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Грамматическая таблица образования и применения условных предложений 4 типов (авторская разработка).

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Грамматическое правило применения и образования 4 типов условных предложений  в виде таблицы(авторская разработка)

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«Грамматическая таблица образования и применения условных предложений 4 типов (авторская разработка).»

Compound sentences with Conditional clauses and Time clauses

Сложноподчинённые предложения с придаточными условия

3 типов и придаточными времни

Type of condition- Тип условия


Type of clause-

Тип придаточного предложения


The Tense of verbs used in the Main sentence - Время глагола, применяемое в главном предложении


ConjunctionsСоюзы придаточных предложений


The Tense of verbs used in the Subordinate clause- Время глагола, применяемое в придаточном предложении


Time the condition refers toКалендарное (астрономическое) время, к которому относится условие и вытекающее из него действие



Zero Conditional - 0


Time clause

Present Simple (Indefinite)


Imperative Mood(повелительное наклонение )

V1 (+s)

For conditional clauses: If, whether, in case, provided, on condition that, unless____________

For time clauses When, after, before, (un)till, as soon as

Present Simple (Indefinite)

V1 (+s)


Switch off the light

If (whether) и т.д.

When(before) и т.д.

you leave the room.

Ice melts

if (whether) и т.д.

when(after) и т.д.

it is heated up to 1-100 degrees above zero


First Conditional – 1


Time clause

Future Simple (Indefinite)


Imperative Mood(повелительное наклонение )

Shall(will) V1

For conditional clauses: If, whether, in case, provided, on condition that, unless____________

For time clauses When, after, before, (un)till, as soon as

Present Simple (Indefinite) or

Present Perfect

V1 (+s) or

have(has) V3


They will participate in the competition

if (whether) и т.д.

when (after, as soon as) и т.д.

they train properly for it.

Do your best to study well

if (whether, in case, provided)

you want to pass your exams successfully.

We shall get on a train

if (whether) и т.д.

when (after, as soon as) и т.д.

Dad has bought tickets for the train.

Will you lend me your book

if (whether) и т.д.

when (after, as soon as) и т.д.

you have read it?

Everything will be in blossom

when (after, as soon as)

spring comes.


Second Conditional – 2



Should(would) V1

If, whether,

реже in case, provided, on condition that, unless

Past Simple (Indefinite)

Глагол to be всегда имеет форму were

(в разговорной речи возможна форма was)

Future or



I should help this old woman

If (whether)

I were you.

Real situation:

The old woman still needs help.

They would be glad

If (whether)

their children met them at the station.

Real situation:

They want their children to meet them.

We’d be late for the performance

If (whether)

missed the bus.

Real situation:

We won’t be late as we haven’t missed the bus

Dad would take his children to the circus the following Sunday

If (whether)

they got only good marks at school.

Real situation:

It’s doubtful if the children will get good marks.

He would tell Ann everything

If (whether)

he met her by any chance.

Real situation:

He isn’t sure if he’ll meet Ann.

Their friends would go to the Seaside

If (whether)

it were warm today.

Real situation:

It’s not warm today.



Third Conditional – 3


Future-in-the-Past with the Perfect Infinitive

Should(would) have V3

If, whether,

реже in case, provided, on condition that, unless

Past Perfect

had V3


He would have passed examinations successfully

If (whether)

he hadn’t missed so many lessons.

Real situation:

He didn’t pass examinations.

His brother wouldn’t have got into an accident

If (whether)

he had seen the obstacle (препятствие

Real situation:

He didn’t see the obstacle.

She would have bought that dress yesterday

If (whether)

she had had money on her.

Real situation:

She didn’t buy that dress yesterday


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