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Диагностическая контрольная работа 1 курс

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Материалы контрольной работы  предназначены для студентов 1 курса учреждений среднего профессионального образования. Цель контрольной работы -  осуществить контроль уровня сформированности знаний, умений и навыков студентов, полученных за курс основной школы.

Контрольная работа состоит из 2 вариантов. В каждом варианте по три задания: лексика и грамматика, чтение с целью извлечения конкретной информации, и задание на решение коммуникативных задач. 

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«Диагностическая контрольная работа 1 курс»



Зам. директора по УМР

Ковалёва Н.С.


Методическая разработка

Тема: «Тестирование для входного мониторинга по английскому языку для студентов I курсов СПО».

Разработал: преподаватель английского языка Медведева О.В.


г. Новошахтинск



Фамилия, Имя, Отчество автора загружаемого материала

Медведева Ольга Владимировна

Место работы



Иностранный язык (английский язык)


№ 11; № 12; № 14; № 15; № 16; №17.

Название материала

Входной срез по английскому языку за пройденный материал основной школы


Вид ресурса (разработка учебного занятия, дидактический материал, методические рекомендации, статья и т.п.)

Лексико-грамматический тест

Цели и задачи

осуществить контроль уровня сформированности знаний, умений и навыков обучающихся в соответствии с целями и задачами изученных тем

Среда, редактор, в котором выполнен продукт

Документ Microsoft Word -2010.

Необходимое оборудование и материалы для занятия

Дидактический материал

Форматы файлов, содержащихся в архиве



Публикуется впервые

Методические рекомендации

Материалы контрольной работы предназначены для студентов 1 курса учреждений среднего профессионального образования. Цель контрольной работы - осуществить контроль уровня сформированности знаний, умений и навыков студентов, полученных за курс основной школы.

Контрольная работа состоит из 2 вариантов. В каждом варианте по три задания: лексика и грамматика, чтение с целью извлечения конкретной информации, и задание на решение коммуникативных задач.

Критерии оценивания: каждое правильно выполненное задание оценивается в один балл, таким образом, максимальное количество баллов, которое можно набрать в данной работе – 29.

Баллы распределяются по заданиям следующим образом:

I grammar and vocabulary – 15

II reading - 8

III communication - 6

26-29 баллов - оценка 5

22-25 баллов - оценка 4

19-21 балл - оценка 3

Менее 19 баллов - оценка 2

Данная работа позволит выявить слабо усвоенные темы. Недочеты будут устраняться путем устного опроса, индивидуальной работы с обучающимися. После проверки контрольной работы планируется провести анализ типичных ошибок.

Variant 1

  1. Grammar and vocabulary. Circle the correct item.

  1. Ted loves ……tricks on his friends.

  1. getting

  2. playing

  3. making

  4. breaking

  1. That’s the cabin …..Pap locked Huck up.

  1. which

  2. where

  3. that

  4. who

  1. When she heard the bad news she broke….and


  1. up

  2. into

  3. in

  4. down

  1. Pamela is very punctual.

She is …on time for work.

  1. never

  2. seldom

  3. always

  4. rarely

  1. The maid ….the beds every morning.

  1. makes

  2. does

  3. takes

  4. has

  1. Ann ….her dentist tomorrow.

  1. sees

  2. saw

  3. is seeing

  4. has seen

  1. Joe is an orphan. He was brought …by his aunt.

  1. about

  2. around

  3. up

  4. on

  1. Do you know …car this is?

  1. whose

  2. who

  3. who’s

  4. that

  1. Joan gets up very early to prepare …work.

a) Of

b) For

c) In

d) To

  1. Lynne was vacuuming the carpets …Derek was mowing the lawn.

  1. while

  2. then

  3. because

  4. so

  1. When his brakes failed, his car …over to the other side of the road.

  1. collapsed

  2. waved

  3. slammed

  4. swerved

  1. The mechanic …the engine at that moment.

  1. repairs

  2. is repairing

  3. repaired

  4. was repairing

  1. Cn you look….a number in your telephone directory?

  1. into

  2. up

  3. through

  4. after

  1. Kenzie protected his handler from a(n) ….suspect

  1. absolute

  2. track

  3. armed

  4. technical

  1. She was not injured but it took her two hours to recover …..the shock.

  1. for

  2. from

  3. over

  4. at

II. Reading

Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is a special celebration and take place on a different date every year. It is a happy

celebration and a time of peace. Everyone stops work to celebrate the New Year and the start of spring. Chinese families all get together at this time of the year.

To prepare for the celebrations, people clean their houses and decorate them to clean away bad luck.

Decorations are often red. Some people buy new clothes and shoes, to make a new start for the New Year.

New Year’s Eve is the most special part of the festival and there is a big dinner for all the family. The dinner is very important and people cook special kinds of food to bring good luck. Adults give children and older family members money to give them luck. The number ‘eight’ is very lucky for Chinese people because it sounds the same as the Chinese word for ‘wealth’. Children often get $8 for New Year’s Eve in the USA. After dinner people often play cards or board games. They then stay

awake all night and leave all the lights on because they believe this helps their parents to live longer.

In China, the New Year festival lasts for three weeks and there are parades and dances in the streets. Fireworks are also an important part of the celebrations.

To end the Chinese New Year celebrations, there is a lantern festival where everyone brings a lantern. This is a time for singing and dancing to welcome the first full moon of the year. They believe this is lucky and an ideal way to end their celebrations.

