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Диагностическая контрольная работа 2 курс

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Материалы контрольной работы  предназначены для студентов 2 курса учреждений среднего профессионального образования. Цель контрольной работы -  осуществить контроль уровня сформированности знаний, умений и навыков студентов, полученных за 1 курс, обучения в образовательном учреждении.

Контрольная работа состоит из 2 вариантов. В каждом варианте по семь заданий: лексика и грамматика (косвенная и прямая речь; выражение причин и следствий в предложениях), чтение с целью извлечения конкретной информации, и задание на решение коммуникативных задач. 

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«1 вариант»


NAME …………………………………………………………….……. DATE ……………………

Group …………………………………………………………….……. MARK ______


(Time 45 minutes)


A. Underline the correct word.

e.g. The car is covered with snowflakes/ snowdrops.

1 Weather forecasters try to be accurate/
when they predict the weather.

2 The robbers made off/up with a lot of money.

3 Harry crashed his car while driving in the thick fog/mist.

4 A bolt/ray of sunshine appeared after the storm.

5 I gave a detailed/data description of the thief.

6 I don’t believe him. I think he made that story down/up.

7 There was a sudden clap/noise of thunder and then it started to rain.

8 We heard Bob talking but we couldn’t make out/up what he was saying.

9 Listening to classical music helps me unwind/upload.

10 The man grabbed the money and made up/for the door.

11 Many animals still face extinction/diversity.

Β. Match the words.

e.g. travel C

12 day ..........

13 tourist ..........

14 last minute ..........

15 package ..........

16 airport ..........

A resorts

B bargains

C agent

D trip

E transfers

F tours


C. Turn the following sentences into reported speech.

e.g. “Who is Tony waiting for outside the library?” Mary asked.

Mary asked who Tony was waiting for outside the library.

17 I have been working in this company for more than ten years.” Lisa said to Sandy.

18 “Keep away from this dog!” the neighbour told him.

19 “Brenda and Jane will come back tomorrow,” Rob informed Mum.

20 “Are you going to the countryside this weekend?” she asked him.

21 “The local funfair was great!” they told us.

D. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words.

e.g. Karen said that she had already seen the film.

“I have already seen the film,” Karen said.

22 Jason said that he would call me the following week.

“I ..................................... next week,” Jason said.

23 He told her he had been working on Saturday night.

“I ..................................... on Saturday night,” he told her.

24 Mrs Evans told Simon not to talk in class.

“Simon! ..................................... in class!” Mrs Evans told him.

25 Ben asked Gary if he had bought a new car.

“Did ..................................... a new car?” Ben asked Gary.

26 Kelly said they were enjoying their holiday at the beach.

“We ..................................... holiday at the beach,” Kelly said.

E. Rewrite the sentences in the causative form.

e.g. Daniel and Carla cleaned the house.

Daniel and Carla had the house cleaned.

27 Paul will fix the car.

28 Sylvia is painting her nails.

29 The thief stole Kelly’s bike.

30 The Lees are going to paint the house.

31 The chef was cooking Lyn’s dinner.

English in Use

F. Fill in the correct sentence.

A Is everything OK now?

B Well, I hope you feel better soon.

C I heard you weren’t feeling too well.

D Actually, it’s still hurting.

E I’m pleased to hear that.

F Why, what happened?

Emma: Hi Tom. 0) C

Tom: That’s right. I’ve been a bit silly I’m afraid.

Emma: 32) .................

Tom: You won’t believe what I’ve done! I fell asleep on the beach and got really sunburned.

Emma: 33) .................

Tom: 34) ................. I have to put a special cream on to help the pain.

Emma: You were lucky that you didn’t get sunstroke. You should be more careful in the sun, it’s really dangerous.

Tom: I know. It was my own fault.

Emma: 35) .................

Tom: Thanks. It should be all right in a couple of days.

Emma: 36) ................. Give me a call as soon as you feel better.

Tom: OK. I’ll do that, bye.

Emma: See you, Tom.


G. Read the text and choose the correct answer for questions 37-41.

Have you ever wondered if the weather affects your mood and behaviour? If you have, then you’re right! The way you think and feel can actually change depending on the weather.

Many people complain of feeling ‘down’ or having ‘the blues’ in winter. This may be because there isn’t as much sunshine in the winter and our brains respond to natural light. In Britain, for example, many people suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which makes them tired and bad-tempered because there is little sunlight in the often grey and cloudy United Kingdom.

Of course, we all know that a bright, sunny day can make us really cheerful and put us in a good mood. In New York City, however, the police blame hot weather for rises in crime. During heatwaves in the summer crime levels can rise as people get angry and aggressive because of the change in temperature.

Some scientists have discovered that low air pressure can cause people to have problems concentrating and make them forgetful. So, if you’re the kind of person that’s always forgetting where you left your house keys, blame it on the weather!

What about the wind? Does it drive you mad? It actually could be making you crazy! Strong and constant winds really can get to you. Children tend to be more troublesome in school and behave badly when it’s windy. Another result of windy weather is that there are more traffic accidents. Therefore you should also take extra care while driving.

