], bench [bent∫], lunch [lLnt∫], much [mLt∫], such [sLt∫]

Буквосочетание «tch» читается как: [t∫] -[ч]

Фонетическое упражнение 25

watch [wכ t∫], catch [kæ t∫], match [mæt∫]

Буквосочетание «sh» читается как: [∫] – [ш]

Фонетическое упражнение 26

English ['ingli∫], shop ['∫כp], shelf ['∫elf], shake ['∫eik], ship [∫ip], shift [∫ift], dish [di∫]

Буквосочетание «tion» читается как: [∫n] - [шн]

Фонетическое упражнение 27

action ['æk∫n], selection [si'lek∫n], adaptation [ædæp'tei∫n], addition [ə'di∫n], admission [əd'mi∫n

Буквосочетание «sion» читается как: [∫n] –[шн]

Фонетическое упражнение 28

session ['se∫n], permission [pə'mi∫n], procession [prə'se∫n]

в некоторых словах «sion» читается как [зn]- [жн ]

confusion [kən'fju:зn], conclusion [kən'klju:зn]

Буквосочетание «ph» читается как: [f] -[ф]

Фонетическое упражнение 29

photo ['foutou], phrase ['freiz], phone ['foun], physical ['fizikəl], philosophy [fi'lכsəfi]

Буквосочетание «igh» читается как: [ai] – ай

Фонетическое упражнение 30

sigh ['sain], right ['rait], bright ['brait], high ['hai], night ['nait], might ['mait]

Буквосочетание «gh» в начале слова читается как:[g]-(г)

Буква “h” даёт немой звук

Фонетическое упражнение 31

gharry['gæri], ghost ['goust], ghastly ['ga:stli]

Буквосочетание «sure» читается как: [зə]- [же]

Фонетическое упражнение 32

pleasure ['pleзə], measure ['meзə], treasure ['treзə], leisure ['leiзə]

в буквосочетании wh с последующей “о” читается как: [hu:], в остальных случаях читается как [w]

Фонетическое упражнение 33

who [hu:], what [wכt], whom [hu:m], where [weə], whose[hu:s], which[wit∫], why [wai], when [wen]

Правила чтения гласных диграфов

Диграфом называется сочетание двух букв, произносимых как одна фонема. Чтение гласных диграфов в ударном слоге не зависит от типа слога.

Диграфы ei, ey читаются как: [ei]- [эй]

Фонетическое упражнение 34

vein [vein], leys [leiz], Leiden ['leidn], neighbour ['neibə]

Диграфы oi, oy читаются как: [כi] – [ой]

Фонетическое упражнение 35

oil [כil], boy [bכi], coin ['kכin], toy [tכi], point ['pכint], royal ['rכiəl], pointer ['pכintə], soil ['sכil], poison ['pכizən], spoil ['spכil]

Диграф oo читается как: [u] – [уу]

[u:]- room, zoo, tool, stool, moon, noon, cool, broom

Фонетическое упражнение 36

too [tu:], moon ['mu:n], soon [su:n], spoon ['spu:n], tooth ['tu:θ], afternoon [a:ftə'nu:n]

Диграф oo читается кратко [u] если после диграфа стоит буква k.

Фонетическое упражнение 37

book [buk], took [tuk], look [luk], сook [kuk], shook [[∫uk]

Буквосочетания oo читается как: [u] –у

oo - [u]- good, look, book, hook, took, brook

Диграф au читается как: [כ:]-[оо]

Фонетическое упражнение 38

author ['כ:θə], autumn ['כ:təm], automatic [כ:tə'mætik], launch

['l כ:nt∫]

Диграф aw читается как: [כ:]-[оо]

Фонетическое упражнение 39

saw [sכ:], law [lכ:], jaw [dз :כ]

Диграф ou читается как: [au]- [ау]

noun [naun], pronoun [prə'naun], about [ə'baut]

Фонетическое упражнение 40

out ['aut], outlook ['autluk], pound ['paund], without [wi'ðaut] count ['kaunt], sound ['saund], about [ə'baut], account [ə'kaunt]

В некоторых словах диграф “ou” читается как: [L]-[а]

