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Элективный курс Деловой английский

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Востребованность английского языка в современном мире беспорна. Английский язык играет важную роль в таких областях человеческой деятельности, как наука, техника, экономика, торговля и туризм. Он выступает в качестве рабочего языка большинства международных научных, технических, политических и профессиональных конгрессов, конференций, симпозиумов и семинаров. Таким образом, стремление стать высокопрофессиональными специалистом своего дела требует овладения определенным запасом умений и навыков, необходимым в дальнейшей трудовой деятельности на любом уровне, где английский является основным языком для ведения деловых переговоров, деловой переписки с иностранными партнерами; при оформлении контрактов, договоров, деловых документов. 

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«Элективный курс Деловой английский»

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Востребованность английского языка в современном мире бесспорна. Английский язык играет важную роль в таких областях человеческой деятельности, как наука, техника, экономика, торговля и туризм. Он выступает в качестве рабочего языка большинства международных научных, технических, политических и профессиональных конгрессов, конференций, симпозиумов и семинаров. Таким образом, стремление стать высокопрофессиональными специалистом своего дела требует овладения определенным запасом умений и навыков, необходимым в дальнейшей трудовой деятельности на любом уровне, где английский является основным языком дл ведения деловых переговоров, деловой переписки с иностранными партнерами; при оформлении контрактов, договоров, деловых документов.

Личностно ориентированная парадигма образования представляет собой исходный концептуальный подход к образованию и воспитанию, нацеленный на развитие личности школьника, на его самоопределение, самореализацию и социальную адаптацию.

При изучении английского языка иноязычная коммуникативная деятельность выступает на только как средство, но и как цель обучения, предусматривающая функциональное владение изучаемым иностранным языком, что должно сделать возможным межличностное и межкультурное общение выпускников с носителями данного языка. На базовом уровне курс английского языка не предоставляет языковую подготовку для делового общения.

В связи с этим возникла необходимость разработать данный курс в соответствии с тенденциями в быстроразвивающемся мире. Курс позволяет расширить тематику и освоить особенностям устной и письменной речи. Большое внимание уделяется письменной речи, а именно, переписке применительно к деловой сфере общения. Отдельно рассмотрены особенности американских деловых писем.

Основной методической особенностью курса является то, что программа курса базируется на широком диапазоне речевых клише, текстов. Для ознакомления с основами делового общения в типичных ситуациях, со структурой деловых писем даны образцы и варианты их применения, упражнения и диалоги, профильно-ориентировочные тексты. Курс предполагает использование в учебном процессе проектной технологии, элементов проблемного обучения, информационных технологий и игровых методик, что способствует самообразовательным целям обучающихся в интересующих их сферах деятельности и их профессиональным намерениям ближайшего будущего. Элективный курс отличается практической направленностью.

Учебно-мстодический план


Количе ство часов

Тсорстичсскис вопросы


Рабочий день в офисе


Формы обращения, приветствия, прощание, благода пости и ответы на них


Встреча с бизнесменом


Встреча в аэропорту, знакомство, профессии. Вопросы О профессии,

должности и месте аботы


Устройство на работу


Примеры анкет, сопроводительного письма, сломе, CV жизнеописание , инте вью


Деловой разговор. Беседа по телефону


Заказ такси, места в гостинице, покупка билета на самолет. Телефонный разговор с компанией.


Основные различия между английскими и американскими вариантами английского языка


Различия в произношении, в написании слов, в лексике, в грамматике, в единицах измерений. Различия в американской и английской деловой те минологии


Написание официального письма


Обращение, адрес, письмо-приглашение, письмо-благодарность, письмо-извинение, позд авительная отк ытка


Схема английского делового письма. Особенности структуры американского делового письма


Заголовок, дата, внутренний адрес, приветственные формулы, подпись


Коммерческая корреспонденция


Письмо-запрос в адрес иностранной компании. Письмо-запрос, письмоп едложение, письмо-заказ


Формы деловых отношений.



Виды кампаний в Великобритании и США.

Формы оплаты, денежные средства, валюты.

Деньги и чеки в Англии и США


Контракт. Английские товарные знаки.


Предмет контракта, срок поставки, условия оплаты, отгрузочная документация.

Га антии, упаковка, ст ахование


Что такое вычисление?


Виды компьютеров. Супер-, МИНИ-, микрокомпьютеры. Портативные

компьюте ы


Архитектура компьютера


Устройство ввода, вывода информации в компьютере, память, процессор и магистраль


Память или запоминающее ст ойство


Виды памяти, память на магнитных доменах. Гибкие диски, жесткий диск


П именение компьюте ов


Области п именения компьюте ов


Компьютеры в банке


Применение компьютеров в банковских опе ациях, к едитные ка точки.


Программное обеспечение компьюте а


Операционные системы, прикладные п ог аММЫ. Энциклопедии и слова и


Современные средства передачи информации


Факс, электронная почта, список основных сокращений, используемых в деловой корреспонденции. Глобальная компьюте ная сеть Internet.IP-address


( •ннсок ера ры

тык Учебно•мстоличсскис материт па. (Ра в соответс гния с станллггом сгслнсто профессиональното обра н я. Гскочснлованы н Ill(k «('оцн.ттьно- »к•ономнческнх н гарных

Сибирской Регион,ттьной Школы Би utcca. У мето,анческнч говсточ Регнон,тлкной Школы Кн шеса.) составитель: Гве шиконн.»я

С.Я. Искусство деловых писем на английском я выкс. Олесса: адва стона». 1993

Ыпнес-пгс английского языка. Словарь-справочннк. Пол общей редакцией Гумапкого И С

• киев: 000 „ИП логос». „чум.

4. Ггчва (ЭЛ. н др. Ncw Millcnium Fnglish: учебник английского для 1 1 класса (Фпсобр.поватсльной школы Обнинск: Т нту. 2003

Сафонова ВЛ. Письмо на английском языке: Пособие для учащихся к учебнику ант .1“йского ямка для 10 -11 классов школ с углубленным н английского языка. - М осква: ПГОСВСшСНИС. 1995.

б Нгч1 Cc6i6catc Passkcy: Student s ВооК. Nick Ксппу. lleinemann English [„anguage Tcaching - Madrid, 1996.

l . Net Slang

  1. An essay «Ajob I ' d choose. / A job I ' d never choose».

  2. A letter of application for a part-time job

  3. A list of tips on how to prepare for a job interview

  4. A first job interview

  5. Business correspondence

  6. E-male message

  7. Job requirements

  8. Job profiles

  9. Job prospects

  10. Advertisement design

  11. Advantages and disadvantages of working in a place where food is either prepared, sold or served

  12. Positive and negative aspects of a career in modeling

  13. In what ways can working fs a tour guide be enjoyable or difficult?

IIpHJ10)1œHHe Il PeR0Me11nyeMb1e TCKCTb1


Most businesses in the United Kingdom operate in one of the following ways:

  • sole trader

  • partnership

  • limited liability company

  • branch of a foreign company

The sole trader is the oldest form of business. There are many one-man owners, for example: a farmer, a doctor, a solicitor, an estate agent, ajobber, a builder, a hairdresser etc.

The paftnership is a firm where there are a few partners. They are firms of solicitors, architects, auditors, management consultants etc. The names of all the partners of the firm are printed on the stationery of a partnership.

The most common type of company in the U.K. is the limited liability company. At the end of the name of such a company the word Ltd. is used. For example: Wilson and Son Ltd.

Many of such companies are joint-stock companies owned by shareholders.

Limited liability companies are divided into public and private ones. Only public companies may offer shares to the public at the stock exchange. The names of such companies end in p.l.c. which stands for public limited company.

For example: John and Michael p.l.c.

Private limited companies may not offer shares to the public. The names of such companies end simply in Ltd.

A branch of a foreign company in a part of a company incorporated outside Great Britain but acting under the law of the U.K. Usually these companies act in, the U.K. under their normal foreign names.

  1. Forms of businesses in the U.S.A.

Businesses in the U.S.A. may be organized as one of the following forms:

    • individual business;

    • general partnership;

    • limited partnership; corporation; alien corporation.

An individual business is owned by one person.

A general partnership has got several owners. They all are liable for debts and they share in the profits.

A limited partnership has got at least one general owner and one or more other owners. They have only a limited investment and a limited liability.

A corporation is owned by persons, called stockholders. The stockholders usually have certificates showing the number of shares which they own. The stockholders elect a director or directors to operate the corporation. Most corporations are closed corporations, with only a few stockholders. Other corporations are owned by many stockholders who buy and sell their shares at will. Usually they have little interest in management of the corporations.

Alien corporations are corporations of foreign countries.

