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Create END IN MIND project

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Task 7 Create END IN MIND project/ 

Check the availability of 4 basic skills `development and also at least one of the technological skill.

2.    Send your project to your site Multiurok.

3. Send your project  for checking

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«Create END IN MIND project»

Task 7

Create END IN MIND project

name of the project

action plan

criteria for evaluation

skill development

How can you use English to empower yourself?

- create a wish card
- write an essay on this topic
- make the presentation "my future". Link it with the name of the project.
- answer the following questions:
How can English affect your career?
How can learning English help you at university
How can English help you in finding important information?
How to make your life more interesting by learning English?

- creative thinking
- ability to make a plan
- ability to reason
communication skills
- ability to use Internet resources
- ability to listen and evaluate partners
- ability to protect your project

- development of attention, interest in communication;
- development of contact skills;
- development of verbal and non-verbal communication skills;
- development of group interaction skills
- develop the ability to correctly express your thoughts;
- develop the ability to clearly plan


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