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Использование рекламных текстов на уроках английского языка

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Дополнительный материал по теме "The structure of the advertising text"

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«Использование рекламных текстов на уроках английского языка»


Summary. Advertising is a special type of communication that affects the public consciousness by creating texts about goods offered and distributing them in the media to attract attention and encourage action. The text is the main element that reveals the main content of the advertisement. It is written according to the laws of speech, each component of the structure of the advertising text plays a special role in creating effective text. Advertising text contains information about goods and services, has a targeted impact on the intended audience - people who are able to see or hear the advertising messages.

There are many existing definitions of the term “advertising” in the scientific literature. The word “advertising” comes from the Latin word “advertere”, meaning to people look back. In Cambridge dictionary advertising considered as “the business of trying to persuade people to buy products or services” [1]. The meaning of the word “advertising” in the dictionary of the Russian language by Ozhegov is interpreted as “notification in various ways to create wide popularity, attract consumers, viewers” [2]. Also the definition of advertising is formulated in the federal law “On Advertising”. “Advertising is an information distributed in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons and aimed at attracting attention to the object of advertising, forming or maintaining interest in it and promoting it on the market” [3].

Thus, advertising is designed to inform people through the media, attract their interest, manage their behavior and motivate them to purchase certain goods.

One of the most important parts of advertising is the text. “The word “text” here (as applied to advertising) is used in its widest sense, including visual artifacts as well as verbal language” [4, 6]. Examples of advertising texts are ads, television commercials, outdoor advertising, announcements, packing of the goods, etc. The advertising text is created according to its own specific rules. There is nothing superfluous and everything is extremely clear in this form of text. It can be called effective when the creators of advertising identify specific cultural characteristics, lifestyle of the consumers. “The principal function of advertisements and announcements, like that of brief news, is to inform the reader” [5, 77].

According to the researchers, the main components of an effective advertising text includes the headline, the text, advertising slogan and echo phrase. The advertising text affects the consumers according to the AIDA model.

Advertising attracts attention. In the advertising text, it is expressed by an intriguing keyword no more than 4-5 words. The headline should be clear and concise, at the same time bright and rich, in order to interest customers.

Advertising holds the interest of readers of the advertising text with 2-3 suggestions about the properties of the product previously unknown to them. The main text of the advertising must contain reliable information that causes confidence in the advertised goods. It should lead the consumers to the desire to buy these products.

Desire is the main element of the advertising text, which causes the desire of the buyers to have the advertised product. It acts as a slogan. Advertising slogan serves to attract the attention of readers. They should be intrigued by the advertising and it depends on whether consumers will read the advertising text at all and whether they will remember it.

Advertising requires an action from the buyers. The conclusion or echo phrase repeats the heading of advertising text. It encourages the consumers to take action, once again reminding them of the qualitative advantages of the advertised product or service.

The number and location of the structural elements in the examples above change, but this does not make the advertising texts lose their effectiveness.

Thus, the structure and content of the advertising text are completely interrelated, each element is embedded in the formula AIDA. The slogan of the advertising text draws attention to the problem (the need for the product), the headline offers its solution (purchase of the product), the main text offers information on its solution (where and when it is profitable to buy the product), the echo phrase once again shows the advantages (the need for this particular product). As a result, advertising texts convey information to the consumers and influence them, encouraging to purchase the advertised goods.


  1. Cambridge English dictionary, available at https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/advertising (accessed at 13 April 2021).

  2. Ozhegov C. I., Shvedova H. Yu. Dictionary of the Russian language. Tolkovy slovar’ russkogo yasyka, available at: реклама (accessed at 13 April 2021). (in Russ.)

  3. The federal law of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2006 N 38-FZ “On Advertising” (the latest version). (in Russ.)

  4. Goddard, A. (2002). The Language of Advertising: Written texts. London; New York: Routledge. 131 p.

  5. Galperin, I.R. Stylistics. – М.: Либроком, 2010, 2014. – 336 p.


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