All the corporations are to receive their charters from the state authorities. The charters state all the powers of the corporations. Many corporations try to receive their charters from the authorities of the State of Delaware, though they operate in other states. They prefer the State of Delaware because the laws are liberal there and the taxation is rather low. Such corporations, which receive their charters from an outside state are called foreign corporations.

All the corporations require a certificate to do business in the state where they prefer to operate.


In the realm of foreign commerce, the US led the world in the value of imports in 1986, and was second only to the Federal Republic of Germany in the value of exports. Exports of domestic merchandise, raw materials, agricultural and industrial products, and military goods amounted in 1985 to nearly $207 billion. One rapidly growing export category was computers, which rose from $1.2 billion in 1970 to $13.8 in 1985, grain exports rose from $2.6 to $1 1.25 in 1985.

From the value of combined exports and imports, the largest proportion of US foreign trade is with the nations of the Western Hemisphere. Canada is the nation's single best customer and supplier.


I . Information is a sco ol' or flip,ng that have, rncarjírjg, 'J hcr,c of' digits or characters, (ypcwj'itcr sip,ns, o(hcr kinds of and on, compuffsr react', to diflèrcnt digits Ol' charac(crss and rcactg to thcrrj as urjítl' that h'a'/C rr;c'af'jrjgz For information an analog compo(cr hag (o bc in thc fÓrrn of' or rofhf,íorr;, or other physical variables, And a dip,ítaJ computcr information h',r; t') bc írj thc form numbers.

    1. Any information may bc rcprcscntcd by thc binary syr,tcrn íncJudírjg two díg;t'•; or;' (J) zero (0). I and 0 is a scparalc binary (Jíp,ít caJJcd a bit, bit thc I'vrrraJJc;Žt pan of' Bits are typically grouped in units that arc caJJcd bytcs, A bytc thc baa"jc urjt of' in modern computers and consists of' cight bits,

    2. T he bytes arc handled usually in standard groups caJJcd machínc word; or „jJT;t are two basic types of or words that can bc put into a memory ccJj or Jocaf-íçn: that are numcrjcal quantitics and words that arc computer instructions, Rcg,uJarJy, an the machine is cxprcsscd as a word', and so the sarnc sct of characters may have mcarjíng sorrr'stírngs; as a number, sometimes as an instruction, A spccd of 96,000 characters per second the same a; a speed of 8,000 words per second. Most human beings could not takc even 12- dig;t nurr;hfsr vsr second.

    3. Physically the sct of bits is a sct of arrangcrncnts of some physical equipment. One of the ways of storing information in a computer is storing by using a set of' small mag;jetjcaJly polarí7£d spots on a magnetic surface.

    4. The computer is told what operations a vcrg to crform by means of instructions. An ínstruaíon a command to the computer. It consists of' (an operational code) and a noun (an operand). For example, if the computer is instructed "Add 365 the number of tirncs stated in the rcgý;ter PC, and if the register R stores the code for numbcr 3, then the computer will perform that operation three times. An instruction word looks like a number, and there is no way to tell from the word itself whether it is a quantity or an instruction, Thc computer must bc told exactly which address contains an instruction and which contains a quantity,

6, An address is the name of particular memory location or cell. Each memory location (v,ord or byte) has its own unique address or number just like a post office box. For example, if the computer contains 100 memory cells, their rcspcctivc addresses might be the numbers from I to 10") (or through 99). And instead of saying "A word is in a memory cell", the computer personnel say, -The content of an address is a word,"

logical, Mathematical operations include (lixision, goo( ore addition, called raising subtraction, to a power multiplication,as well as ions

S, I .0h'ienI include Nelecging, sorting, matching, etc, These are operations 880)ieh be either on numbers, 01' on ex )l'essions consisted of letters such as ordinary

opeuttions A is to be lop.ienl next, by computer is determining, i.e., which of


I he oc compote" which information is enl led storage or memory, The computer's stores the to be operated on', it intermediate results that are generated during the eootse Ott ions, it stores the results, l'he instructions themselves are also stored in the memo'S ,

  1. ' l 'hegv two impoHnnt n boot the memory I it: nn access time and a capacity. The time required to I transmit one computej' won) of the memory to where it will be used is called the memory necess time: it usually amounts to millionths ol' second 01' less in modem fast computers. The speed modern computers is the speed ol' to their memories, The capacity of a computer is the quantity of data that its memory unit enn hold,

  2. There are many ways ol' memorizing iníl»mntion in memory cells of a digital computer. External memory or storage units may tapes, magnetic drums, magnetic disks and floppy disks, The magnetic dram and magnetic disk are called Direct Access, Ol' Random Access, Storage Device (DASD).

4, 'l'he magnetic disk is very similar to the magnetic drum but is based upon the use of a flat disk with a series of concentric circles of material, one read/write head being for each concentric circle, i.e., for each track, Memory units on magnetic disks may store more than I bytes,

  1. Internal or main memory units were constructed ol' magnetic cores about 8 hundredths of an inch in diameter, each core storing one 'yes' or 'no', that is, each core representing one bit of information.

  2. Information that is stored inside a computer is stored in registers, electronic units of hardware in which the positioning of physical objects stores information, Each register holds one machine word consisting usually of 32 bits or (l bytes. Registers hold information temporarily during processing. The slower models of registers use magnetic cores; the faster models use special electronic circuits or film memory devices.

  3. Usually the registers arc of three types:

  • General-Purpose Registers are sixteen registers, each being able to contain one word. These registers arc used for storing the integer operands taking part in binary arithmetic operations.

  • Floating-Point Registers are IV)ur registers, each being able to contain a double word. These registers hold the operands taking part in arithmetic operations on floating-point numbers.

  • Control Registers form a group of registers differing from one model to another.

  1. The development of semiconductor integration technology has led to creation of memories on LSI circuits. For constructing memory units on LSI circuits either bipolar or MOS memory are used. The access time of bipolar memory is about 100 nanoseconds, while the access time of MOS memory is 500 nanoseconds, But on the other hand the density of memorizing elements allocation in the latter is very high and amounts to 4 thousand memorizing elements for one chip. The latest achievement of modern electronics is creation of memories on electronic circuits made by spraying layers of different memorizing materials.

  2. Nowadays the main memory RAM which is regularly used in microcomputers can accept new instructions or information from a peripheral device. Terms synonymous with the computer are working

memory RAM are: core, core storage, and main memory, main storage, primary storage, read / write memory. Other memories, such as ROM or PROM, which are used in microcomputers as well s store instructions or information permanently. ROM, PROM, EPROM, and EEPROM are all together called firmware which is 'hard' software.


Floppy disks are a magnetic storage medium which can be recorded, erased and used over and over again. Floppy disks are flexible plastic disks which have several standard sizes. Full size floppy disks are S inches in diameter; minifloppy disks are 5 inches in diameter. Both foil size floppy disks and minitloppy disks are housed in a paper-like plastic envelope, usually black, and remain in the envelope at all times.

Microfloppy disks are in sizes from 3 to 4 inches. They are housed in a rigid plastic shell of different design, The number of bytes that can be rccordcd on a floppy disk are about 80,000 to 1,000,000 and mores Floppy disks arc uscd extensively in personal computers, small business computers, word processing, etc.


Bubble memory is a storage for programs and information. It is a storage technology which combines both semiconductor and magnetic recording techniques to create a solid state storage device. Bubble memory is unique, because it is a disk that doesn't spin. The bits on the surface spin around the disk instead. Bubble memory units are only two square inches in size, and contain a thin film recording layer. The bits, called bubbles of their globular shape, are electromagnetically generated in circular strings inside this layer. In order to read or write the bubbles, the strings of bubbles are made to rotate past the equivalent (the string of bubbles) of a read/write head in a disk.

Bubble memory holds its contents without power, like disk and tape. It is considerably faster than floppy disks and many hard disks. It is often used in portable terminals and computers instead of disks.


Computers are getting deeper and deeper into our life. They are indispensable in space research, communication, medicine, metallurgy, light industry, information technology and many others branches of industry.

Many countries have introduced computers into agriculture, education, transport and many other spheres. Computers provide security and safety of various processes, diagnose numerous cases and do a lot in monitoring different developments. In short they help to carry out increasingly complex tasks and their application sometimes helps to prevent disasters, tragedies and accidents.

The applications of computers appear to be so numerous that it is hard to visualize any aspect of contemporary life that will escape its impact.

Modern jet aircraft depends on a variety of sophisticated microprocessor systems for navigation, communication, passenger comfort and safety engine control and control of aerodynamic surfaces.

In business offices among the first applications of computers involve the distribution and control of information. Desk-sized computers have become nearly as common as typewriters. They handle small, specialized data bases appropriate to each person's job as well as accounting information and personal data.