Фонетическое упражнение 41

country ['kLntri] ,cousin ['kLzn], young [jLY]

Кроме того, в следующих словах диграф [ou] читается как:

[ju:]-[юу] или [уу]

Фонетическое упражнение 42

youth ['ju:θ], group ['gru:p], soup ['su:p], rouble ['ru:bl]

Диграф ow читается как: [au]-[ау] в ударном слоге

Фонетическое упражнение 43

how [hau], now [nau], powder ['paudə], bow [bau], brown ['braun], town ['taun], gown [gaun], down [daun],howl [haul]

ow в безударном слоге читается как: [ou]-[ оу]

Фонетическое упражнение 44

window ['windou], tomorrow [tə'mכrou], Moscow ['m כskou], Glasgow ['gla:sgou]

Чтение некоторых слов с диграфом ow –[оу]

Фонетическое упражнение 45

sow [sou], low [lou], bowl [boul], owner ['ounə], row [rou]

Диграфы ai, ay читаются как: [ei] –[ эй]

Фонетическое упражнение 46

maid [meid], main [mein], rain [rein], fail [feil], faint [feint], day [dei], say [sei], lay [lei], layer [leiə], may [mei], way [wei]

Диграфы «ie», «ye» читаются как: [ai]-[ай]

Фонетическое упражнение 47

tie [tai], pie [pai], pied [paid], rye [rai], bye [bai]

В некоторых словах диграфы «ie», «ye» читается как: [i:]-[ии]

field ['fi:ld], believe [bi'li:v], shield ['∫i:ld], yield ['ji:ld]

Диграфы «оo» читаются как: [ou]- [оу]

Фонетическое упражнение 48

boat [bout], coat [kout], soap [soup], road [roud], roam [roum], roast [roust], oat [out], coal [koul]

Диграф «oe» читается как: [ou]- [оу]

Фонетическое упражнение 49

тoe [tou], poem ['pouim], poet ['pouit], goer ['gouə], woe ['wou]

Диграфы «eu»,»ew» читаются как: [ju:] - [йу]

Фонетическое упражнение 50

neutral ['nju:trəl], few [fju:], new [nju:], Euclid ['ju:klid]

Но после букв r, l, g диграфы «eu», « ew» читаются как: [u:] – [уу] или [юу]

few ['fju:], drew [dru:], Jew ['dзu:], dew [dju:], pew [pju:], neutron ['nju:trכn], neutral ['nju:trəl]

Правила чтения трифтонгов

-air - читается как: [eə] - [эа]

Фонетическое упражнение 51

air [eə], dairy ['deəri], chair ['t∫eə], fair ['feə], pair ['peə]

-eer- читается как: [iə]- [иэ]

Фонетическое упражнение 52

deer [diə], beer [b iə], deerskin ['diəskin]

-ear- читается как: [iə]- [иэ]

Фонетическое упражнение 53

near [niə], hear [hiə], hearsay ['hiəsei]

В некоторых словах – ear читается как: [ə:].

Запомните следующие примеры. learn ['le:n], heard ['he:d], earth ['ə:θ], earnest ['e:nist]

В некоторых словах -ear читается как: [a:]- [aa]

hearty ['ha:ti], heart ['ha:t ], heatless ['ha:tlis]

oar - читается как: [כ:]- [оо]

Фонетическое упражнение 54

board ['bכ:d], hoarse ['h כ:s], hoard ['hכ :d]

oor - читается как: [uə]- [уэ]

Фонетическое упражнение 55

poor ['puə], boorish ['buəri∫], moor ['muə],

Но, в некоторых словах oor читается как: [כ:]- [оо ]

door ['dכ:], doorbell ['dכ:bel], floor ['fl כ:]

-«оur» - читается как: [auə] - [ауэ]

Фонетическое упражнение 56

our [auə], flour [flauə]

В некоторых словах «оur» читается как: [כ:] - [оо ]

mourn ['mכ:n], mounful ['mכ:ful], four [fכ:]

В некоторых словах «оur» читается как: [L] - [а]

flourish ['flLri∫], flourishing ['flLri∫iY]

Read and learn the poems by heart

Solomon Grandy

Solomon Grandy

Born on Monday,

Christened on Tuesday,

Married on Wednesday,

Took ill on Thursday,

Worse on Friday,

Died on Saturday,

Buried on Sunday,

This is the end

Of Solomon Grandy.