So, next time you watch the weather report it could even predict your mood for the day!

e.g. The article is about

A predicting the weather.

B how the weather changes how we feel.

C sicknesses caused by the weather.

D changes in the seasons.

37 People in Britain are said to suffer from SAD in winter because

A there isn’t a lot of sunshine.

B there aren’t many clouds.

C they are tired.

D their brains don’t respond.

38 Summer heatwaves are blamed for

A people becoming forgetful.

B car accidents.

C crime levels getting higher.

D making it difficult to concentrate.

39 If you are forgetful, it could be because

A of rain.

B of a heatwave.

C of low pressure in the air.

D of no air pressure.

40 During windy weather children might

A have more traffic accidents.

B be more careful at school.

C be more tired.

D not be well-behaved.

41 The writer suggests that when it’s windy

A teachers should close the windows.

B drivers should be more careful.

C people should take care crossing the road.

D children should try to be happy.


A 1 accurate 5 detailed 9 unwind

2 off 6 up 10 for

3 fog 7 clap 11 extinction

4 ray 8 out

B 12 D 13 A 14 B 15 F 16 E

C 17 Lisa told Sandy that she had been working in that company for more than ten years.

18 The neighbour told him to keep away from that dog.

19 Rob informed Mum that Brenda and Jane would come the next/following day.

20 She asked him if he was going to the countryside that weekend.

21 They told us that the local funfair was/had been great.

D 22 will call you 25 you buy

23 was working 26 are enjoying our

24 Do not (Don’t) talk

E 27 Paul will have the car fixed.

28 Sylvia is having her nails painted.

29 Kelly had her bike stolen.

30 The Lees are going to have the house painted.

31 Lyn was having her dinner cooked.

F 32 F 33 A 34 D 35 B 36 E

G 37 A 38 C 39 C 40 D 41 B

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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«2 вариант»


NAME …………………………………………………………….……. DATE ……………………

Group …………………………………………………………….……. MARK ______

71 (max)

(Time 45 minutes)


A. Underline the correct word.

e.g. Big Ben is famous for keeping accurate/

1 Darren got up from the chair and made up/for the door.

2 The police have a detailed/data description of the burglar.

3 Someone broke into the shop and made off/up with a few DVD players.

4 Taking a hot bath helps me unwind/upload.

5 Children enjoy making down/up stories.

6 My flight was cancelled because of the fog/mist.

7 After the rain stopped, a bolt/ray of sunshine appeared in the sky.

8 The baby woke up after the loud clap/noise of thunder.

9 I heard the people talking in the other room but I couldn’t make out/up what they were saying.

10 Snowflakes/Snowdrops covered the trees in the park.

11 The diversity/extinction of dinosaurs happened a long time ago.

Β. Match the words.

e.g. day D

12 airport ..........

13 last-minute ..........

14 tourist ..........

15 package ..........

16 travel ..........

A resorts

B bargains

C agent

D trip

E transfers

F tours


C. Turn the following sentences into reported speech.

e.g. “Keep away from the car!” the neighbour told him.

The neighbour told him to keep away from the car.

17 “Tina and Joy will not leave tomorrow,” Bob informed Dad.

18 “Who is Mary waiting for?” Tom asked.

19 “I have been living here for more than ten years.” Sandy said to Kim.

20 “The local festival was great!” they told us.

21 “Are you going to the cinema this weekend?” she asked him.

D. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words.

e.g. Peter said that he would call me the following week.

“I will call you next week,” Peter said.

22 Joanne said they were in Spain on holiday.

on holiday,” Joanne said.

23 Nick said that he had already read the book.

the book,” Nick said.

24 Mrs Simpson told Anthony not to talk in class.

in class!” Mrs Simpson told him.

25 Gary asked Sam if he had bought a new house.

“Did a new house?”
Gary asked Sam.

26 She told him she had been working on Friday.

on Friday,” she told him.

E. Rewrite the sentences in the causative form.

e.g. Paul will fix the car.

Paul will have the car fixed.

27 Sonia is painting her nails.

28 The Cooks are going to paint the house.

29 Carlo and Freda cleaned the flat.

30 The chef was cooking Roy’s dinner.

31 The thief stole Mary’s bike.

English in Use

F. Fill in the correct sentence.

A I heard you weren’t feeling too well.

B Well, I hope you feel better soon.

C I’m pleased to hear that.

D Why, what happened?

E Actually, it’s still hurting.

F Is everything OK now?

Olivia: Hi Mark. 0) A

Mark: That’s right. I’ve been a bit silly I’m afraid.

Olivia: 32) .................

Mark: You won’t believe it! I fell asleep on the beach and got badly sunburned.

Olivia: 33) .................

Mark: 34) ................. I have to put a special cream on to help the pain.

Olivia: You should be more careful in the sun, it’s really dangerous. You were lucky that you didn’t get sunstroke.

Mark: I know. It was my own fault.

Olivia: 35) .................

Mark: Thanks. It should be all right in a couple of days.

Olivia: 36) ................. Give me a call when you feel better.

Mark: OK. I’ll do that, bye.

Olivia: See you, Mark.


