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English – speaking countries

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Урок английского языка в 7а классе

Тема: English – speaking countries.

Цели урока:

  1. Развивать иноязычную языковую компетенцию (способность учащихся использовать полученную информацию в различных ситуациях).
  2. Формировать интерес к культуре англо-говорящих стран

Задачи урока:

  1. Развивать и совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме «Англо-говорящие страны»
  2. Обеспечить дальнейшую тренировку лексики по теме «Англо-говорящие страны»
  3. Расширять знания учащихся в области страноведения по теме «Англо-говорящие страны»
  4. Прививать любовь к культуре англо-говорящих стран через знакомство с ними.

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«English – speaking countries»

Урок английского языка в 7а классе

Тема: English – speaking countries.

Цели урока:

  1. Развивать иноязычную языковую компетенцию (способность учащихся использовать полученную информацию в различных ситуациях).

  2. Формировать интерес к культуре англо-говорящих стран

Задачи урока:

  1. Развивать и совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме «Англо-говорящие страны»

  2. Обеспечить дальнейшую тренировку лексики по теме «Англо-говорящие страны»

  3. Расширять знания учащихся в области страноведения по теме «Англо-говорящие страны»

  4. Прививать любовь к культуре англо-говорящих стран через знакомство с ними.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

- Good – morning, children!

Tell me please what is the date today? And what is the day of the week?

Who is absent?

  1. Phonetic exercises

1. - Repeat after me

popular, population, mother tongue, powerful country, advanced country, foreign language, cultural centre, financial, official language.

2. - The words on the board will help us to remember the names of the countries and the nationalities of people living in them.

…- the Chinese

…- the Irish

…- the Portuguese

England- the….

Scotland- the….

Germany- the…

…- the Australians

….- the Finnish..

…- the Americans

  1. Определение темы урока

На доске написан список стран : Japan, the UK, Spain, Australia, Canada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Poland, the USA, Russia.

  • Please name and translate them. Now find those countries that have something common.

  • What common do they have? (Yes, they all are English-speaking countries)

  • So, can you tell me theme of the lesson? Can you guess?

  • Yes, today we will speak about English-speaking countries.

  1. Revising the proceeding material


  • We have been learning English for 6 years. I’m sure you know some facts about English-speaking countries. So answer my questions:

  • What is the official language of Great Britain?

  • What is the official language of the USA?

  • What is the second largest country in the world? (Canada)

  • The maple leaf is the official emblem of …. .

  • What country consists of two islands? (New Zealand)

  • Charlie Chaplin lived in … (The USA)

  • Big Ben stands in…

  • Washington is the capital of …

  • The capital of New Zealand is…(Wellington)

  • The Australians speak…(English)

  • What country is often called its language like Kiwi language? (New Zealand)

  • In what countries is English spoken as a first language?

  • What languages are often spoken at international conferences and meetings?


- It’s time to sum up the information about English-speaking countries. You have paper sheets on your tables. Take them and fill in the gaps .

( Работа по карточкам коллективно)

  1. Физминутка

- What holiday is coming? So listen to the famous song “ Jungle bells”. You can sing too.

6. Закрепление изученной страноведческой информации.

-It’s time to find out what you know about English-speaking countries. Read the statements and agree or disagree with them. Write true or false.

  1. American English and British English are absolutely the same.

  2. There are lots of people in the United States who can speak Spanish.

  3. Canada is famous for its deserts

  4. There are two official languages in Canada – English and Spanish.

  5. New Zealand consists of two main islands and some small islands.

  6. The official languages in New Zealand are English and French.

  7. The UK is the third largest country in the world.

  8. Great Britain is an island state.

  9. Australia occupies the whole continent.

  10. There is no official language in Australia.

( Далее дети меняются тетрадями и идет взаимопроверка)


1. The English language spoken in the USA is known as American English.

2. The population of New Zealand is mixed.

3. In Britain you can meet people of different nationalities.

4. At present in Australia there are a lot of people from Russia.

5. The maple leaf is the official emblem of Canada.

6. English spoken in Australia is a bit different from British English and American English.

7. New Zealand is sometimes called “The world’s biggest farm”.

8. Washington is financial and cultural centre of the USA.

8. Additions:

1. Guess the names of the capitals ( на карточках)

2. Reading ex.50, p.46

9. Homework

- What did you do today? What countries did you speak about?

Ex. 50-51, p. 46


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