Time is always on the wing,

When I speak, or think, or sing.

When I work, or sleep, or play,

Time is flying fast away.

When the weather is wet, we must not fret,

When the weather is cold, we must not scold.

When the weather is warm, we must not storm,

But be thankful together, whatever the weather.

Breakfast in the morning,

Dinner in the day.

Tea comes after dinner,

Then comes time to play.

No one can tell me,

Nobody knows.

Where the wind comes from,

Where the wind goes.

Magic words

Hearts like doors, If a task is once began,

Will open with ease. Never leave it till it’s done.

To a very little keys, Be the labour great or small,

And don’t forget that two are these: Do it well or not at all.

Seasons Months

Spring is green, Thirty days has September,

And summer is bright. April, June and November.

Autumn is yellow, All the rest have thirty-one,

And winter is white. Save February which alone has twenty-eight.

And one year in four,

Has one day more.


Oh, New-Year tree,

Oh, New-Year tree,

How green are your sweet branches!

You bloom not only when it’s warm,

But also in the winter storm.

Oh, New-Year tree,

Oh, New-Year tree,

How sweet are your green branches!

New words

sweet - ['swi:t] - конфета, сладкий

to bloom - ['blu:m] – цвет, цветение, расцвет

storm - ['st כ:m] – буря, гроза, шторм, бушевать

A song by Alice F. Green

I’m thankful for the sunshine bright,

For rain and for stars at night.

I’m thankful for each flower and tree,

And all the beauty that I see.

I’m grateful for our singing birds,

And for my mother’s gentle words.

I’m grateful for kind friends and true,

Help me to be a good friend, too.

Read the rhymes:

Why Willie, Why Willie,

Why Willie Why?

Why Willie, Why Willie,

Why do you cry?

Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, baker’s man,

Bake me a cake as fast as you can.

Roll it and pat it and mark it with T,

Put it in the oven for baby and me.

A wise old owl lived in an oak,

The more he saw the less he spoke.

A wise old owl lived in an oak,

The more he saw the less he spoke,

The less he spoke the more he heard.

Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?


My land

This land is your land

This land is my land.

From California,

To the New-York, Ireland.

From that wood forest,

To the Gulf-Stream waters.

This land is made for you and me.

This land is made for you and me.

Jingle, bells

Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh.

Down the hill we go,

Laughing all the way.

Refrain: Jingle, bells!

Jingle, bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh, what fun it is to ride,

In a one-horse open sleigh.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright.

What fun it is to ride and sing,

A sleighing song to-night.

Refrain: Jingle, bells!

Jingle, bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh, what fun it is to ride,

In a one-horse open sleigh.

Twinkle, twinkle little star

Twinkle, twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are?

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is set,

And the grass with dew is wet.

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle all the night.

Then the traveler in the dark,

Thanks you for your little spark.

He could not see which way to go,

If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep,

Often through my curtain peep.

for you never shut your eye,

Till the sun is in the sky.

My bonnie

My Bonnie is over the ocean,

My Bonnie is over the sea.

My Bonnie is over the ocean,

And bring back my Bonnie to me.

Refrain: Bring back, bring back,

Bring back my Bonnie to me.

Oh, blow ye winds over the ocean,

Oh, blow ye winds over the sea.

Oh, blow ye winds over the ocean,

And Bring back my Bonnie to me.

Refrain: Bring back, bring back,

Bring back my Bonnie to me.


Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo,

Cries in the wood. Cries in the wood.

Happy and gay are, Cuckoo is here,

Children in May. Summer is near.

Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo,

Cries in the wood. Cries in the wood.

Cuckoo, Cuckoo,

Cries in the wood.

Oh, let us sing,

And dance in a ring.

Cuckoo, Cuckoo,

Cries in the wood.

If you are happy and you know

If you are happy and you know,

Clap your hands.

If you are happy and you know,

Clap your hands.

If you are happy and you know,

And really want to show,

If you are happy and you know,

Clap your hands. (twice)

If you are happy and you know,

Step your feet. (twice)

If you are happy and you know,

Say we are. (twice)


The farmer’s dog is in the yard,

In the yard, in the yard.

