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Аудирование по теме "Животные в опасности"

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Вашему вниманию предлагается разработка к видеоролику What Animals are Endangered, которую можно использовать для проведения аудирования по темам "Животные", "Дикая природа", "Животные в опасности". Представлены вопросы и задания с ключами для учителя.

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«Аудирование по теме "Животные в опасности"»

К уроку Going green 2 (Spotlight 9)

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7ZvodUuXRE – What Animals are Endangered?

Give the students questions to make them more attentive:

  1. Why do we call some animals becoming endangered?

  2. What are the main reasons for animals becoming endangered?

  3. What animal and why is got endangered?

  4. What animals enumerated in the video item are becoming endangered?

  5. Enumerate the steps necessary for preventing animals from becoming endangered.

  6. Put the actions into the proper column: breed more animal in reservations; study the habitat of the animal; find out the number of the animals in the wild; inform society about the ways of helping; release animals into the wild; make law forbidding hunting; study the danger for specific animals; create the habitat and the right conditions for the animals



take action

study the habitat of the animal

breed more animal in reservations

inform society about the ways of helping

find out the number of the animals in the wild

release animals into the wild

study the danger for specific animals

make law forbidding hunting

create the habitat and the right conditions for the animals


Why do we call some animals becoming endangered?

Small habitats, small population

What are the main reasons for animals becoming endangered?

Habitat loss, hunting, disease, climate changes

What animal and why is got endangered?

Dodo – because of hunting (The dodo (Raphus cucullatus) is an extinct flightless bird that was endemic to the island of Mauritius, which is east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. The dodo's closest relative was the also-extinct and flightless Rodrigues solitaire. The two formed the subfamily Raphinae, a clade of extinct flightless birds that were a part of the family which includes pigeons and doves. The closest living relative of the dodo is the Nicobar pigeon.)

What animals enumerated in the video item are becoming endangered?


Pole bears

Sea turtles

Red squirrels

Giant otters

Mountain gorillas

Giant pandas

Sumatran tigers


Enumerate the steps necessary for preventing animals from becoming endangered

Discover, protect, take action

Put the actions into the proper column: breed more animal in reservations; study the habitat of the animal; find out the number of the animals in the wild; inform society about the ways of helping; release animals into the wild; make law forbidding hunting; study the danger for specific animals; create the habitat and the right conditions for the animals



take action

study the habitat of the animal

breed more animal in reservations

inform society about the ways of helping

find out the number of the animals in the wild

release animals into the wild

study the danger for specific animals

make law forbidding hunting

create the habitat and the right conditions for the animals

Ideas form the video item:

Discover – study the species, where does it live, what are the dangers, how many individuals are there in the wild

Protect – by breeding more animals in captivity and releasing them back in the wild, creating nature reserves and making laws to make hunting illegal

Take action – give people information how to help


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