Computers are being used as part of educational process. Guidance and control computers have made possible automated factories. They can also be expanded to serve specialized control functions in the area of industrial tools and machinery. Microcomputers have made possible a new generation of "intelligent" robot arms and hands capable of factory assembly operation.

In the home they have already appeared in a host of video games and such household appliances as microwave ovens and food blenders. They will rapidly be extended to temperature controls, refrigerators, telephones, solar-energy systems and to fire - and burglary-alarm systems.


One of the Japanese companies has begun manufacturing the world's first all-purpose handheld computer.

This machine is like a translator device but it makes use of several attachments: those now of the drawing board include a mini-printer that effectively turns the translator into a typewriter, a video screen that can make the machine function as a miniature computer-display terminal and a voice synthesizer so that users can hear as well as see the information stored in the machine. The computer applications become broader, extending to home accounting, telephone and address filling and even device is a new memory bank. This machine will be available for export sometime in future years.


(after A. Hailey)

In a large, dimly lighted room with acoustic walls and ceilings to deaden sound, about fifty each. operators It is here - predominantly that holders of women the blue, - are green sitting and at gold a battery credit cards of monitors are given with or refused a keyboard credit.beneath When a card is presented anywhere in payment for goods or services, the place of business can

accept the card without a question if the amount is below an agreed limit, usually between twentyfive and fifty dollars. For a larger purchase, authorization is needed, though it takes only second to obtain.

The approval procedures move at jet speed. From wherever thy are, merchants and others dial directly to the credit card processing, centre of the bank. Automatically each call is routed to a free operator, whose first words are, "What is your merchant number?" As soon as the answer has been given, the operator types the figures, which appear simultaneously on the monitor. Next credit being sought. They are also typed and displayed.

The operator presses the key, feeding the information to a computer, which instantly signals "accepted" or "declined". The first means that credit is good and the purchase has been approved, the second the cashholder is delinquent and credit has been cut off. The operator informs the merchant, the computer records the transaction. On a normal day fifteen thousand calls come in.


Sometimes a monitor flashes a message from the computer - "stolen card", In this situation an operator, as stolen. speaking If possible, calmly, detain as the trained, person has presenting to answer, it and "The call card police. presented Retain to the you card, has The been bank reportedwill pay you thirty dollars reward for its return".

also Store a good keepers deal, since are usually the card, pleased left in at circulation, the prospect can to be get used an easy fraudulently thirty dollars. for a much For the greater bank totalit is


computer. But this Unfoftunately system works most well of only the when defrauding the bank happens has got before the information a missing and card can is reported, program theTo avoid this the computer also warns the operators about excessive purchasing: when a cardholder makes cardholder ten or never more makes purchases more during than six a single or eight day, purchases the computer a day, alerts a card an showing operator. more Since than an ordinarynormal use may be fraudulent, even though the owner might be unaware of its loss.

However, despite all the warning systems, a lost or stolen card, if used cautiously, is still good for twenty thousand dollars' worth of fraudulent purchases in the week or so during which most stolen cards stayed unreported.

Moreover, there are devices used by criminals to decide whether a stolen card can be used again or if it is hot. A favorite is to pay a waiter twenty-five dollars to check a card out. He can get the answer easily by consulting a weekly confidential a weekly confidential warning list issued by the credit card company to merchants and restaurants.


There are two main kinds of programs which are subdivided as well. They are control programs and system service programs. Control Programs There are some control programs handle interruptions, I/O operations, transition between different jobs and different phases of the same job, initial program loading (IPL), and symbolic assignment of I/O devices.

Actually, the control program consists of three components:

  1. IPL Loader. When system operation is initiated, the hardware IPL reads in this program which then clears unused core storage to zeros, generally performs some housekeeping operations, and then reads in the Supervisor.

  2. The Supervisor. It is resident in the low order part core storage whenever any job is being run. It can handle execution of any I/O operations and can provide standard processing for all interrupts. It may also queue I/O operations so that the operation will start as soon as the required channel and device are free.

  3. Job Control. When the end of a job is sensed, the user normally turns control over to the Supervisor which then reads in the Job Control program. This program senses arid processes all cards; after the new job is loaded, it turns control over to the new job. This system of operation eliminates the necessity of operation intervention between jobs, something which is of particular importance on large computers where the average job time may be less than one minute.

The control program is a large program occupying thousands of bytes. It is usually stored on a magnetic tape or a magnetic disk. The particular unit on which the program resides is called the System Resident unit.

System Service Programs. They are used to maintain the library: to place new programs into the library, to delete, replace, or change existing programs, to read programs from the library into memory, to link segments of programs written at different times into one program, etc. They art called Librarian and Linkage Editor.

There are three libraries maintained by the Librarian program: l) Core Image library, 2) Relocatable library, 3) Source Statement library.

The core image programs includes the processors and control programs and as many of the application programs as the user desires. The relocatable library contains modules which are stored in such a way that each module can b arbitrarily relocated and still be executed correctly. A module may be a complete program or it may be a relatively independent part of a larger program. The source statement library contains macro definitions, a sort of collection of standard type statements which can be incorporated into a program to provide some special functions.


The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them. This technology is called packet swishing. Owing to this technology, if some computers on the network are knocked out, information will just route around them. One such packet swishing already survived a war. It was the Iraqi computer network which was not knocked out during the Culf


Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50 0/0) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly accuratelv,


J 'ocjgožg;g,

Mg,' /d/e//(/jye received0/0/1/' /e//ev g;' 0" We /e//ev O/

considered (I'/ ven ////('////0//) //f//(í//žf //// /// /U /o do, u, ///U

' /// rep/" (b/ /// your /e//er o/

(MH) O op,opa (Jjcpcg


wish (o you o/ our /e/ept/0//(! converg;tu/íot/ 0(///'3/ he/d í//„,)

CCLJJJti',jCJ, JJØCJ,MO „, '$'J0„, - Wí/// re/êret/tv'tg /O (Pe/errí//g 0/// /e//er we wish /o you ///(//,

Jja„, -- Wi/// /ur/her pleasure COOC)JJIØ'J if/ it//órmingyou 130M, (J'J0„, /ha/„-- We are pleased (We are /o í///ormyou ///0/„, We hove JC CO',JØIJJCJJLIJO, J3aM, "'J We are sorry (We regret) to hove /o remind you /ha/„

J3aJJJCJO JJØCJ,M'O MJ„J We learn /hom your /e//er tha/„,


I n connection with our /e//er and in confirmation o/Jour cable of] J JpocMM ga C (JJP,VJOM 'ja PvaJJfC JJØCfvMO

We o//êr apologies Fur the delay in answering your /e//er

I JomajJYVrcra, JJPØMØ'JC JfaJJJØ ga„, —We apologize /Ór„

Please accept our apologies /Ó/'„

MLL C ygrraJJØ U'Jo„,

We regret (We are sorry) to learn from your /e//er /ha/„


We are sorry we are unable to meet your request„

MLJ c YJJØPJJCJIØCM yovJfflJjø erevJjcrca„, We are surprised to learn from your telex„,

B AOLJOJJffCJIØC rrøcwøy OT„, -- Further /o our letter

M r»r flarJOMfJWJb J)/dM, CHO... We have to remindyou /ha/„ 14MCCM YAOBOJJLCTP„ØC 13aM.,. —We have pleasure in of/èríngyou„, 1301, HCCOMHCffJIO, Ø3P„CCTf10, crro... --- You are no doubt aware thai.,.

OHCBØJUfO, Ø3BCCTfJO, gero -- You may know that...

LIpwraraeM f

We enclose (are enclosing) a copy o/'a letter from... about... (in connection with...) TTpocMM TTPØW,fTf» Bf1ØMarrøe (ygecTL), HTó.,. Please note that...


MIDI YBCPCHHOCTL B TOM, HTO.,. We express confidence that...

Mbl yrgepeHb1... — We are sure (confident) that...

OÃHOBPCMCHHO xo-rwrø 61.1 HarlOMHØTf) BaM, LITO... —At the same time we would like to remind you that...

CqwaeM HC06XOAØMbJM (BC/KHbJM, ne;rec006pa3HLJM) OTMeTHTb...

We find (consider) it necessary (important, reasonable) to note...

LIOMØMO BfJIJJeyroaHHoro... —Apartfrom the above said... B nori0JJHCHøe BLJIJJeyroaHHO,MY... Further to the above...

In addition to the above...

MfJ 6b1JIØ 6b1 pažlbl ØMœrb B03MOffHOCTb. --- We would welcome the opportunity... Ca.M0 c060h pa3YMeercfl.., It is selfunderstood... It goes without saying...

06pa1J1aeM Bame BifØMaHØe Ha TOT (þaKT, LITO... We wish to draw your attention to thefact that... We would like you to note that...

BBHAY... In view ofthe above said...