The farmer’s dog is in the yard,

The Bingo is his name.

Bingo and Bingo,

And Bingo is his name. (twice)

The farmer’s dog is good my friend,

Never bites, never bites.

The farmer’s dog, he never bites,

And Bingo is his name.

Bingo and Bingo,

And Bingo is his name. (twice)

The farmer’s dog, he only barks,

Only barks, only barks

When he sees me, he wags his tail,

Wags his tail, wags his tail.

The farmer’s dog is good my friend,

Is my friend, is my friend.


When I was going to St. Ives,

I met a man with seven wives.

Every wife had seven sacks,

Every sack had seven cats,

Every cat had seven kits,

Kits, cats, sacks and wives,

How many were there going to St. Ives?


Hiccup, snick up, rise up, right up, three drops in the cup are good for hiccups.

Swan swam over the sea,

Swim swan swim.

Swan swam back again,

Well swam swan.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

A peck of pickled peppers, Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

Where is the peck of pickled peppers, Peter Piper picked?

Работа над текстами

The Kyrgyz history

The Kyrgyz people belong to one of the most ancient nations in the world.

The first written evidence of the Kyrgyz people as a nation was found in Chinese chronicles dated 2000 BC. They emerged from various groups settled in South Siberia and Central Asia. Even during tragic periods in their history, Kyrgyz people managed to survive, uphold independence and keep the memory of their language, culture, traditions, as well as the knowledge about the glorious deeds of their forefathers.

The ancient Kyrgyz populated the territory of northwestern Mongolia, and soon became one of the most powerful nomadic tribes. From 2 to 1 BC, some of the Kyrgyz tribes moved to the Enisei (Ene-Sai - “mother river“) and Baikal (Bai-Kol –a rich lake) region. There they formed their first state known as the Kyrgyz Kaganat, which existed from VI to XIII AD. All the historical events of those times as well as data related to social and traditional customs were accumulated in the unprecedented folk epos “Manas”

The prosperity of the Great Khanate was associated not only with successful military operations but with intensive trade contacts with China, Tibet, Central and Middle Asia. This was the time when the Kyrgyz people reached the territory of Tien Shan for the first time. But by the 12th century, their domination was limited only to Altai and Sayan regions.

The final stage of the Kyrgyz ethnogeny is closely connected with Mongolians, Oirots, Naimans and other people of Central Asia. The absence of unity in the face of threat coming from Chingiz Khan’s son Dzhuchi allowed the latter to defeat the troops of the Enisei Kyrgyz remaining under the rule of the Golden Horde, Oirot and Dzhumgar Khanates. At the same time a process of the Kyrgyz migrations to the Tien Shan region took place. The 16-th century completes the ethnogeny of the Kyrgyz people. Its kinship with many people of Central Asia is reflected in the meaning of “Kyrgyz “, which denotes “forty tribes”.

Topic: Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country, which is situated in Central Asia,

its neighboring countries are Kazakhstan to the North, Uzbekistan to the west, Tajikistan to the South and China to its and South –East. Kyrgyzstan became independent in the year 1991 and since then is a democratic presidential Republic. Bishkek is the country’s capital and the largest city. The official languages are Kyrgyz and Russian.

About 52% of Kyrgyzstan’s people belong to the Kyrgyz ethnic group. Other ethnic groups include Russians, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Dungans. People of more than 100 nationalities live and work side by side.

The Tien-Shan and Alay mountains cover most of Kyrgyzstan. The country’s

chief rivers include Chy, Talas and Naryn. The largest rivers are Naryn, Chy, Ak-Bura and Talas.

The economy in Kyrgyzstan is not much developed. Agriculture accounts for about two-fifth of the value of Kyrgyzstan’s economic production. Live-stock rising is the chief agricultural activity. Sheep are the most important livestock. People also raise cattle, goats. The yaks are grazing in the high mountains.

Manufacturing makes up about a third of the value of production in Kyrgyzstan. Chief manufactured products include construction materials, garments.

The people of Kyrgyzstan cherish their customs and traditions. They have their national dress, their national musical instruments, their national songs and dances. They love their country and they have managed to preserve their natural world.

