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"Housing in Britain"

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«"Housing in Britain"»

Unit 11 (form 6) Types of houses

Unit 11 (form 6)

Types of houses

1 – b, 2 – с, 3 – d, 4 – a;

1 – b, 2 – с, 3 – d, 4 – a;



Choose the correct variant.   1. What house doesn`t usually have a garden?  a) a detached house  b) a semi-detached house  c) a block of flats 2. What house usually has a small garden with flowers for each of the two houses? a detached house b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house d) a block of flats 3. Where does only one family live? a detached house b) a semi-detached house  c) a terraced house d) a block of flats 4. Where do two families live? a detached house b) a semi-detached house  c) a terraced house d) a block of flats

Choose the correct variant.

1. What house doesn`t usually have a garden?

a) a detached house b) a semi-detached house

c) a block of flats

2. What house usually has a small garden with flowers for each of the two houses?

  • a detached house b) a semi-detached house

c) a terraced house d) a block of flats

3. Where does only one family live?

  • a detached house b) a semi-detached house
  • c) a terraced house d) a block of flats

4. Where do two families live?

  • a detached house b) a semi-detached house
  • c) a terraced house d) a block of flats
Choose the correct variant.   5. Where do many families live? a) a detached house  b) a semi-detached house  c) a terraced house 6. What house is usually situated far from the town centre? a) a detached house b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house d) a block of flats 7. What house is usually situated in the town centre? a) a detached house b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house 8. What house usually has a lift? a) a detached house b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house d) a block of flats 9. What house is usually a many storied (многоэтажное) building? a) a detached house b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house d) a block of flats

Choose the correct variant.

5. Where do many families live?

a) a detached house b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house

6. What house is usually situated far from the town centre?

a) a detached house b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house d) a block of flats

7. What house is usually situated in the town centre?

a) a detached house b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house

8. What house usually has a lift?

a) a detached house b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house d) a block of flats

9. What house is usually a many storied (многоэтажное) building?

a) a detached house b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house d) a block of flats


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