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British traditions, holidays, festivals

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«British traditions, holidays, festivals»

Конспект урока английского языка УМК Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.В. «Rainbow English» 6 класс “Holidays in Great Britain”

Тип урока: комбинированный, систематизация знаний о праздниках Британии

Цель урока: ознакомление учащихся с обычаями и традициями празднования Рождества в Британии, развитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка посредством игровых технологий.

Задачи урока:


1.Знакомство учащихся с традициями и праздниками стран изучаемого языка

2.Расширение с помощью английского языка представления обучающихся об окружающем их мире ,как средство взаимодействия с этим народом.

.Развивающая :

1.Совершенствования воображения ,логического мышления, памяти у учащихся

2.Развитие познавательного интереса и коммуникативной деятельности у учащихся

Воспитательная :

1.Воспитание интереса к культуре стран изучаемого языка у учащихся

2.Формирование положительной мотивации учения ,готовности воспринимать культуру другого народа

3.Формирование чувства ответственности ,коллективизма

Оснащение урока: УМК О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева « Rainbow English» для 6 класса, компьютер, презентация.

. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, children! I am gland to see you. Today we shall speak with you about the most famous holidays and customs of Great Britain and compare with Russian ones. We also shall revise lexical and grammar structures. I hope that it will be interesting for you during our lesson.

II. Основная часть:

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard! And repeat the following words after me.

Christmas, holidays, New Year tree, greeting cards, presents, first foot, Valentine Cards, Easter, , to сelebrate, religious holiday,, to be connected with, holy,, old-fashioned, , forgotten, to attend, ancient.

III. Речевая разминка: (3 мин)

T: But tell me, please, children, what holidays are celebrated in your families? And how do you celebrate them?

Do you know that a roast turkey is a traditional food on Christmas in Britain?

What is the most favourite holiday in your family?

What religious holidays do you know in Great Britain?

(Дети отвечают на вопросы).

IV. Практика говорения.

Now, we are going to have speaking practice. Your home assignment was to prepare 5-6 sentences about holidays and customs of Great Britain.

P1: Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. People of different countries celebrate Christmas in various ways. Christmas is a time for eating. The traditional food is turkey, Christmas cake, Christmas pudding made of fruit. Candles at Christmas also go back to those times. People believed then that their light helped them to forget the darkness of winter. Now Christmas Tree stands in everybody’s living room at Christmas.

P2 I am from Russia. The fist holiday of the year is New Year’s Day. There are a lot of New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree with lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost to come and give them a present. Many people think New Year’s day to be a family holiday. But in England not all English people celebrate New Year. A lot of people go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas tree. They have a New Year party at home. When Big Ben strikes 12 they drink a toast for the New Year.

P 3 People in Russia have many traditions. One of them is Maslenitsa. On this holiday people say good-bye to winter. People in both countries cook pancakes with honey or sour-cream, they sing songs and dance

P4 The 8th of March is a happy and nice holiday. Each family celebrates this spring holiday. In the morning, men go to the shops to buy some flowers. They try to clean flats and to cook a holiday dinner. Sons help their fathers too: they make a cake, lay the table and wash dishes after holiday dinner. There is almost the same holiday in England. It is called Mothers' Day and celebrated also inspring. Flowers and cakes are the traditional gifts for all women England. All women try to be nice and happy on this day.

P5 : In Russia we celebrate Victory day on the 9th of May. On this day, the radio and television broadcast parade held in the Red square. High officials attend this parade. They place a wreath of flowers at the tomb of Unknown Soldier. All stand in silence for a few minutes. In Great Britain people celebrate Remembrance Day on the 11th of November. On this day, the Royal family and political leaders come to the Cenotaph to lay wreaths at its foot. War veterans march past the memorial. An endless line of people wishing to honour the veterans and those were killed in the war follows.

Развитие навыков чтения: (5 мин)

T: Now you know more about traditions and let's check up your knowledge in it. You should read the descriptions of the holidays from the cards, name them and choose the right symbol.

Symbols: a fir-tree, a black raven, an egg, a scarecrow, a card in the shape of heart, a pumpkin, a guard, Santa Clause.

Cards: 1. People decorate Christmas tree with toys and balls.

They get presents and have a traditional dinner.

2. Englishmen colour eggs, have a party and go to church.

And children get chocolate eggs and rabbits.