B CBfl3Ø c 3THM... In this connection...

B CBfl3Ø c Ballfeh rrpocb60h.., In connection with your request...

c -- /// connection with the above said, l i, cogyuac•, - Otherwise we s//(/// have„,

Banjcii J' (l •O Barjrcii

As to (as regards, with regard to) your request (your O/'der, your claim), '10M, i ' The ma//er is„, 'The is„,

J nax. , , — In the circumstances„, 1 10 our opinion„, We be/ieve„, We ///in/c„, We /èe/,

P, c Barrjcii -- As requested by you, , cjjyqae Jjoc'jamcax (H YJJJjaoe, JIOCMJJJCC

In case o/'de/ay in delivery (in payment, in sending specia/is/s),

Mid -- We have (are having) di//ìcu//y in., -- We have /o admit cnx HOP MM

S'o far (Up ti// now) we have received no rep/y.,

Ïv1bJ corJJacJJbJ C Banrcii 'roqjcoií CJJCJJYJOJJ(HM JjpH'fHJjaM...

We cannot accept your point o/'view F)/' the /ô//owing reasons...

B cJJyqae Barnejo ' —In case o/'your re/i/sa/„, Shouldyou refuse„,

B cJJyqae JjeyjJJJaT1,r -- In case o/'your /åi/ure to make payment(s)

Shou/dyou,/ai/ to make pay meriŽ

Bo To avoid delay in.,

13 COOTBCTCTBHH c In accordance with (Under) the contract


B BarrrcžM JJHCbMC Bbl 3tUIBJUJCTC, coO... You stale (write, are writing) in your letter that... JlaJ/ee Bbl IJJd1JICTe... -- Further you write... b0JJee Toro... --- Moreover... TCM He Merrce... Nevertheless..

B nepnyro orrepcJ(b. . . First ofall (In the first place)...

(I)aKTHCICCIÇH... In,fact (In aciual fact //fc'tually/l/irtually)..,

TOFO... Besides

HC110J1b3YLMblL B rconur, VIVICbMA:

MbJ 6YJICM rlPH3rraTeJTLJ1bJ ga 6b1CTPb1ií OTBCT. --- Your early reply will be appreciated IIPOCHM 06parrraT1»c51 Harq, ecJTH Barvr 110Tpe6yeTc51 HOMOLUb (COAeVfCTBHe). If we can be ofany assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. flaneetqcsr JJOJTYLJHTb Bam OTBeT B 6Jrwrçaiá111eM 6ynyrueM.

We are looking,forward to hearing,from you. We expect your early reply.

We expect to hear from you in the near future.

IJPOCHM C006111HTb rraM, Icarc ckopee (B 611M)rçaV111reM 6ynyruerv1). —

Please inform us (lei us know) in the shortest possible time (at your earliest convenience).

Ho ITHCbMa ITPOCHM (C0061UHTb TWIe(þarçcoM)

(cornacøe). — Upon receipt ofthe letter will you please cable (telex) your confirmation (consent).

Mbl XOTWIH 61.1 ga13epHTb Bac.,. — We would like to assure you..

Haneerqc,lc coTpynmrqecTB0 c 13aMH.

We wish (would like) to maintain cooperation with you. byneM ITPH31fflTeJ1bHbJ ga 6b1CTpoe 13b11TOJIHeHHe Hamero garçaga. — Your prompt execution ofour order will be (would be) appreciated.

Mbl He garvreAJIHM (11POe1CTHb1MH OPraHH3aUH51MH,

gaBOnaMH-r1POH3BOAHTeJ1¶MH). -- We shall not fail to contact (to get in touch with) our organizations (design organizations, manufac•turers).

3oepqeM Bac, MIDI HegaMeAJTHTeJ1bHO C COOTBeTCTBY101UHMH OPraHH3a11H51MH. We assure you that we shall get in touch with organizations concerned without delay.

3aBepøeM f3ac, MIDI rrpenrrpmqervl Mepbl HC11PaBJ1eHHS1 c03J1aB111eroc51 TIOJIO•ž1CHHfl. We assure you that we shall take prompt action (urgent measures) to remedy (correct, rectify) the situation.

We are expecting your representatives (officials, engineers) to arrive for the talks.

Bamero cornacH51 (on06peHHfl, r10ATBep)1cneHH51). —

We are looking,forward to receiving your consent (approval, confirmation).

C Yours faithfully, Faithfully yours. Yours truly. Truly yours. Yours sincerely. Sincerely yours.

1, B Jia Dame JlØCbMO ((þarcc) 0T 6J1aronapHM Bac 3a... In reply (response) to your letter (fax) of we thank you for..


We are pleased to enclose our Order


3. Mbl 11punaraeN1 gats-ag na We enclose (are enclosing) our orderfor...

JJ'e accept vour o/Ïer and have pleasure in placing an order with youfor...

  1. llpoe11M 110)0ne1VUITb, VITO Bbl 110CTaBHTb ....Please confirm that you can supply....

  2. Kaqeemne gaKt13a IIPOCHM BblCJ1aTb IIOAIIHCCQHHYIO 13aMH garcaga.

Please send the copy ofthis order to us, duly signed, as an acknowledgement.

  1. Ilpoe11M 110CTaBHTb ....Please supply/send us ... .

I. BJ1aroaapHM Bac 3a Bam 3arca3 M... 0T Thank you very muchfor y our order Ne ... of (dated)....

  1. KaK Bbl rrpocHJIH, Mbl 111)HJ1araeM KOITHIO 3arca3a, 1101UIHcaHHY10 HaMH, 11011TBeprçneHHe Baurero gaKa3a.As requested we enclose (are enclosing) the copy ofyour order, duly signed, as art acknowledgement.

  2. Mbl 110ATBep)KaaeM, t1T0 rrocTaBKa 6yžueT 111)0H3BeAeHa K ... (ItaTa). We confirm that delivery will be made by....

  3. I-IaaeeMcq, tiT0 Bbl 6yaeTe HMeTb XOPOLLIHü 060porr, H Mbl 6YAeM corrpYAHHtraTb C Bameìí KOM11aH1de1ä H B naJ1bHe1ä111eM We hope that you will have a good turnover, and that we will be dealing with your company in the future.

  4. 110CTaBKa 6yaeT 111)0H3BeAeHa B COOTBeTCTBHH c BaL11HMH HHcTpYKLIHflMH.De/ivery will be made in confirmity (accordance) with your instructions.

1 . K BblHY)1ÇaeHb1 C006111HTb BaM, LITO Mbl He MO)ICM Bb1110JIHHTb Bam 3arça3 110 ....We are sorry (we regret) to let you know (to inform you) that we cannot execute your order because of(through)....

  1. T0Bapa, KOTOPb11ä Bbl 3aKa3aJIH, 60J1b111e B He mvreeTU1.The goods you ordered are no longer available.

  2. 1M0KeM 11PeAJIO)1CHTb BaM 3aMeHY. We can offer you a substitute.

Aapeca B AHrJIHH H AMe HMeK)T cneAY10LLIHìí BHA:

Ms J. Simpson

Foreign Rights Manager Chapman & Hall Ltd.

1 1 New Fetter Lane

London EC4P 4EE

En land

Ms A. Arafel

Product Information Manager McCraw-Hill Book co

1221 Avenue of the Americas

New York, N.Y. 10020


Pa3JIHLIHfl 6PHTaHCICHM H atvrepmcaHcKHM CTHJISIMH 11PeACTaBneHb1 Ha cneAymueV1 cxeMe.• American


AaTa (Date)

12th December, 19 — December 12, 19— 12 December 19— 12 Dec. 19—

TIPHBCTCTBHe (Salutation)

Dear Sirs:

Dear Sir,

Dear Madam,

Dear Mrs. Smith,

For the attention of

Mr. E, Wilson

Dear Madam:

Dear Mrs. Smith:

Attention: Mr. E.C. Wilson

Реаг Sir, Cicntlcmcn:

Комплементарная концовка (Complimentary Close) Yours faithfully, Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Yours truly.

н т.п. В письмах Все эти слова не допускается нужно писать никаких полностью.грамматических сокращений типа I'm, don't, we've,

Формат письма

  1. Шапка письма

  2. Внутренний адрес

З. Строка: Внимание (не обязательно)

  1. дата

  2. Приветствие

  3. Ссылка

  4. Комплементарная концовка

  5. Подпись, должность, отдел

  6. Посылочные инициалы

10.Вложения 1 1 Копии

Government of Canada 1

()ffrce of the Chairman 2

Public Service Commission 0ttawa, 0ntario kIA ON7

Attention: Р. Smith З

December 8, 2005 4 Dear Sir: 5

Ref: РС Program analyst 6




Yours sincerely,

A.Robertson 8


General Services Division


Encl. 10 сс.• D.Dube 11

  1. Большинство писем пишутся на бланках, где уже есть название, адрес, номера телефонов фирмы и прочие данные. Адрес отправителя иногда стоит в конце письма после имени и должности.

