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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 6 класса

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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку к УМК М.З.Биболетовой для 6 класса

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«Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 6 класса»


1. Translate into English.

1. Этот фильм стоит посмотреть.

2. Эти книги стоит прочитать.

3. Этот музей стоит посетить.

4. Этот текст стоит перевести.

5. Эту музыку стоит послушать.

2. Use the or no article.

1. … North

2. … Atlantic Ocean

3. … Russian Federation

4. … John Lennon

5. … France

6. … Ivanovs

7. … Washington

8. … best film

9. … Moon

10. … Caucasus

11. … Elbrus

3. Use the verbs in the Present Perfect.

1. They (to do) it today.

2. How many times … you (to see) this man?

3. … you ever (to play) tennis?

4. I … never (to eat) such fish before?

5. My sister … already (to wash up).

6. He (not to write) the test yet.

7. We … just (to translate) the text.

4. Ask special questions to the sentences.

1. Fred has recently bought a new car.

2. They have already visited this museum.

3. My brother has got two computers at home.

4. Helen has finished translating the article.

5. We have read a very interesting book about animals this week.

6. His mother has cooked a very tasty apple pie.

7. He has done it to help his sister.

5. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or in Present Perfect.

1. How many tasks … you …? (to do)

2. They … each other when they … very young. (to meet, to be)

3. My friend … his car not long ago. (to change)

4. I think this student … all the questions correctly. (to answer)

5. … you … Nick today? (to see)

6. Yesterday I … shopping together with my friend. (to go)

7. She … her grandparents last weekend. (to visit)

6. Use “house” or “home”.

1. They built their … two years ago.

2. Every living thing should have its … .

3. Can you explain why some children run away from their …?

4. Is your … big or small?

5. How many … are there in this street?

6. When she is away on business she always misses her … town.

7. Do you help your mother about the … ?

7. Use Reflexive Pronouns.

1. Can you do it … or shall I help you?

2. I always make my breakfast … .

3. These boys are so lazy that they never do their homework … .

4. We often arrange our class parties … .

5. The cat could open the door of the room … .

6. My sister makes dresses for her dolls … .

7. Jack sometimes repairs his bike … .

8. What can you tell about your family? Write 8-10 sentences.

Ответы для итоговой контрольной работы

Task 1.

  1. This film is worth seeing.

  2. These books are worth reading.

  3. This museum is worth visiting.

  4. This text is worth translating.

  5. This music is worth listening to.

Task 2.

  1. the

  2. the

  3. the

  4. the

  5. the

  6. the

  7. the

  1. Task 3.

  1. have done

  2. have you seen

  3. have you ever played

  4. have never eaten

  5. has already washed up

  6. has not written

  1. Task 4.

  1. What has Fred recently bought?

  2. What have they already visited?

  3. Why has your brother got two computers at home?

  4. What has Helen finished doing?

  5. What kind of book have you read this week?

  6. What kind of pie has his mother cooked?

  7. Why has he done it?

  1. Task 5.

  1. have you done

  2. met, were

  3. changed

  4. has answered

  5. have you seen

  6. went

  7. visited

  1. Task 6.

    1. house

    2. home

    3. home

    4. house

    5. houses

    6. home

    7. house

    1. Task 7.

      1. yourself (yourselves)

      2. myself

      3. themselves

      4. ourselves

      5. itself

      6. herself

      7. himself


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