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Der süße Brei Märchen

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«Der süße Brei Märchen»

Der süße Brei Märchen

Der süße Brei Märchen

Complete the sentences by paying attention to the drawings

Complete the sentences by paying attention to the drawings

Es war einmal ein armes … .

Es war einmal ein armes … .

Das Kind ging in den … .

Das Kind ging in den … .

Das Mädchen begegnete da einer alten … .

Das Mädchen begegnete da einer alten … .

Die Frau schenkte dem Kind … .

Die Frau schenkte dem Kind … .

 brachte, das Töpfchen, das Mädchen, heim, seiner Mutter den süßen Brei, das Töpfchen, kochte das Mädchen, einmal, war, nicht, zu Hause Wußte, das richtige Wort, die Mutter, nicht Das Haus, voll, und, waren, die Küche Endlich, das Mädchen, nach Hause, kam In which order should the arrangement of words be in a sentence?
  • brachte, das Töpfchen, das Mädchen, heim, seiner Mutter
  • den süßen Brei, das Töpfchen, kochte
  • das Mädchen, einmal, war, nicht, zu Hause
  • Wußte, das richtige Wort, die Mutter, nicht
  • Das Haus, voll, und, waren, die Küche
  • Endlich, das Mädchen, nach Hause, kam

In which order should the arrangement of words be in a sentence?

1. Once upon a time there was a poor girl. 2. One day she went to the forest. 3. In the forest, she met an old woman. 4. The old lady gave the girl a pot. 5. The girl spoke magic words and the pot cooked porridge itself. Tell a story using the following sentence plan.
  • 1. Once upon a time there was a poor girl.
  • 2. One day she went to the forest.
  • 3. In the forest, she met an old woman.
  • 4. The old lady gave the girl a pot.
  • 5. The girl spoke magic words and the pot cooked porridge itself.

Tell a story using the following sentence plan.

6. The girl and her mother ate sweet porridge. 7. One day the girl was not at home. 8. The girl's mother asked the pot to cook porridge. The woman was already full, and the pot boiled and cooked porridge. 9. Soon the whole house and street were full of porridge. 10. Finally the girl came and said:
  • 6. The girl and her mother ate sweet porridge.
  • 7. One day the girl was not at home.
  • 8. The girl's mother asked the pot to cook porridge. The woman was already full, and the pot boiled and cooked porridge.
  • 9. Soon the whole house and street were full of porridge.
  • 10. Finally the girl came and said: "Potty, stop!"

Tell a story using the following sentence plan.


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