Topic: Bishkek

The capital of our Republic is Bishkek. It lies in the central part of the Chui Valley. The city was founded in the second half of the19th century. It has a linear street structure which contributes to the better airing of the city.

The present day Bishkek is a big city of more than one million people. It occupies the valley between the Ala-Archa and Alamedin rivers. The city has numerous parks and squares and for the majority of the year the streets are lined with green trees. At the foot of the mountains there are new residential micro districts.

In the centre of the city you can enjoy quite a number of typical architecture such as: Philharmonic-concert hall, government building, Historical Museum, Monument for the Great War; but also modern monuments pointing out the traditional Kyrgyz culture-Monument of Manas, Monument of Independence, as well as many statues of Akyns, Manaschi and Local governors of different periods.

The citizens’ and guests’ favourite place for their rest is the centre of Bishkek.

Most of the museums, galleries, parks, restaurants and cafes are concentrated here.

The Oak Park is one of such places. It’s always cool there under the shadow of the thick trees. The Oak Park is a kind of a sculptures museum in the open air.

Next to the Oak Park there is a Bishkek exhibition – the Erkindik gallery where you can admire local painters’ and masters’ works. Ala Too square is a political place of interest. People and guests come there during the holidays. Military parades, demonstrations, prayers and festivals take place there.

The city is changing its appearance. Luxury private mansions and villas are growing. A lot of banks’ buildings and business centers are being reconstructed.

Topic: Osh

Osh is one of the most ancient Asian cities. The exact date of its foundation is unknown. There are several stages of the history of its development. In the period from the 4th century to the 5th - 6th centuries, Osh was an important point on the Great Silk Road, connecting the states of East and West. In the 8th – 10th centuries, Osh was the third in size in the Fergana valley. It was a large center of economics, culture and trade in Fergana.

Nowadays, it is an administrative, cultural, economic and scientific center of South Kyrgyzstan. Hundreds of young people are getting higher education in the center of our city. The city has many educational establishments such as Osh State University, Osh Technological University, The Kyrgyz-Uzbek University, Osh Pedagogical Institute, some colleges and many secondary technical and vocational schools.

As an industrial center Osh has a great number of small and big plants and factories. Nowadays, our city has cultural, educational and industrial relations with many neighboring countries.

Osh has many historical museums. One of them is situated in the cave of the Sulaiman Mountain. There are many interesting places in our city. The city is situated on the river Ak-Buura. The industry and agriculture of the city play an important role in the republic’s economy. The city exports chemical and textile products to other countries.

By UNESCO’s decision the 3000th anniversary of Osh city was celebrated in 2000.

Topic: Chyngyz Aitmatov

Chyngyz Aitmatov was one of the word’s most popular writes today. His books were translated into more than 80 languages.

At 35 he was awarded the Lenin prize. The well-known French writer Louis Aragon (1897-1982) described one of his first short novels, «Djamilya», as the most wonderful love story in the world.

Chyngyz Aitmatov was born in 1928 in the mountain village of Sheker in the Talas valley where the epic hero Manas lives. He was brought up by Grandma Aimkan, an endless source of fairy-tales and old songs. The boy listened for hours to her stories. After the war broke out Chyngyz, at the age of fourteen, worked as a secretary of the village Soviet.

Chyngyz attended an agricultural secondary school, then an agricultural institute from which he graduated with distinction. After that he worked as a veterinary surgeon. Then he suddenly decided to go to Moscow and studied in the Gorki Literary Institute. At 30 he published his first story and five years later his name became known to millions of readers.

After his «Djamilya» he wrote his remarkable short novels «The White steamship», «Early Storks» and «Piebald Dog, Running Along the Seashore».

While the people considered «The White Steamship» as the best of Aitmatov’s works, the author says with his usual modesty that a writer’s best work is the one he is going to write. As for «The White Steamship», «it is about a seven-year-old boy,» says the author, «but it is not a fairy-tale for children or a story about children for adults. I wrote it for myself and for everyone who may be interested: it is about conscience which grows in man during childhood.»

Aitmatov’s works are very «cinematographic», and nearly everything he was writing has been screened. In fact the «Kyrgyz «cinephenomenon» owes much to Chyngyz Aitmatov.