  2. Адрес того, кому предназначено письмо, размещается вверху слева.

З. Включается в тех случаях, когда письмо отправляется на фирму, но адресовано комуто лично. Часто пишется на конверте в нижнем левом углу.

4. Обычно пишется следующим образом: March 1, 2006 или Afarch 2006. 5. За приветствием стоит двоеточие или запятая.

б. Заимствована из служебных записок, но в письмах используется редко.

7. Обычныс окончания: Yows trtdy, }'01trs sincerely,

Пожалуйста, сообщитс нам, какое количество вы сможел«• ПОСТАВИТЬ до ,

—СоиЛ[ рои h't ----- Сообщите нам, пожалуйста, расценки на...

Н е могли гоп (Зы Ai'hllv вы установить нам prices цены li условия tcrms поставки (terms (условия оплаты (!tc,) и т, Тог п.) на , ,

wotll(l like [о (lct(tils ... Мы бы хотели получить более

—lVe wotll(l like [о reprcs('lli ,уош• the marlcct. Мы бы хотели представлять вашу продук\ на украинском рынке,

—l'lease send lts samplcs от... (уош• ('(tt(tlowtes, (чс.) ------ Пожалуйста, вышлите нам обрамџ,т ... (своп каталоги, брошюры т.п.)

—As distribldors l(trge nctwork —Как дистрибьюторы мы имеет обширную


11? cotmection with this . В СВЯЗИ с ЭТИМ . ll'c (tre (listriblltors (importers, rct(lilers, (чс.) 0|.'., ------ Мы являемся дистрибьюторами

(ИМПОРТСР(ТМИ, продавцами т.п.) likc [о gct with (sttppliers, sellers, etc,) 0[.., Мы бы хотели УСТ(ШОВИТЬ контакт с ПРОИЗВОДИТСЛЯМИ (поставщиками, продавцами и т. п.)... —There is large markct here Тог уош• prodltcts. ------ Ваши изделия найдут у нас своего покупателя.

—For ovcr years ()tw сотрапу h(ts imported [Гот western countries , Более, чем ... лет наша КОМП(шГТЯ импортирует из западных стран

—()ltr сотрапу was (otmded Паша компания была основана в ... году.

— Ще usually e[fect раутеп[ /эу lelter o[credil (cheque, banlc trans[er, (Нс.), Мы обычно производим оплату путем открытия аккредитива (чеком, переводом и т. п.)

—Иуош• prices (tre competitive бе (йе (lble samples [о let уои тее[ have the regular standards, orders. your equipment Если ваши complies цены with

ош• requirements, (чс.) тау устроят нас (образцы будут удовлетворять требованиям стандартов, ваше оборудование будет удовлетворять нашим требованиям и т. п.), мы будем регулярно заказывать вашу продукцию.

— ИФ loolc [orward [о yottr reply. С нетерпенИСМ ждем Вашего ответа.

УОШ“ prompt cmswer wotdd бе (tppreci(ltecl. --—- Будем признательны за быстрый ответ.

(Sample Inquiry J ,cttcr)

Pet I ml.

1 80 Rond



25th February, 2006

Dear Sir,

We read your advertisement in the 'Pct Magazine' of 25th J)cccmbcr, Wc arc intcrcstcd in buying your equipment producing pct food, Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment: price (please quote CIF Odessa price)

---- dates of delivery

--— terms of payment guarantees

----- if the price includes the cost of equ ipmcnt installation and staff training,

Our company specializes in distributing pct products in Ukraine, We have more than 50 dealers and representatives in different regions and would like to start producing pet food in Ukraine. If your equipment meets our requirements, and wc receive a favourablc offer, we will bc able to place a large order for your equipment.

Your early reply would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Export-Import Manager



NAME Victor I(/imenko

ADDRESS 7 PI-IONE M (044) 513-26-11 (home)




Name of School Year graduated Course Taken or Degree Kiev University 2000 M. Sc. in Economics


Russian/Ukrainian Excellent Good Fair

English Excellent Good Fair EXPERIENCE (Give present or last position first)

COMPANY Alpha ADDRESS 17 ProreznayaSt.


Information Technologies From March 2001 To July 2005


Manager Alexander Bach


Negotiations, purchase ofequipment


The company has moved to Sevastopol


M avi ili K ine


Age: 30. N IkliTiç%I Udııctıiioıı:

Uxpcı•içneç: in


Solc e Nlıınııgcı•.

Will"lliüç' Appliance* IAnıiicd,

John ll. Mill

38 Park Avenues AP, SO

New N.Y. 1

Tel. (3 12)493-S332

A position as a bookkeeper,


12 years of experience in all routine work in this field, Perfect knowledge of computers and statistics


Compiled financial reports, balance sheets and production planning forecasts.



FRISCO DOCKS,-lne. San Francisco, California. Deputy Chief of Planning, Commerce Dpt. In charge of account books, statements, new ideas in planning,


SAKI IA Co, Ltd. New York, Accountant. Prepared accounts and balance sheets.



LONDON SCI IOOL OF ECONOMICS London, Great Britain, Bachelor (lie).


Arrived in the United States January, 1995. British subject. Married, one child


Available upon request.




acceptance n lipnetqrca, arcne11T a/c = account n yqëT, pacqëT, ct1CT your a/c credited = your account is credited access -- n 06pa11te11He (IC naMSITH); noc,Tyrr, Bb160prca (113 narv151TH) an access time -—-- npeM'1 06pa11te11H51 (K narv151TH) accurately a acknowledge V 111)Jd311anaTb acknowledgement n 111)H311a11He

acoustic walls -- al(ycTuqecrcvre CTCIII)I addition n CJ10)rce11He advise -- n c006me11He, aBH30 our agents forwarding = our agents are forwarding -- llamvr are11Tb1 llarrpaBJ15110T agree —v cornamaT1»c51 to agree with smb. — corna11fflTbC51 c IOM-JIH60 to agree to smth. — COI'J1amaTbCS1 Ha CITO-JIH60 to agree on/upon smth. AOI'OBOPHTI»CSI o geM-JIH60 agreement corJ1aL11e11He to come to an agreement — IIPHVITH corJ1a111eHH10

We managed to come to an agreement — Mbl crvrorJIH corJrame11H10 agreed limit — COBIaCOBaHHb1V1 JIHMHT alert — V CLIeJ1aTb 6AHTeJ1bHb1M alien — n HHOCTPaHe11 allocation — n pa3tvre111eHHe•, paci1peŽ1eJ1eHHe allow — V pagpe111HTb, 11PeAOCTaBHTb to allow a discount — TIPeAOCTaBHTb to allow a credit — 11PeAOCTaBHTb rcpeAHT to allow the term of credit — 11PeAOCTaBHTb rcpeAHT Ha onpeAeJ1eHHb1iá cporç amount — n CYMMa, KOJIHqeCTBO apparent — a application — n 11PHMeHeHHe appreciate — V LleHHTb, OueHHBt1Tb

Your early settlement would be appreciated. — Mbl 6yž1eM LIPH3HaTeJ1bHb1 eCJIH Bbl yperYJIHpyeTe 3TOT Borrpoc.Your early reply would be appreciated. Mbl 6YJteM

appropriate approval — n on06peHHe, YTBeprçneHHe, pope111eHHe arrange -- v NOT'OBaPHBaTbC51 arrangement — n 1101'OBOPeHHOCTb arbitration — n ap6HTpa)1C associate -- V COeAHIÐITb', CBS13b1BaTb', 06T»eAHH51Tb assembly — n arperarr, KOM11J1e1t1Hb1iá attach — v rrpwraraTb to attach smth. to smth. — 111)HJ1araTb LITO-JIH60 qeMy-JIH60 attractive -- a TIPHBJ1e1

