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Исследовательская работа по английскому языку

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В данной работе исследовательская работа на тему : " Проблемы современной молодежи".

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Исследовательская работа

на тему:

«Проблемы современной молодежи»


Магомедова Сакинат Магомедовна

ученица 10 класса

Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Цурибская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

Чародинский район с.Цуриб

8 (967) 390 85 45

Научный руководитель:

Мусаева Анжелика Джалалудиновна

учитель английского языка

Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение

« Цурибская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

8 (964) 02056 57

[email protected]


1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………3

2. Theoretical part……………………………………………………………..4

3. Practical part……………………………………………………………….10

4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………12

5. References…………………………………………………………………13

6. Annex…………………………………………………………………………

1. Introduction

This topic is especially relevant, since youth is the future of the nation.
One of the ways to solve the problem of youth is to set them immediately on the proper life values. The vital values ​​of youth are molded precisely in this period, and they are highly unlikely to be changed afterwards. And even if they think that their life style is not appropriate, that they need to start thinking about the family, it is not enough to have a desire, since their feelings are attached to other things.

The aim is study of problems today’s youth.

The object of study is rural youth.

The subject of research is problems of youth.

Research methods are theoretical and practical.

Research tasks:1) Familiarize with the problems of youth. 2) Conduct and analyze sociological survey.

2. Theoretical part

Youth is the time when everyone should determine their own destiny, find the right path leading to success, which will enable to apply their abilities and talents to the full.

Many of us do not know what to strive for. Teenagers do not have the clear guidelines in life that our fathers and mothers had. But our fathers and mothers had something that today's youth do not have: they were aware of social rules and the social system. Unlike the previous generation, modern youths do not have such understanding. Young people should have an idea of ​​life and the world around them; they should distinguish between good and evil.

Youth is the most beautiful and the most important period of life, it is the period when a personality is shaped because main habits, interests, moral principles and beliefs are laid in youth. Young men are trying to find ones place in the world, and this search is connected with some problems that they face. Young people have to make difficult decisions about their future. The list of problems young people face is almost endless, but the main are the generation gap, the problem of independence, emotional problems, the process of choosing a career, the fear of unemployment, the problem of speech culture, smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. Lets talk about some of them in more detail.

The generation gap is the most common problem at all times. Youth surprises former youth. (Slavian Trotsky)

The tension, which exists between parents and their children results from their eagerness to get independence and to enjoy all the right of adults. Many young people think that the main problem of misunderstanding is that their parents are too strict and overprotective. Both parents and young men have to admit that every generation is unique. Adolescents have always questioned believes, principles and values of their parents. Almost every person wants to try everything by oneself and to learn from one’s own experience. Yong generation tries to become the better version of their parents and constantly revolts against adult rules. On the other hand, parents in their turn project their ideas and dreams upon their children. Adults should try to overcome the gap by means of understanding and some kind of diplomacy. Adolescents often have low self-esteem; many of them are not satisfied with their appearance. Sometimes they have to deal with rudeness and intolerance of their coevals.

A lot of adolescents are afraid of loneliness. They want other people to appreciate them. That is why young people tend to join some groups or copy particular models of behaviour.

Self-identity and emotional problems are the most serious ones young people face. Everyone wants to be sure that his or her personality is unique and highly appreciated by the society. The typical adolescent problem sounds like nobody understands me. Young people are looking for their own place in the world.

One of the main problems among adolescent girls is their worry about the body image. They compare themselves with other beautiful and fit girls in their class or even some celebrities and they strongly wish to look like them. This unhealthy self-esteem leads to serious eating disorders and such illnesses as anorexia and bulimia. Girls refuse to eat food in order to change their body shape and to become skinny and then gradually they can’t eat at all.

Most adolescents don’t know how to cope with their problems because they don’t feel like sharing their emotions and discussing them with their parents or friends. Young people are usually afraid of disapproval and misunderstanding. In this case it may be useful to consult a professional psychologist who can offer some good advice and probably give a helping hand.

The speech culture of young people has become very poor recently.
The youth slang is one of the most pressing challenges nowadays.
Young people strive for brevity, since adolescence is a period of life when they try to do everything faster, and therefore speak quickly.

