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Interview with ...

Категория: Астрономия

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«Interview with ...»


-Students` attitudes about group work are different.It depends on the personal characteristic of the student. One student can like group work,others can not.So I try to carefully construct and help students deal with problems ,I can say that most of my students like the group work.

-How often do you use group work in your classes?

-I use some group work practically every class.

-Can group work be done with large classes?

-The class shouldn't be too big.I think 15-20 people is a normal number of students for group work. You can divide them into 4-5 groups.And you will have time to go around the whole class, to come closer to everyone frequently.If students have questions,they can ask the teacher or other students.


-Hello Mrs. X! I think you often use group work method during your classes. Can I ask you some questions about group work?

-Hello!Yes,of course

-How do you think what are the benefits of group work?

-We all know that “Two heads are better than one.” Group projects can help students develop a lot of skills that are increasingly important in the 21st century world. Group work can develop skills that are relevant to both group and individual work.

-How do you think ,Do your students like to work in a group?


-Should teachers distribute the roles of students?

- It is better and more interesting for me to let people negotiate their own roles. Students act differently in different groups. Somebody wants to be a writer,somebody wants to speak. That’s why I think they should choose the roles by themselves.

-How do you divide your students into groups?

-I'm not sure which way of dividing students is best. But I don’t want my students think they are weak students. For this reason, I let students choose their own groups one week and then the next week I divide students at random to groups.


-Students` attitudes about group work are different.It depends on the personal characteristic of the student. One student can like group work,others can not.So I try to carefully construct and help students deal with problems ,I can say that most of my students like the group work.

-How often do you use group work in your classes?

-I use some group work practically every class.

-Can group work be done with large classes?

-The class shouldn't be too big.I think 15-20 people is a normal number of students for group work. You can divide them into 4-5 groups.And you will have time to go around the whole class, to come closer to everyone frequently.If students have questions,they can ask the teacher or other students.



Interview with the Master of Science (Physics) ,Teacher of Physics — Mrs. X


-Can students do homework in groups? 

-I think students shouldn`t work in groups only during classes.Once a month I try to give them different tasks which should be done in groups.It can be:small projects,shooting a video,making a poster,etc.


-What is the role of the teacher during the process of group work?

-While working in group,the task of the teacher shouldn’t be just observing students. We have to walk around the class, checking if every student is involved in the process. As for me, I try to give directions,answer questions if my students have.




Kostanay State Pedagogical University



E-mail:[email protected]

Interviewer: Ayagoz Meirmanova

Interviewee: Mrs. X


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