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Gadgets in our life.

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Gadgets in our life.

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«Gadgets in our life.»



Made by a pupil of form 9 "B"

Dudka Sofia




Chapter 1: Theoretical part.

1.1 Gadgets for our daily life.

1.2 Positive and negative sights of using gadgets.

Chapter 2: Practical part.

2.1 Survey.


List of source.


I am a student. I study at form 6 "А".There are many students in my class and everybody has different gadgets. I decided to find out: what are the most important gadgets among my classmates.

The aim of the project is to answer the questions:

What gadgets do teenagers use? What is the importance of these electronic devices in our lives?

The purposes:

1. To study the information.

2. To make a survey.

3. To analyze and make a conclusion.

Our hypothesis is:

A lot of teenagers use the gadgets in their daily lives and I think we cannot imagine our life without them.


Many years ago people did not even heard of computers and today we cannot imagine our life without them. Nowadays a lot of people use many high tech gadgets. It is true that technology plays a big part in learning today. Computers and the internet help us to find useful information study, to do homework, to do online courses. But I think that there is some danger in using high-tech equipment because it can be dangerous for our health. It is bad for our eyes and nervous system. Children who often play cruel games became silly and angry. Teenagers do not want to go for a walk or go to the gym. They become lazy and fat. There are a lot of adults, who play games all day long. In my opinion it is bad for our society and relationships. We have not got enough time to speak with each other, or to relax and have a cup of tea. We send messages or just call.


Let’s start by giving a definition to the word gadget. A gadget is a small tool such as a machine that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty. Nowadays there is no work which cannot be done without the assistance of machines and there is not a single human activity where machines don’t have to be used. No one can deny the fact that gadgets have not only simplified our lives but also made them more comfortable and luxurious. But on the contrary man’s dependence on them has increased so much that we just cannot do without them at all. We cannot even dare to imagine our life without laptop, smart phones, cell phones, notebooks, microwaves and so on. Gadgets are not just meant for entertainment they even improve our lives a lot.

Everything from cooking to music uses electronics or electronic components in some way. Communication gadgets are a category of gadget which control the biggest part of our lives but it is not the only gadgets that can increase the efficiency. Just think of the morning when you start using the gadgets. From the very first in the morning you need to use the alarm clock to wake you up until you want to gate late. Then you make your coffee using a coffee maker followed by watching of television to catch the latest news and stock market.  It has influenced our lives to such an extent that we cannot think a day without them. Starting from the early morning till the time we reach the bed we are making use of some of other gadgets in various ways.

1.2 Using electronic gadgets, today, is so much a part of our daily life. Besides, its useful purposes, every gadget, have its own positive and also negative effects on over exposure to the devices and gadgets. Below there is a list of positive and negative effects of electronic gadgets to students.

Positive sights:

  1. Gadgets may have a positive impact, especially, for younger children, below preschool age. The gadgets may help them to stimulate their senses and imagination. Additionally, it may help to promote listening ability, learning of sounds and also speaking ability.

  2. These electronic devices, and games, encourage cognitive learning and development of analytical skills.

  3. The effects of electronic gadgets to students, helps them to improve manual dexterity, and make them aware of the computers.

  4. By mastering certain games, the confidence level in children, raises up. Over a period of time, these effects of gadgets for children, develop a good eye and hand coordination, besides mental coordination.

Negative sights:

  1. Children, as young as two years old, tend to play with electronic devices and gadgets anywhere.

  1. On an average, children spend more than seven hours per day on an electronic device.

  2. It is important for children to spend some outdoor activity time, with family and friends. Spending, most of their time on electronic devices, may restrain some outdoor activities.

  3. Children who play violent games, for a long period of time, tend to be more aggressive. Such kids, are more prone to confront their teachers, peers, and relatives.

2. To create my project I’ve asked the pupils from my class 5 questions. They are:

  1. What gadgets do you own? How many of them?

  2. What is the most important gadget for you?

  3. Do you use electronic gadgets in studying?

  4. Can you imagine your life without these electronic devices?

  5. Do you agree that using gadgets can lead problems with health?

I’ve got the following results:

  1. My classmates own different gadgets and the most popular among them is a computer. Most of my classmates have games consoles and Smart phones.

  1. A lot of pupils from my class use gadgets in studying. Some of them do not use electronic devices in studying.

  1. A lot my classmates can nor imagine theirs life without gadgets. Some of them can imagine theirs life without electronic devices.

  1. A lot of my classmates do not agree, what using gadgets can lead problems with health.


In my project, my hypothesis is confirmed, teenagers can not imagine theirs life without gadgets.


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