Slang words often convey experiences that are not known and understandable to adults, but common among adolescents. That’s why they are often untranslatable. The teenagers are afraid to express their feelings, since even the most relaxed of them are shy and sensitive. Therefore, their jargon is ironic and rude. But the most important thing is that the jargon is secret for outsiders, only understood by those who are in the know. This is especially valued by young people who have a way of grouping, forming their own communities.

By slang a teenager emphasizes his independence. They try to lead their life, which adults cannot interfere with.

For those who want to exclude slang, I would recommend:

  1. to read classical literature;

  2. to control their speech;

  3. to practice speaking in public;

  4. to bolster self-esteem to be confident in words.

It is very important for young people to be alike their friends or to be a part of some system such as subculture. For example, if all your friends are wearing black clothes, you have to wear black clothes too in order to stay a part of their company. It sounds strange but a lot of young people are afraid of standing out from the crowd. That is why some young men become involved in antisocial activities quite often. In such cases, youths are not old and strong enough to cope with such problems and adults have to help their children to overcome difficulties.

Probably the most eternal problem is choosing a career. It is really a very difficult choice because of the responsibility. Your future depends on this choice. In most cases, young people are not sure about what they are really interested in. Choosing your future profession you have to be sure that there are some job opportunities.

Of course, parents and teachers have their own ideas and wishes of what is better and more useful for children. However, there is no good in forcing your child to choose this or that occupation because such method can influence negatively on his or her future life. Everyone understands that it is essential to get a really good job to avoid the risk of being unemployed.

There are too many youth problems and it is very hard to be young and happy at first glance. However, a lot of wonderful things can happen only when you are young. That is why it is very important to know about possible problems and to be ready to cope with them.

During the teen years children often try to gain independence from their parents. They may push limits, break rules and overstep boundaries.

There are many different sources of conflict between teenagers and their parents such as dishonesty, smoking, messy room, grades.

30 million children from different families spend their life on city streets. Why are they there? Because of poverty at home; treated badly at home; nothing else to do; just followed other children; sent by the family. Put in own order according to their importance for you smoking; drugs ; alcohol; ecological problems; healthy way of life : sport, food ;family problems ;problems with friends; school problems; problems in Russia ;world problems, getting education ,problem of spare time ;problems of law, crime; unemployment ,others.

Most teenagers see adult life as a life full of freedom, independence and great opportunities. Only very few of them realize how much responsibility they would have. But teenagers often get into trouble because for many of them being adult means staying out at night, trying “adult things” like smoking, drinking alcohol etc.

One of the ways to solve the problem of youth is to set them immediately on the proper life values. The vital values ​​of youth are molded precisely in this period, and they are highly unlikely to be changed afterwards. And even if they think that their life style is not appropriate, that they need to start thinking about the family, it is not enough to have a desire, since their feelings are attached to other things. “Only the moral improvement of people can improve the structure of social life” (Leo Tolstoy).It is worth noting that moral upbringing is not just some kind of preaching, it is primarily the setting of an example by one’s own behavior - this is the key way to solve the problems of modern youth - a worthy pattern to follow. You can say a lot of things, but children absorb exactly the way you live. It is necessary to set an example of how we should live, of what you need to strive for, of what true happiness is.

Whoever leads the youth has the future” (Adolf Hitler) .Youth is the way of the future, which is chosen by the people. Youth - time when each should determine their own destiny, to find the only-true key to success life path that will maximize their abilities and talents. Life gives young to have to make critical decisions at the lack of life experience. An increasing number of young people leading an immoral life reducing opportunities for youth participation in economic development.

Another problem of youth is using gadgets. We spend many times in front of computer or laptop monitors, which results into eyesight deterioration, backaches and headaches. Mobile phones are also harmful to health due to their electromagnetic radiation. Some teens, for example, sit in front of the computer all day long. They can be Internet addict, that's why they become cruel and inadequate. They also cannot socialize with their friends, parents and teachers. 

In the 21st century, a person can no longer imagine his life without gadgets. We use them to communicate with friends, study, learn about world events, weather forecasts and much more.On the one hand, gadgets are an amazing invention that has lifted our lives to a new level, but on the other hand, we have stopped putting enough effort into anything. We no longer go to stores to buy products - we order them through our phone.

Technology continues to evolve and new gadgets are invented with them. If a person learns to use them correctly and in moderation, then they will be only useful! To sum up, I’d like to mention that I’m not the opponent of internet and I make out it has its own pros and cons, makes life easier, gives an opportunity to self-realization and cooperation between people. However, we need to remember, that internet it is not a lifestyle, it is only a tool of getting information, but not everyone can use it in a smart way.