3. Children usually make a scarecrow and burn it.

They have bonfires and fireworks.

4. Girls and boys send special cards each other on this holiday and guess who sent them. They express deepest feelings and love.

5. People make faces out of pumpkins and meet witches, ghosts and other scary figures in the street. Children say "trick or treat".

6. The keeper of the ravens look after them and cut them wings to hold the power of the Crown. These ravens are in the Tower of London.

7. Englishmen usually throw their things from the house. They are furniture, clothes or something else.

8. This day is the day following Christmas Day. Children usually get presents from their parents, relatives and friends.

9. There is a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers on horses on the 2nd Saturday in June. The Guards march in front of the Queen and carry the flag, which is called "Colour".

V.Аудирование и письмо.

Учащиеся прослушивают текст и выполняют к нему задания.

Teacher: The next task is listening to the text, which is called “More about British and Russian traditions”. You must listen to the speaker attentively.

Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a more important role in the life of people than in other countries. They say Britsh people are very conservative. They are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. But when we speak about British traditions we always remember that there are four parts in Britain – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Traditions are different in these parts of the country. You already know some of the English traditions and holidays. We hope you remember St. Valentine's Day, St.Patrick's Day, Halloween which have also become traditional British holidays. Here are some more facts about old English traditions. One of the old English legends says that London can be the capital of the country, rich and great until twelve black ravens live in the Tower of London. Each has got its name and the keepers carefully look after them. If one of the birds dies, another younger raven takes its place. Londoners believe this legend and always bring some food to give to the birds when they come to the Tower. The keepers cut the bird's wings a bit as they are afraid that they may flyaway. People in Russia have their own special traditions. One of them is Maslenitsa – the holiday, which lasts for a week, to say “goodbye” to winter. People celebrate it at the end of February or at the beginning of March. During this holiday they celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring. In old times people usually cooked pancakes, had fires, burnt straw scarecrows of winter, they sang songs and danced. Now during “Maslenitsa week” people always cook pancakes. They invite their friends, their nearest to see each other and eat pancakes with sour cream, fish, caviar or butter, sugar, honey. Though different countries have different traditions and holidays people all over the world know some of them. They are – Easter, Ghristmas and New Year.

T: I shall give you these cards and you should write “False” or “True”.

Card 1

1. Every country has its own traditions and customs.

2. There are no common traditions all over the world.

3. English people celebrate Maslenitsa.

4. There are some common holidays in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

5. London can be great until 10 black ravens live in the Tower.

6. Russian people seldom eat pancakes with caviar now.

VI. Контроль усвоения полученной на уроке информации: 

T: I see you have know many interesting things. Let's see if you have understood everything about different customs and traditions. (Ученики отвечают на вопросы викторины)

The Quiz

1. Whose present is a Christmas tree in Trafalgar square?

  • Germany;

  • France;

  • Norway.

2. What does the "Halloween" mean?

  • The holiday to honour all the saints;

  • The festival of angles and devils;

  • A game;

  • Parades with bonfires.

3. Why do people dress up as witches?

  • to scary people;

  • to help poor;

  • to eat must tasty things;

  • to have fun.

4. When is Christmas celebrated in Britain?

  • December 26;

  • January 7;

  • December 31;

  • December 25.

5. Who was Guy Fawkes?

  • A monarch;

  • A terrorist;

  • A saint;

  • A burglar.

6. When is Easter celebrated in Britain?

  • In March;

  • In April;

  • In June.

7. What do British give each other on Easter Sunday?

  • easter eggs;

  • easter sweets;

  • easter Kulich;

  • easter chocolate eggs.

8. Where does Santa put his presents?

  • Into boxes

  • Into stockings

  • Under the Christmas tree

9. Where do English children usually put the Christmas stockings?

  • under the bed;

  • under the pillow;

  • near the bed;

  • on the fireplace.

10. When did Guy Fawkes want to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I and his ministers?

  • 1666;

  • 1066;

  • 1605.

VII. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов. Учитель акцентирует внимание учащихся на целях урока и на полученных в его ходе результатах.

I think we’ve done a lot. You were active at the lesson. Now it’s time to discuss the results of our lesson. What have you learnt today? I’ll give you good and excellent marks today.

VIII. Объяснение домашнего задания. Написать сочинение по свой любимый праздник.


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