The publication of Aitmatov’s first novel, «A Day that Longer than an Age Does Last», was a major event in the country’s literary life «Metaphors have become particularly important in our time,» says Aitmatov , «so I want the metaphors in my novel to remind man of his responsibility for the destiny of our planet…»

It is no exaggeration to say that no one else has brought so much fame to Kyrhgyz, no other writer has had a wider influence on all spheres of its cultural life than Chyngyz Aitmatov who is now an Academician, hero of Socialist Labour and winner of the Lenin prize and two State prizes of the USSR.

Topic: My birthday.

The 20th of April is my favourite day because it is my birthday. On this day I usually wake up early. When I open my eyes I look around and see some presents on the table.

My parents usually give me toys or clothes as birthday presents. I get up quickly and run out of my room. My mum and Dad kiss me and wish me a happy birthday.

In the afternoon my friends come and we have a birthday party. We play games, sing songs, and even watch TV or videos. My Mum usually treats us to many tasty things. She usually cooks a birthday cake, buys fruits and sweets.

In the evening I get presents from my grandparents. They give me books and board games.

Topic: Meals

We have four meals a day. They are: breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and supper. I have breakfast at home at eight o’clock. It is usually a sandwich and a cup of coffee or tea. I don’t like cereals or eggs for breakfast.

For lunch I have soup, meat, chicken or fish with vegetables and drink tea or eat some fruit.

As a rile I have cookies and juice or a milkshake for a snack. I hate milk for a snack. I usually have lunch and snack at school.

For dinner I prefer pancakes or spaghetti with cheese. Sometimes I have yoghurt or an ice-cream for supper.

Topic: My family

I have got a family. It is not very big. We are five: my father, mother, little brother and sister. My Mum is not old. She is young and pretty. Her hair is blond and curly. She has got blue eyes. She is not tall. She is a doctor. She is kind.

My Dad is strong and handsome. His hair is fair and straight. His eyes are brown. My father is very clever. He is a good engineer. He works for a big company.

I have got a sister. Her name is Anara. She is eighteen. Anara is my elder sister. She is a student. My brother’s name is Nurlan. He is five. He is my little brother. He is not a pupil. Sometimes Nurlan is naughty but he is a very friendly boy.

I have got a grandmother and a grandfather. They have got their own house. They live in a village. They do not work. My Granny is a retired nurse and my grandpa is a retired worker. Sometimes they come to see us and we visit them too. My parents have sisters and brothers. My father’s sister is my aunt. She is a teacher. My mother’s brother is my uncle. He is a businessman. Their children are my cousins. We all love each other dearly.

Topic: My friend

I have a lot of friends. I always make new friends and acquaintances. But there can be only one person, who understands you better than anyone else; person, who you can call the best and closest friend. As for me, I have such a friend. She is a girl, her name is Kate. Kate is a nice girl of thirteen, well-bred and pretty. She is a bit taller than me, slim, dark-haired and dark eyed. Her lips are plump and her nose is straight. She is very gay and cheerful. Kate has her own opinion about everything. She is tolerant and rather modest.

Topic: Computers

Computer is a machine which performs calculation and processes information very fast. A computer can handle a great number of information and solve difficult problems. The most powerful computers can perform billions of calculation per second.

Computers are used in business, education, transportation and other fields. The most common type of a computer is the digital computer. All digital computers may be grouped into three categories: 1) embedded computers; 2) personal compute; 3) main frames.

All embedded computers are microprocessors. Personal computers are used by one person. They are fitted on the desk and used for word processing, performing simple calculations and playing computer games.

Mainframes are powerful computers with large memories and large file storage system. They are used in several cabinets and laboratories and they do a single job.

Topic: Our English classes

All schoolchildren in our country study foreign languages: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. Pupils of gymnasiums, lyceums and school with advanced learning of foreign languages learn two or more foreign languages. Sometimes they have classes of Chinese, Japanese or ancient (dead) languages such as Greek or Latin. I have chosen English (the English languages) because it is an international language spoken all over the world.