Solving the problem from the internet is that we should control the amount of time we spend online and not to forget about our families and friends. We won’t become closer if we keep in touch only virtually. If you stop sitting in front of the computer screen, you will have free time to spend on your favorite activities: reading, drawing, sports, music, etc. These hobbies make life fascinating and exciting, as well as broaden your horizons and improve your health if you take the time to exercise. Secondly, real communication will return to our life, and there will be personal meetings with friends, acquaintances, relatives. Discussing the topics of concern to us, we will see a real interlocutor, perhaps with the opposite point of view, and we will learn to respect the opinion of another person, find a compromise, common language, that is, develop communication skills. Most likely, handwritten letters will return to our lives. As you know, fine motor skills positively affect the brain and therefore contribute to the development of intelligence. And this is another advantage of living outside the World Wide Web.
The internet can be a blessing, but we should use it carefully in order not to turn the blessing into a curse.

I want to wish all teenagers to live in peace, in the atmosphere of patience, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, surrounded by true friends, and understanding parents.

 But in order to deserve all this, one must also set oneself on the right path, abandon unhealthy habits and treat everyone else with understanding and respect. Of course, it will take up a lot of effort and time, but if there is a desire and perseverance, we will surely succeed. And believe me, the world will become a thousand times better then.

Then all of us will be a better tomorrow for this world, we will not let it collapse. And I would like to conclude with the words of Mae West: “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough”.

3. Practical part

Sociological survey and results

After sociological survey among pupils of grades 9-11, we identified the most important questions that concern the youth of today. Total 20 respondents took part.

The first question was:”How do you think, what are the most important factors for achieving success in life?” (annex 1).

11 respondents think that A- quality education.

3 respondents think that B-material support. About C-support of influence think 5 respondents. 10 respondents think that D-hard work. 4 respondents chose E- natural endowment. 2 respondents singled F-resourcefulness.

The second question was:”What are your life plans for the next 5-7 years?” (annex 2).

5 respondents noted option A- to start a family. 6- respondents like B-to get a good education. 2 respondents like C- to achieve material well-being. 3 respondents like D- to get a decent job. 2 respondents chose E- to create own business. 2 respondents noted option F- find true friends.

The third question was: “What, in your opinion, is the cause of juvenile delinquency?” (annex 3).

Option A-bad Education, lack of culture chose 6 respondents. Option B- alcohol consumption chose 2 respondents. Option C- imitating friends, chose 3 respondents. Option D- imitating authorities chose 2 respondents. Option E- impunity chose 3 respondents. Option F- material insecurity chose 4 respondents.

The fourth question was: “How do you usually spend your time?”. (annex 4).

Option A- chat with friends chose 5 respondents. Option B- watching television or videofilms chose 5 respondents. Option C- chatting in Internet, chose 3 respondents. Option D- computer games chose 4 respondents. Option E- viewing fashion magazines chose 2 respondents. Option F- listening to music, chose 1 respondent.

The fifth question was:” What problems are you interested in at the moment?” (annex 5).

Option A- my future chose 8 respondents. Option B- study chose 2 respondents. Option C- health chose 6 respondents. Option D- relationships with friends chose 2 respondents. Option E- relationships with parents, chose 1 respondent and option F- ecological problems chose 1 respondent.


I am sure that individual psychological characteristics of communication can be considered the reasons for the youth problems. Preventive activity should begin with primary school age. Correctional work to prevent and overcome youth problems should have a positive impact on acquiring healthy lifestyle. I believe that young people should lead a healthy lifestyle, that every educational institution should have a practical psychologist and a helpline so that adolescents can contact them.

All of us, adolescents, want to be heard, we want the attention, which we currently lack. Adults are busy with their work, and often forget to discuss the day with us, just to talk to us. We can share some of our new ideas, or a fun memory from a school day.

I don’t think it’s so difficult to discuss tomorrow’s plans with us and chat on different topics at dinner. I agree that this is a trifle, but, as they say, "a penny saves a ruble." I believe that adolescents need counseling and psychological help. In order to help a teenager, it is important to understand what is happening in their soul.






5) http://www.esec-braamcamp-freire.rcts.pt/index.php?option=com_content&vi...

Annex 1.

Annex 2.

Annex 3.

Annex 4.

Annex 5.



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