G. Read the text and choose the correct answer for questions 37-41.

One of the worst storms ever to hit the United States was Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The storm flooded 80% of the city of New Orleans. The tsunami in the Indian ocean in December 2004 was also a huge disaster that killed 230,000 people. But the reasons for terrible weather conditions have lead to a lot of disagreement between scientists and meteorologists around the world.

Some experts say that in the past 100 years there haven’t been any real major changes in the weather. They say that harsh weather is something that occurs naturally, in cycles, and that it isn’t getting any worse. The reason that people think it is getting worse is due to the fact that, nowadays, there is more information on weather events around the world in newspapers, on the radio and on television.

There are, however, scientists who believe that global warming is affecting the climate. They believe that greenhouse gases are responsible for making the Earth warmer. Some of these gases are caused by people and businesses polluting the environment.

Which theory do you agree with? The truth is, with more research and discussion into the reasons for harsh weather conditions, the brighter the world’s future will be.

e.g. The text is mainly about

A one of the worst storms in history.

B global warming.

C the reasons for terrible weather.

D disasters.

37 Because of Hurricane Katrina

A most of New Orleans was covered in water.

B New Orleans was hit by a tsunami.

C New Orleans lost 80% of its water.

D 230,000 people were killed.

38 Experts around the world

A agree on the reasons for bad weather.

B do not agree about the reasons for bad weather.

C are meteorologists.

D are changing the weather.

39 According to some scientists, in the past 100 years

A there are more cycles.

B there have been more tsunamis.

C people have been watching too much television.

D the weather has not become worse.

40 One reason for the harsh weather could be because

A there is more information about people.

B we see and hear more about the weather.

C more people travel around the world.

D we don’t read enough newspapers.

41 Some scientists believe global warming

A is affecting the climate.

B is not hurting the environment.

C is a reason for the change in summers.

D is producing greenhouse gases.


A 1 for 5 up 9 out

2 detailed 6 fog 10 Snowflakes

3 off 7 ray 11 extinction

4 unwind 8 clap

B 12 E 13 B 14 A 15 F 16 C

C 17 Bob informed Dad that Tina and Joy would not leave the next/following day.

18 Tom asked who Mary was waiting for.

19 Sandy told Kim that she had been living there for more than ten years.

20 They told us that the local festival was/had been great.

21 She asked him if he was going to the cinema that weekend.

D 22 are in Spain 25 you buy

23 have already read 26 was working

24 Do not (Don’t) talk

E 27 Sonia is having her nails painted.

28 The Cooks are going to have the house painted.

29 Carlo and Freda had their flat cleaned.

30 Roy was having his dinner cooked.

31 Mary had her bike stolen.

F 32 D 33 F 34 E 35 B 36 C

G 37 A 38 B 39 D 40 B 41 A

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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«Дкр 2 курс»



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Методическая разработка

Тема: «Тестирование для входного мониторинга по английскому языку для студентов II курса СПО».

Разработал: преподаватель английского языка Медведева О.В.


г. Новошахтинск



Фамилия, Имя, Отчество автора загружаемого материала

Медведева Ольга Владимировна

Место работы



Иностранный язык (английский язык)


№ 21; № 22; № 24; № 25; № 26; №27.

Название материала

Входной срез по английскому языку за пройденный материал 1 курса


  1. Безкоровайная В.Г. «Planet of English» , 2015, издательство «Академия»

Вид ресурса (разработка учебного занятия, дидактический материал, методические рекомендации, статья и т.п.)

Лексико-грамматический тест

Цели и задачи

осуществить контроль уровня сформированности знаний, умений и навыков обучающихся в соответствии с целями и задачами изученных тем

Среда, редактор, в котором выполнен продукт

Документ Microsoft Word -2010.

Необходимое оборудование и материалы для занятия

Дидактический материал

Форматы файлов, содержащихся в архиве



Публикуется впервые

Методические рекомендации

Материалы контрольной работы предназначены для студентов 2 курса учреждений среднего профессионального образования. Цель контрольной работы - осуществить контроль уровня сформированности знаний, умений и навыков студентов, полученных за 1 курс, обучения в образовательном учреждении.

Контрольная работа состоит из 2 вариантов. В каждом варианте по семь заданий: лексика и грамматика (косвенная и прямая речь; выражение причин и следствий в предложениях), чтение с целью извлечения конкретной информации, и задание на решение коммуникативных задач.

Критерии оценивания: под каждым заданием даётся количество баллов, которое максимально можно за него получить.

Баллы распределяются по заданиям следующим образом:

Раздел: vocabulary

Задание А – 11 баллов

Задание В – 10 баллов

Раздел: grammar

Задание С – 10

Задание D – 10

Задание Е – 10

Раздел: English in use

Задание F – 10

Раздел : reading

Задание G – 10

Итого: 71 максимальное количество баллов.

Таким образом:

64 – 71 балл - оценка 5

57 - 63 балла - оценка 4

50 - 56 баллов - оценка 3

Менее 50 баллов - оценка 2

Данная работа позволит выявить слабо усвоенные темы. Недочеты будут устраняться путем устного опроса, индивидуальной работы с обучающимися. После проверки контрольной работы планируется провести анализ типичных ошибок.


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