I'm afraid the price isn't attractive to us — 13010Cb, nelda He npneMJ1eMt1 llac. auditor n aynwrop, peBH30p authorization n pagpcmemre, LIOBePe11HOCTb authorities -- n avoid -- v H36e•žrçaTb

b alance bank Basic be be bill- n ait

bill of board bı•aitcll -

bliıplaıy — n cali

Chip n circlc n Kljyı•;

conscrvc considcr V consignor slıippcr) n consigncc n rpygoııcvıy vıavcnı, customcr n KJIJICIIV contracl n ıcoıımpaıçm


c oşt n

count course ход, течение in course of smth в ходе чего-либо crossing lines ЛИНИИ пересечения cut otTthe credit -- 1' сокращать кредит

damage -- повредить damage -- п повреждение damaged -- а поврежденный data -- п pl данные; информация data bases -- базы данных description — п описание description of goods описание товара deaden sound — заглушать звук deal — п сделка, соглашение debt — п долг decline — отклонять decision -- п решение deed stamp — печать о совершении дела deliver -- представить, поставлять defraud — обманывать delinquent — а неуплаченный (о налоге, кредите, счёте) demand — п спрос heavy demand — большой спрос great demand — спрос small demand — маленький спрос demand for goods — спрос на товары density — п плотность; концентрация depend — (оп, ироп) зависеть от design — 1' проектировать, конструировать desk computer — малогабаритная счётная машина destination — 11 цель, назначение description — п описание; характеристика detain — 1' задерживать determine — определять detour — п уход; обход development — п разработка; развитие, улучшение

devote — посвящать to be devoted to smth — посвящен чему-либо dial directly — 1' осуществлять прямую связь digit — п цифра, число; разряд; символ divide — 1' делить(ся), разделять(ся) dirty — а грязный dirty Ы 1 — грязный коносамент discharge — разгружать port of discharge (syn. port of destination) —порт разгрузки

discount — п скидка disc = discount — п скидка а discount оп the price — скидка на цены display — п дисплей; показывать division — п деление drastic а решительный, крутой during the course ofa computation — во время вычисления duplicate п дубликат in duplicate — в 2-х экземплярах

effcct п цель to thc following effcct --- для следующей цели elect — выбирать eliminate 1' устранять; исключать, заменять enable -- дать возможность enclose прилагать

to enclose smth with а letter прилагать что-либо к письму enclosure -- п приложение encode -- кодировать engine control — управление двигателем entrance -- п вход (в программу) embrace -- 1' охватывать, содержать, включать erasable -- а стираемый escape smb's impact избежать чего-либо воздействия essentially — adv по существу estate -- п недвижимое имущество estate agent — агент по купле-продаже недвижимого имущества exchange— обменивать(ся) exchange -- п биржа

execute — исполнять, выполнять to execute а transaction — выполнить сделку, операцию to execute ап order -- выполнить заказ to execute а contract выполнить контракт execution — п выполнение, исполнение exit —- п выход; выходной канал expand — v расширять expensive — а дорогой

express — выражать external —а внешний, наружный

fail — 1' потерпеть неудачу, не сделать to fail to рау — не заплатить to fail to ship — не отгрузить to fail to deliver — не поставить failing this — в противном случае failure — п неудача the fact is ... — дело в том, что fairly — adv довольно, весьма fee — п плата, платёж, сбор feed the information to а computer —1' заносить информацию в компьютер flle — п дело fllm memory device — ЗУ на тонких пленках fre-alarm — п пожарная тревога

6rmware — п программное обеспечение, аппаратное обеспечение, встроенное в компьютер фирмой flash а message — передать сообщение

Порру disk — гибкий диск fraudulently — adv обманным путём function calculation — вычислительные функции

garment — п одежда, предмет одежды generate — 1' генерировать; (вос)производить

g ross — п брутто gross weight — вес брутто guidance computer — вычислитель системы наведения н handle управлять; оперировать , заниматься hardware -- п аппаратное обеспечение ЭВМ have talks -- 1' вести переговоры hereby настоящим, этим hereinafter в дальнейшем hold --- 1' держать; удерживать; проводить holder -- п держатель, владелец, предъявитель host— 1. множество; 2. главный, основной

1 inch --- n žuoìiM (2,5 CM) include --- v BKJ110t1aTb indicate -- V YKa3b1BaTb', 110Ka3b1BaTb indispensable -- a He06XOÄHMb1ìí incorporate -- v 3apervrcTpvrpoBaTb KaK Kopnopaumo information — n cBeaeHHfl, HH(þopMaLIHH install —V YCTaHaBJIHBaTb, MOHTHPOBaTb installation —n YCTaHOBKa integer — n uenoe HHCJIO intercept — v rrpepb1BaTb, 3aaeP)KaTb, nepeXBaTb1BaTb internal — a BHYTPeHHHìí internal (main) memory — onepaTHBHaq naM¶Tb (03Y) intermediate stages — TIPOMOKYTOHHb1e 3Ta11b1 in the latter — B TIOCJ1eÄHeM 013 Y110M¶HYTb1X) investment — n HHBeCTHLIHfl, BilO)KeHHe Kar111Ta-T1a invoice — n cqeT-(þaKTypa involve v BKJIK)HaTb B ce6fl issue — V Bblr1YCKaTb, BblCTaBJ1¶Tb ,H3aoaTb item — n 1103H1-lH¶

H a-TIWIHH its own unique address — CBOñ C06CTBeHHb1ñ YHHKaJTbHb1ñ aapec

jet aircraft — n PeaKTHBHb1Ï1 CaMOJ1ëT jobber — n MaKJ1ep, KOMHCCHOHeP joint — a 06beAHHeHHb1ñ, COBMeCTHb1ñ jump (branch) instructions — KOMaHAb1 nepexoaa

key — n KH011Ka•, KJ1aBH111a•, KJII-OH keyboard — n KJ1aBH111Hb11ä rlYJ1bT', K-naBHaTypa knock out — v Bb16HTb, OAOJ1eTb

layer — n CJ10ìí by spraying layers — ITyreM Harlb1J1eHHA cnoeB liable — a OTBeTCTBeHHb1ìí liable for — OTBeTCTBeHHb1Ï1 3a... liability — n OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb limited liability — orpaHVIHeHHaq OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb limited liability company — KOM11aHHH c orpaHHHeHH0ñ OTBeTCTBeHHOCTbR)

load — v rpy3HTb port of loading (syn. port of shipment) — r10PT norpY3K11 loss — rrorrepa,

machinery — n MalliHHb1, MeXaHH3M, 060pYÄ0BaHHe

management — n yrrpaBJ1eHHe, MeHeA)KMeHT make an appointment — v HOHat1HTb BcTpeqy master — n KamrraH (cyAHa) matching — n cornacoBaHHe measurement — n H3MepeHHe•, Bblt1HCJ1eHHe, pa3Mep memory space 06beM rraMflTH, TIPOCTpaHCTB0 naMflTH memorandum — n MervfOPaHAYM (06 aCCOL11fflUHH) message n c006111eHHe, nepeaaBaeMb1ìí 6110K HH(þopMa1.1HH merchant -- n ToproBeu

microcomputer -- n MHKPOKOM11b10TeP missing a HenOCTa10111HV1, OTCYTCTBYIOLUHÏI mode ---- n crroc06 mode of transportation -- crroc06 nepeB03KH mode of payment --- crroc06 TIJ1aTe)Ka monitoring n ynpaBJ1eHHe move in вт,схап, move .ict spcc•d -- происходить с реактивной скоростью mtlltiplication -- п умножснис

navigation -- п навшация ncgotiatc - вести переговоры ncgotiation(s) -н переговоры

nctwork -- п сеть. сетка, схема питЬсг -- п число; номер; цифра

pcrmancnt пит Ьсгя постоянные числа tcmporary numbc•rs ----- врсмснныс числа

а питЬег а .sct of— ряд; несколько; некоторое количество numcrical — а числовой, численный о obtain -- ” получать о1Тсг -- нрсдлатать opcratc --- действовать, работа ordinary busincss adding machine обычная канцелярская суммирующая машинка омег -- п заказ уоиг ordcr 901 shippcd ” your омег 901 is «hippcd -- ваш заказ № 901 отгружен our out.standing — а невыполненный, знамени outstanding paymcnt - неоплата owc -- быть должным. быть обязанным то owe smth to smb -- бы п. должным что-либо кому-либо own -- ” владеть owner — п владелец owing to по Причине, вследствие, благодаря

Аст of Parliament -- акт парламента particularly adv особенно а particular тетогу location ог ccll особая ячейка памяти partial а частичный partial shipmcnt частичная отгрузка partner -- п партнер, пайщик partnership -- п товарищество party п сторона, участник а рат1у to а contract -- сторона контракта payment for collection -- платеж в форме инкассо perform --- 1' выполнять; производить (Действие) permanent --- а постоянный рег second в секунду personncl п персонал, личный состав

point п точка polarize поляризовать power --- п мощность; сила; энергия; степень; способность predominantly adv преимущественно prefer --- 1' предпочитать press the Кеу нажимать клавишу prevent disasters(tragedies, accidents) -- v предотвращать катастрофы (трагедии, несчастные случаи)

price— п цена

Now comes the question of price -- А теперь вопрос о цене. primary а первичный, первоначальный proceed -- 1' продолжать (делать что-л.)