1 Chinese New Year is always on the same date.________

2 Chinese families spend time together at the Chinese

New Year.________

3 People cook special food to bring them luck on New

Year’s Day._______

4 Children and older family members receive money on

New Year’s Eve.________

5 American children often get $8 on New Year’s Day._______

6 The New Year festival lasts for two weeks in China._______

7 Not everyone takes a lantern to the lantern


8 People think singing and dancing is a good way to end

the New Year celebrations._____________ […../8]

III. Communication.

Match the questions (1–6) with the answers (a–g).

0 What’s yoga? g

1 What’s chess?

2 Can I speak to Kathryn, please?

3 What’s a soft drink?

4 Could you ask Sarah to phone me, please?

5 What’s a simulation game?

6 Hi. Is Alex there, please? This is Neil.

a It’s a sort of game with situations from the real world.

b Sorry, she’s out. Have you got her mobile number?

c It’s a kind of board game. It’s quite challenging.

d Sorry, he’s out. Do you want to leave a message?

e It’s a kind of drink like cola or lemonade.

f Okay. I’ll get her to call you.

g It’s a sort of exercise for relaxation. […../6]

total score […../ 27]

Variant 2

  1. Ted loves ……tricks on his friends.

  1. getting

  2. playing

  3. making

  4. breaking

  1. That’s the cabin …..Pap locked Huck up.

  1. which

  2. where

  3. that

  4. who

  1. When she heard the bad news she broke….and


  1. up

  2. into

  3. in

  4. down

  1. Pamela is very punctual.

She is …on time for work.

  1. never

  2. seldom

  3. always

  4. rarely

  1. The maid ….the beds every morning.

  1. makes

  2. does

  3. takes

  4. has

  1. Ann ….her dentist tomorrow.

  1. sees

  2. saw

  3. is seeing

  4. has seen

  1. Joe is an orphan. He was brought …by his aunt.

  1. about

  2. around

  3. up

  4. on

  1. Do you know …car this is?

  1. whose

  2. who

  3. who’s

  4. that

  1. Joan gets up very early to prepare …work.

a) Of

b) For

c) In

d) To

  1. Lynne was vacuuming the carpets …Derek was mowing the lawn.

  1. while

  2. then

  3. because

  4. so

  1. When his brakes failed, his car …over to the other side of the road.

  1. collapsed

  2. waved

  3. slammed

  4. swerved

  1. The mechanic …the engine at that moment.

  1. repairs

  2. is repairing

  3. repaired

  4. was repairing

  1. Cn you look….a number in your telephone directory?

  1. into

  2. up

  3. through

  4. after

  1. Kenzie protected his handler from a(n) ….suspect

  1. absolute

  2. track

  3. armed

  4. technical

  1. She was not injured but it took her two hours to recover …..the shock.

  1. for

  2. from

  3. over

  4. at

II. Reading

Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is a special celebration and take place on a different date every year. It is a happy

celebration and a time of peace. Everyone stops work to celebrate the New Year and the start of spring. Chinese families all get together at this time of the year.

To prepare for the celebrations, people clean their houses and decorate them to clean away bad luck.

Decorations are often red. Some people buy new clothes and shoes, to make a new start for the New Year.

New Year’s Eve is the most special part of the festival and there is a big dinner for all the family. The dinner is very important and people cook special kinds of food to bring good luck. Adults give children and older family members money to give them luck. The number ‘eight’ is very lucky for Chinese people because it sounds the same as the Chinese word for ‘wealth’. Children often get $8 for New Year’s Eve in the USA. After dinner people often play cards or board games. They then stay

awake all night and leave all the lights on because they believe this helps their parents to live longer.

In China, the New Year festival lasts for three weeks and there are parades and dances in the streets. Fireworks are also an important part of the celebrations.

To end the Chinese New Year celebrations, there is a lantern festival where everyone brings a lantern. This is a time for singing and dancing to welcome the first full moon of the year. They believe this is lucky and an ideal way to end their celebrations.

1 Chinese New Year doesn’t take place on the same date

each year._____________

2 Chinese families usually work in the Chinese New Year


3 Some people buy new things to wear for the Chinese

New Year._____________

4 The New Year’s Eve dinner is very important._____________

5 People usually go to bed early after the New Year’s Eve


6 The New Year festival lasts for three days in China._________

7 Fireworks are not part of the celebrations in China.____________

8 People sing and dance at the lantern festival._________________



Match the questions (1–6) with the answers (a–g).

0 What’s yoga? g

1 What’s a timetable?

2 Can you tell Mary okay for tennis tomorrow?

3 What is a role-playing game?

4 Can I speak to Lee, please?

5 Hi. Is Jenny there, please? This is Lucy

6 What’s a wetsuit?

a It’s a kind of game and you are one of the characters.

b It’s a sort of plan of what you’re doing.

c Sorry, he’s out. Have you got his mobile number?

d Okay. I’ll give her the message.

e It’s a sort of clothing for swimming in cold water.

f Sorry, she’s out. Do you want to leave a message?

g It’s a sort of exercise for relaxation. […../6]

total score […../ 27]


1 вариант

2 вариант

Grammar and vocabulary

Grammar and vocabulary

1 – b

2 – b

3 – d

4 – c

5 – a

6 – c

7 - c

8 – a

9 – b

10 – a

11 – d

12 – b

13 – b

14 – c

15 - b

1 – b

2 – b

3 – d

4 – c

5 – a

6 – c

7 - c

8 – a

9 – b

10 – a

11 – d

12 – b

13 – b

14 – c

15 - b



1 – F

2 – T

3 – F

4 – T

5 – F

6 – F

7 – F

8 - T

1 – T

2 – F

3 – T

4 – T

5 – F

6 – F

7 – F

8 - T



1 – c

2 – b

3 – e

4 – f

5 – c

6 - d

1 – b

2 – d

3 – a

4 – c

5 – f

6 - e


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