We have English four times a week, but if you want to learn to speak English better, you can take up the optional course after classes. At the beginning of the lesson our English teacher comes into the classroom and greets us. Then we have a talk on weather, seasons, our weekends and hobbies. In our English classes we read, translate and retell texts. We do exercise and often write words and sentences on the blackboard. Our teacher asks us a lot of questions and we try to answer them. We discuss stories, films, books and our problems.

Most of young people want to learn English. They go to English learning clubs. They master the foreign language very well there. They can regularly listen to English and American records do their best to improve their pronunciation.

Topic: Doctor Sandford’s family

Doctor Sandford’s family is not very large. They are five of them. The five members of his family are: his mother, his sister-in-law, his son Benny, his wife Helen and himself. Helen has no parents. Old Mrs. Sandford is fifty-eight. Helen is twenty-six. Doctor Sandford is thirty. Benny is an only child and there are no boys or girls in the family for him to play with.

Topic: Seasons and weather

The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

In spring nature awakens from her long winter sleep. The trees are filled with new life, the earth is warmed by the rays of the sun, and the weather gets gradually milder. The fields and the meadows are covered with the songs of the birds. The sky is blue and cloudless. At night, millions of stars shine in the darkness.

When summer comes the weather gets warmer still and sometimes it’s very hot. It’s the farmer’s busy season- they work in their fields from morning till night. It is the best season for schoolchildren. Because they have a rest in summer.

Autumn brings with it the harvest-time, when the crops are gathered in and the fruit is picked in the orchards. The days get shorter and the nights longer.

When winter comes, we’re obliged to spend more time indoors because out-of-doors it’s cold. We may get fog, sleet and frost. Ponds, lakes, rivers and streams are frozen, and the roads are covered with slippery ice or deep snow. The trees are bare.

Topic: My working day

I want to tell you about my working day. Every day I get up at 7 o’clock. Then I do my morning exercises to the radio or cassette-recorder. At a quarter past seven I wash my hands and faces. At half past seven I have breakfast. I have tea with bread, cakes, fried eggs, sugar and butter. At 8 o’clock I go to the college by taxi. Our college is situated not far from our center. Our classes begin at half past eight and end at twenty minutes to three. We have four classes every day.

We have classes on week days. On Sunday we have a rest.

Topic: My sister’s working day

I want to tell you about my sister’s working day. Every day she gets up at seven (7.00) o’clock. Then she does her morning exercises to the radio or to cassette-recorder. At a quarter past (7.15) seven she washes her hands and faces. At half past seven she has breakfast. She has tea with bread, cakes, fried eggs, sugar and butter. At eight o’clock she goes to school. Their school is situated not far from our house. Their lessons begin at half past eight and end at one o’clock. They have six lessons every day. At half past one she has dinner. She has a rest after dinner. Then she does her home work. She has supper at seven o’clock in the evening. She watches TV programmers after supper. At eleven o’clock she goes to bed. This is her working day.

Topic: Our house

Our house is in Manas street. There are five rooms in it. They are a living-room, a bed-room, a study, a nursery and a hall.

Our living-room is very large, light, airy and well-furnished. There is a cozy sofa, a table and two arm-chairs in the right-hand corner. There is a modern colour TV-set with a picture above it in the opposite corner near the window. There is a book-case with full of interesting books in the room, too. We have some nice carpets on the floor. We like to spend our evenings in the living-room and receive guests there.

Our bed-room is very nice too. This is my parent’s room. There is a double-bed, two bed-side tables, a wardrobe in it. The curtains on the window, match the wallpaper and it makes the room lovely. There some pictures on the walls, too.

My room is my study. It is the smallest room in the house. I have not much furniture in my room. There’s a desk with a computer and a cassette-recorder on it near the window. I’ve got a small TV-set and a VCR in my room. When my friends come to my place we spend our time in this room.

Our kitchen is large and it is conveniently arranged. The kitchen is my mother’s favourite place. There are all modern conveniences in the kitchen: a fridge, a dish washer, a microwave oven, a toaster, a fan,, etc. Here we do the cooking and have our meals.

The hall is not very large. There is a hall-stand and a mirror on the wall. Our telephone is on a small table under the mirror.

We try to do the best to keep our house tidy, cozy and comfortable.