produce 1' производить; порождать; синтезировать proflt п прибыль, доход получать прибыль profltable -- а выгодный program the computer программировать компьютер programmable — а программируемый property -- п свойство, особенность


p ower -- v powers proo f — n propose proposal purchase put out -- quite adv

quanti ty quarter --

r aise to a power a read/write head reasonable a pa3YMJlb1ii receive -- V to receive businessmen ---to receive the mail — LIOJJytJï1Tb receptionist n a)AMHJIHCTPaTOP (B FOCTHIIHJIC); ccrcpeerapb (B rrpueM110ii) refer --- V 110Cb1JjaTb, to refer to smb. as Sellers --- rcoro-JIH60 to refer the matter to arbitration — rranpaBJ151Tb B ap6HTpmrç reference --- n CCb1J11Ca, yrcagarrvre reference numbej • — 110Mep record the transaction ---- v (ImrccHl)0Bt1Tb, cneJ11

r efuse credit V OTICt13aTb B register v PerHCTPHP013aTb registrar ---- n perucq•pamp, apxHBapnyc registers— n perncTpb1 general-purpose registers perncTpb1 0611tero 11tL3HaqeHH51 floating-point registers —- perncTpb1 c ruraBarorueV1 TO LIKOVI control registers — perucTpb1 yrrpaBneHH51 regulate — v regulation n relation — n OTH0111eHHe•, COOTHOL11eHHe•, 3aBHCHMOCTb', CBS13b reliable — a Hanë)KHb1iá remain v OCTaBaTbCS1 require — v erpe60BaTb requirement — n Tpe60BaHHe retain v ynep)KHBaTb return — n 0TAaqa, B03BPt1T reward -- n Harpana, ring to (through) the office — v 1103BOHHTb B 0(þHC rotation — n BparueHHe•, qepeA013aHHe route n MapmpyT, Icypc, TIYTI»•, v HallPaBJISITb, pacrrpeneJ151Tb

router -- n running n pa60Ta, neVICTBne s

set n a set of figures -—- LIH(þp, Ha60p LIH(þp settle v yperYJmp0Bt1Tb settlement -- n yperyJ1prp0BaHHe, pacqeTb1 seek (sought, sought) — v A06HBaTbC51, CTPeMHTbC51 select --- V Bb16HPaTb semiconductor -- n TIOJTYIIPOBOJIHHK sequence — n 110CneAOBaTeJ1bHOCTb; a sequence of reasonable operations 110CJ1eAOBaTeJ1bHOCTb pa3YMHb1x orrepaLIHii serve — V ynpaBJ151Tb, share -- V pacnpeneJ151Tb', neJIHTb(C51), yqaCTBOBaT1»•, n AOJISI, qaCTb, shareholder n neprcaTeJ1b al

ss = steamship, ship n cynH0 shipment n 0Trpy3Ka sea shipment — MOPCKUI 0Trpy3Ka river shipment — petiHa51 0Trpy3Ka sign -- n 3HaK, 0603HaqeHne•, CHMBOJI', 11PH3HaK ; V 110A11HCb1BaTb to sign a contract — 1102111HCb1BaTb KOHTPaKT

similar — a rlOA06Hb1ü, skilled — a KBaJIH(þHLIHPOBaHHb1Ü, HCKYCHb1ìí sole — a eAHHCTBeHHb11ä solicitor — n aABOKaT sophisticated (syn. complex) — YCJIO)1ÇHëHHb1Ïr sorting — n COPTHPOBKa space research — KOCMHqeCKHe HCCJ1eAOBaHHS1 specific instructions— Clle1-uuaJ1bHb1e (KOHKPeTHb1e) KOMaHAb1 specimen — n oõpoeu speedy — a cpot1Hb1Ï1 speedy delivery — cp0HHa51 ITOCTOKa square — n KBaapaT', 11J101L1aAb stamp duty — rep60Bb1ìí c60p statement of account — Bb111HCKa 110 cqeTY statute(s) — n ycTaB, cmrryc stipulate — V YKa3b1BaTb, OlipeAeJ1¶Tb state — v YCTaHaBJIHBaTb, yrca3b1BaTb statement — n YTBep)1U1eHHe•, oneparrop (B a-Tlropunmqecrcux fl3b1KaX) stationery — n KaHueJ151PCKHe 6J1aHK11 steal (stole, stolen) — v BOPOBaTb, KpacTb stock — n aKLIH51 stock exchange — (l)0HA0Bafl joint-stock company — aK11H0HepHa51 KOMITaHHS1 store — V xpaHHTb•, 3a1TOMHHaTb storage — n 3a1TOMHHa10LL1ee ycTpoìícTB0 (3Y); llaMÃTb storekeeper — n KJ1aAOBLUHK, JIOOLIHHK stress — v ITOAqePKHBaTb subtraction — n BblLIHTaHHe cannot supply we cannot supply — Mbl He MO)KeM 110CTaBHTb suppose — v npeA110J1araTb surface — n 110BePXHOCTb•, ITJIOCKOCTb survive — v nepeHecTH, BblaePKaTb, nepe)KHTb

take in (put in) — v 11PHHHMaTb (LIH(þopntaLf1110) take a square root — v H3BJ1eKaTb KBaApaTHb1ìí KOPeHb taxation — n HUIor006JIO)1CHHe temporaries — n pl pa60HHe llaMSITH

t erms— n YCJIOBHfl on same terms = on the same terms — Ha Tex )lçe YCJIOBHSIX transaction — n CAeJIKa transportation document (syn. transport document) — nepeB030t1Hb1ìí AOKYMeHT tt = telegraphic transfer — Tenerpa(þHb1V1 nepeB0A by telegraphic transfer — Tenerpa(þHb1M nepeB0A0M trade n TOPT'OBJ151 ; v rropr0BaTb trader -- n Topr0Be11 train -- V 06yqaTb, FOTOBHTb transmit V nepenaBaTb, rlOCb1J1í1Tb, OTTIPaBJ151Tb tool —n 1, HHCTPYMeHT', 2. CTaH01C, 3. opynue total type typewriter --- n

under the law -- по закону unit п единица; блок; устройство; элемент игее -- побуждать. настаивать на уоиг attention. — Мы настоятельно просим У\'е would urge уои to gisc the matter вас уделить этому вопросу максимум внимания. urgent а срочный urgently — adv срочно user -- п пользователь. абонент

value -- п величина; значение: оценка variable — п переменная (величина) various alternatives различные тльтернативы visualize — мысленно представлять себе vital — а первостепенный ofvital importance первостепенной важности voltage п напряжение; разность потенцнтлов

warn -- предутреждать swight — п вес

— п провод, телеграф wireless п радио, радиоприёмник worth п цена, стоимость zero п нуль; нулевая точка

1 Приложение\/



DomaiH Мине System —— DNS

.сопт для адресов американских компаниЙ и корпораций;

.edtl --- для ддресов американских образовательных организаций (университетов и

1 колледжей); для адресов правительственных учреждений США;

.lllil-—- для адресов организаций США, имеющих отношение к армии;

.net для организаций, осуществляющих управление сетями;

.от•ое, для американских организаций, не попадающих в указанные выше категории Английские н американские Деньги

Официальной валютоЙ Соединенного Королевства Великобритании является фунт стерлинг (pound), который равен 100 пенсам (репсе). Английские банкноты и монеты выпускаются Государственным банком Англии. Существуют банкноты следующих ДеНОМИНаЦНЙ: фунт стерлинга, 5 фунтов, 10 фунтов, 20 фунтов, 50 фунтов и 100 фунтов стерлингов

В обращении находятся следующие монеты: 1 пенни (реппу), 2 пенса (репсе), 5 пенсов, 10 пенсов, 50 пенсов.

Часто встречается аббревиатура СЭВР, которая расшифровывается как Great Britain Pound (фунт стерлинга Великобритании).

Официальной валютой Соединенных Штатов Америки является доллар (dollar), КОТОРЫЙ равен 100 центам (cent). Для обозначения американского доллара используют сокращенне USD - United States Dollar ($).

Различия в американской н английской Деловой терминологии

Аме нканскпй ва пант

Английский ва пант



government in power



around ten)

about (ten)

около десяти)

blue-chi investments

flrst- class investments

пе воклассные инвестиции

сап loan

short-term loan

к аткос очный займ

checkin o account

current account

тек щий счет

claim letter

letter of сот laint

письмо- екламация

collect оп delivery

cash оп delivery

оплата при доставке

соттоп stock

ordinar share

обыкновенная акция

со oration law

сот апу law

закон о компаниях

ех ress тап



to йх а meetino

to а meetino

назначать вс


frei oht not те aid

carria oe forward

без оплаты пе евозки

frei ht те aid

carria oe aid

с оплатой пе евозки

freight train

goods train

това ный поезд

government bonds

government securities

государственные ценные бумаги

in ood sha е

in oood condition

в хо ошем состоянии

investment bank

merchant bank

инвестиционный банк

law business

ractice law

п оцесс альное п аво

local taxes


местные налоги

to о erate а business

to тип а business

заниматься бизнесом

о eratin costs

runnin ех enses

тек 11(lle ас,ходы


Ь -law

постановление, аз

to ass ап offer

to decline ап offer

отклонять п едложение

reffered stock

reference share

п ивилеги ованная акция



п езидент компании

ri ht awa



shi ment

consi nment

па тия това а



де жатель акций



ко ешок чека






п едложение

wa back

some time а о

некото ое в емя том назад

Различия в еДнни ах изме ения

Американский вариант

Английский вариант


f1uid оипсе П 07,

29,57 мл

28,4 мл

1 жидкая нция

1 pint (pt)

0,47 л (ж)

0,55 л с

0,57 л

1 пинта

1 quart (qt)

0,946 л (ж)

1,101 л с

1,14 Л

1 кварта

1 апоп al

3,785 л

4,546 л

1 галлон

Примечание: (ж) - для жидкостей; (с) - для сыпучих тел.

alternating current AL Assembly I


ALU Arithmetic/l.ogie Unit - V),

AMS Automated Management Systems

ASCII American Standard Code

BASIC Beginners All-I)urpose Symbolic Instruction Code

CllMBOnnqeCICV11Y1 jgporparvtrvtvtc'jojß, J/)iáCHJC,

BESM High-Speed Electronic Computer pong go-

Bblt1HCJIHTeJ11,rraS1 Mamurra (CCCP), IV)CM.

bit binary digit - pagpsvg, bpi bit per inch - 6HT lla Ira A10iíM.

bps bit per second -610 B cercyrrny, pagpsrnou cercyjvgy.

CAD Computer-Aided Design - rrpoe1 913M,

CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing - I)BM, CMEA the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance - Cowr B3aHMor10M011AH. COB.

COBOL Common Business Oriented Language - ajrropHTrvrøqccJCHVi

3KOHOMHqeCKHX H ganatl, cps cycle per second -repu, UHICJIOB B cercyllny.

CPU Central Processing Unit - ueJITpaJ/bJlblV1 6JJOJC ynpaBJ1eJfH¶, IllJ Y, DASD Direct Access Storage Device - gar10MurraJ0Htce ycopoiicTf50 c nocTyr10M.

1)BMS Data 13ase Management System- система управления базами данных СУБД.

ПС, dc, d-c digital computer - 1. цифровой компьютер; 2. direct current постоянный ток.

EBCDIC Expanded Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code- расширенный двоично-кодированный код для обмена информацией (США).

e.g. for example —- например

ES Unifled System - единая система ЭВМ (СССР) etc. et cetera - и так далее

FMS Flexible Manufacturing Systems - гибкие системы производства

FORTRAN FORmula TRANsIa-tion - алгоритмический язык для научных задач, ФОРТРАН fps feet per second - футов в секунду

HVDAC HYbrid Digital-Analog Computer - гибридная цифро- налоговая вычислительная машина

IBM/650 International Business Machine/650) - семейство ЭВМ 1-го поколения, выпускаемого фирмой ИБМ (США)

1 С integrated circuit - интегральная схема, ИС

i.e. that is - то есть in, inch - дюйм

1/0 Input/Output - ввод/вывод, вход/выход, ВВ

IPL initial program loading - загрузка начальной программы.

КВ kilobit, kilobyte - килобит, килобайт

Г. label - метка, идентификатор, отметка

LASER Light Ampli6cation by Stimulated Emission of Radiation - лазер

LISP LIST Processing, LIST Programming - язык программирования для обработки списков и списковых структур, ЛИСП loc location - ячейка, местоположение, размещение

LSI large-scale integration - интеграция высокого УРОВНЯ

к, 1



ГКОМ pseudo-op pseudo-opet•ati01A - псевдооперация (команда) R- rcgistcr регистр.

NletAA0t•y - намять с произвольной выборкой

КОМ - постоянная память, ПЗУ

Sill\ Sinwlatot I - Модель (налванне робота)

SlSl Supet lAlts»e-Scale 'lntegration - интеграция сверхвысокого уровня

SQRT tx»ot - квадратный корень

VlSl Taat•ge-Scale lntegt•ation - интеграция очень высокого уровня Список ОСНО6НЫХ сокращений, используемых в Деловой корреспонДенции:

с\/С, асе. (account current) текущий счет adsd (addtvssed) адресовано adse (addl№ssee) ...-...--„,-. адресат, получатель ad (advertisement) рекламное ОбЪЯВЛСАНИС (МНОЖ:. число ads)

а.т. (ante meridiem) до ПОЛУДНЯ арр. (appendi.x) приложение

Attn, (attention) ------ вниманию (кого-либо)

ВТ, В.Е., Ь.е. (bill ofe.xchange) ------- переводной вексель, тратта

ВТ. 6/1 , В.Г„, b.l. (bill 0f —коносамент ее, се (copies) указание на адресатов копиЙ письма СГО (chiefe.xecutive ofljcer) ИСПОЛНИТС*ЛЬНЫЙ директор cf. (соп[сг) сравнилс Со. (сотрапу) компания

contr. (contract) контракт


1 Corp. (corporation) —- корпорация

cur.l. (currency) — валюта; 2. (current) — текущий

1 CV (curriculum vitae) — краткая биография

dd 1. (dated) — датированный; 2. (delivered) — доставленный

Dep., Dept. (department) — 1.— отдел; 2. — министерство

1 doc. (document) — документы (множ:. число — docs.) doz., dz. (dozen) —- дюжина

1 еаоп (except as otherwise noted)— если не указано иначе e.g. (exempli gratia, лат.) — например

1 епс, encl. (enclosed, enclosure) вложенный, прилагаемый, вложение, приложение (к письму и т. п.) ехс, excl. (except, excluding, exception, exclusion)— исключая, исключение ехрп (expiration) — истечение (срока) fig. (6gure)— 1. — цифра; 2.— рисунок, схема

1 FY (6scal year) — финансовый год

h.a. фос аппо, лат.)— в текущем году hf. (half) — половина

H.Q., HQ, h.q. (headquarters) — главное управление (компании, организации) id. (idem, лат.) — тот же

i.e., ie (id est, лат.) — то есть inc., incl. (including) — включая

Inc., inc. (incorporated) зарегистрированный как юридическое лицо

(корпорация) info (information) — информация inv. (invoice) — счет-фактура

IOU (1 owe уои) — долговая расписка

L C. l.c. IU c (letter ofcredit) —

LLC (limited liabilitv company) orpatutqellltoii

Ltd.. ltd. (limited) c OTB.STCTBeHHOCTbtO

LOC (letter of commitment) — rapaHTHùHoe mdse (merchandise) —T0Bapb1 memo (memorandum) 3anucxa

M.O.. r.o. l. (mail order) nepeBox. 2. (money order) — nepesoz, nnare-,KHoe

M.T. (metric ton) — TOHHa

MV (merchant (motor) vessel) — roproBoe (MOTOPHOe) cyaH0 N/A (not applicable) — He (Harrp., IIYHRT B aHKere)

NB., (nota bene, naT.) — B2NHoe 3a.xtet1t1H11e

NC, N.C., n/c (no charge) — ÕecmaTH0

PA (power of attorney) — ÄOBePeHHOCTb

p.a. (per annum, naT.) — B roa par. (paragraph) aõ3au, naparpacþ,

Pic, PLC (public limited company) OTKPb1TaS1 aKL1110HepHaq C orpaHIËeHH0ñ

PO (post office) -— 110HTOBOe 0TaeneH11e pp. (pages) CTPaH11Ub1 pp, p.p. (per pro, naT.) 0T 11MeH11 no nopytRHITh0 qv (quod vide, naT) CMOTPII (Taxi-TO)

R&D (research and development) HaylHo-11ccJ1eA0BaTeJ1bcKHe VI Ollb1THO


rept. (repŒt) 0TX1er re (regarding) OTHOCVITeY1bHO

ref. (reference) —CCb1JIKa

RMS (root-mean-square) epexwe-KBanpaTuqecKHV1 shipt (shipment) 0Trpy3Ka, 0T11paBKa

tn. (ton) TOHHa urgt (urgent) —- cpotfflblìi

v., vs. (versus, naT.) -— IIPOTHB VAT (value-added tax) —

V.I.P, VIP (very important person)

v.s. (vide supra, naT.) — CM.Bb1U1e

v.v. (vice versa, naT.) — Ha060POT w/o (without) — 6e3 & (and) —

@ — KOMMePHeCKOe at

# (number) — HOMep (aMep.)




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