Text: Language Learning

Let’s analyze why it’s so important to learn foreign languages. Today one of the most burning problems for young specialists all over the word is getting a good and well paid job. Usually it requires knowledge of one or sometimes several foreign languages. These and many other factors explain why it’s so necessary to know foreign languages. The more languages you know the bigger amount of information you can obtain, the more educated and intelligent you are. Just imagine, if you know English and Russian languages you are capable of getting 74 % of world’s information. And finally isn’t it pleasant to go to any country in the word and be able to understand what is going on around you?

Besides knowing one or more foreign languages has a formative function. It makes it possible to know different ways of thinking, to understand new peoples; it gives you a chance to become acquainted with new literature, different culture and to broaden your knowledge.

There several basic techniques that a person can use to learn a foreign language. These are listening, speaking, reading and writing. All four of them develop all kinds of memory a human being possesses.

Through watching TV, Listening to the radio in the language you study, you learn more and more words and expressions that were unknown to you before. You also train your ear and improve and correct your pronunciation.

While speaking you develop the ability to communicate thoughts and express your feelings to other people. One of the best ways to do that is talking more and more to your mates, your teachers and even to native speakers which is the best of all three.

It’s for sure there would be no progress in your language studies without reading. The best thing to start with is special texts in textbooks, then you may get down to reading the original literature which is much more interesting and useful.

And then don’t forget writing is vitally important to train your vision memory in English. Writing exercises, letters and essays is essentially important for the worlds you learn.

Of course, only applying all four techniques (listening, speaking, reading and writing) you can attain high results in language learning.

Check up your knowledge

What is your name (surname)?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

Is your family large?
Have you a lot of relatives?
What are your parents?
Have you brothers, sisters?
What do they do?
How old are they?
Have you grandparents?
Do they live with you?
Do you often visit your grandparents?
Do you help your mother to take care of your brothers, sisters?
Is your family friendly?
Do you spend free time together?
Do you travel together?
Do members of your family go in for sport?
Have you cousins?
How often do you visit your relatives?
Would you like to have a large family?
Have you pets?
Who takes care of them in your family?
What holiday is a favourite one in your family?

Can you speak English well?

Can you read English texts?

Имена числительные (1-100)

количественные и порядковые числительные


Колич. чис.


Порядк. чис.





the first

'f ә:st




the second





the third




f כ:

the fourth

'f כ: Ө




the fifth*





the sixth





the seventh





the eigth





the ninth





the tenth





the eleventh





the twelfth





the thirteenth




'f כ:'ti:n

the fourteenth

'f כ:ti:nӨ




the fifteenth





the sixteenth





the seventeenth





the eighteenth





the nineteenth





the twentieth





the thirtieth




'f כ:ti

the fortieth

'f כ:ti:Ө




the fiftieth





the sixtieth





the seventieth





the eightieth





the ninetieth



a (one)


ə [wLn]


the (one)


ðə [wLn]



a (one)


ə [wLn]


the (one)


ðə [wLn]


Использованные литературы

1.Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. М.: Владос. 2008, 432с.

2.Бонк .Н А.. Учебник английского языка. Межд. изд. Туркестан Бишкек, 1997, 667 с.

3. Турсунов Х. Welcome to English. Ташкент. Университет, 1999, 256 с.

4. Акишина А.А. Русская фонетика Москва изд. «Русский язык» 1990

5. Мухтархон-Умархужа. Английский для всех. Интенсивный курс. Ташкент. 1998,134 с.

6. Сорокин Г.А., Хэджек Д., Кувалдин А.Ю. Русско-английский разговорник. Минск. ИП. «Экоперспектива»1997. 184 с.

7. Петрова А.В. Самоучитель англ.языка. Практ. пособие. 8- изд. испр. М. Высшая школа 1992, 365 с.ил.

8. Старков А.П., Диксон Р. Р., Островский В. С. Учеб. англ. языка для 8-кл. Москва, Просвещение 1991. 206с.

9. Игнатова Т. Н. Английский язык Интенсивный курс. М. Высшая школа 1988. 253 с.

10. Сидоренко Г. И., Клыс И. А. Разговорный английский язык. Минск. ИП. «Экоперспектива».1997. 180 с.


































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