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Итоговая контрольная работа в 10 классе

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Итоговая контрольная работа в 10 классе (по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой)

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«Итоговая контрольная работа в 10 классе»

Итоговая административная контрольная работа в 10 классе


Task 1. Read the text and write whether the sentences are true or false.

Debates about education will never end. Some people consider our educational system to be close to perfect; others say that it is too hard and that it is unnecessary to study all the school subjects.

In Russian schools children have to study about 15—17 subjects — not more and not less, as they are required. Very rarely do schools have in the schedule special or professional subjects. In the United States, drama, journalism and photography are as important as chemistry and history. In our schools the curriculum is strict. In the USA you can choose what to study; but government, history, English and math are compulsory. There are also a number of subjects, like geography, chemistry, physics, biology and computer classes, that you have to take during a year or a half-a-year during your high school years. You can also take one of these subjects at an advanced level. A program of chemistry at the advanced level of a graduate class is common with our 9th grade programme. In Russia we can't study management or TV-production at school.

Such democracy in choosing subjects according to your own preferences makes school life easier and calmer. American students don't usually have much homework — half an hour of homework is too much for them. On the other hand, they have holidays only twice a year, and their summer vacations are only two and a half months long, while our children don't study in the summer at all. Americans study at school for 12 years, while we study only 11. So it is very hard to say which the best way of studying is.

  1. Debates about education always take place.

  2. The curriculum in America is more flexible (гибкий) than in Russia.

  3. American children don’t study in summer at all.

  4. Most people are not sure which way of studying is better.

  5. Everybody thinks that our educational system is the best.

  6. American students don’t study much at home.


Task 2. The word in capitals in the right column can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. His interest in science _____________ when he was only five years old.


2. His father gave him a magnetic compass. Looking at it, the young Albert wanted to know why the needle _____________.


3. In 1902, after graduating from the university, Einstein took a job in the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. In 1909, at the age of thirty, Einstein ______________ his job at the Patent Office and began his lifelong career in the academic world.


4. His genius was recognized, and in 1921 he ____________ the Nobel Prize in physics.


5. In 1933, when Adolf Hitler came into power, Einstein and his ___________ wife moved to the USA.


6. He ____________ a professor at Princeton University where he remained until his death in 1955.


7. Shortly before his death he wrote and signed the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, ________________ the people of the world about the danger of nuclear catastrophe. Albert Einstein is remembered as the scientist in the world. His theories have changed science forever.



8. It is generally thought that Albert Einstein is the greatest theoretical physicist who ever ________.


Task 3. The word in capitals in the right column can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1. Who is making all the _______ for the office Christmas party this year?


2. Former Chilean President Augusto Pinochet went to England to avoid being charged with crimes against __________.


3. We're trying to think of a new slogan for our business, so if anyone has any ___________, please let me know.


4. He accepted the job without ____________.


5. In 1759, for the first time, the Pope gave his _________ for the Bible to be translated into all languages of the Catholic states.


6. The world's first _________ appeared around 5,000 B.C. near rivers.


7. Muhammad Ali once remarked that the man who has no ______ has no wings.


8. A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle with no or irregular physical _______


9.Peter seems to have a natural ________ for learning languages.


10. The murder case is still under ____________.


Итоговая административная контрольная работа в 10 классе


Task 1. Read the text and write whether the sentences are true or false.

Debates about education will never end. Some people consider our educational system to be close to perfect; others say that it is too hard and that it is unnecessary to study all the school subjects.

In Russian schools children have to study about 15—17 subjects — not more and not less, as they are required. Very rarely do schools have in the schedule special or professional subjects. In the United States, drama, journalism and photography are as important as chemistry and history. In our schools the curriculum is strict. In the USA you can choose what to study; but government, history, English and math are compulsory. There are also a number of subjects, like geography, chemistry, physics, biology and computer classes, that you have to take during a year or a half-a-year during your high school years. You can also take one of these subjects at an advanced level. A program of chemistry at the advanced level of a graduate class is common with our 9th grade programme. In Russia we can't study management or TV-production at school.

Such democracy in choosing subjects according to your own preferences makes school life easier and calmer. American students don't usually have much homework — half an hour of homework is too much for them. On the other hand, they have holidays only twice a year, and their summer vacations are only two and a half months long, while our children don't study in the summer at all. Americans study at school for 12 years, while we study only 11. So it is very hard to say which the best way of studying is.

  1. Debates about education always take place.

  2. The curriculum in America is more flexible (гибкий) than in Russia.

  3. American children don’t study in summer at all.

  4. Most people are not sure which way of studying is better.

  5. Everybody thinks that our educational system is the best.

  6. American students don’t study much at home.


Task 2. The word in capitals in the right column can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. His interest in science _____________ when he was only five years old.


2. His father gave him a magnetic compass. Looking at it, the young Albert wanted to know why the needle _____________.


3. In 1902, after graduating from the university, Einstein took a job in the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. In 1909, at the age of thirty, Einstein ______________ his job at the Patent Office and began his lifelong career in the academic world.


4. His genius was recognized, and in 1921 he ____________ the Nobel Prize in physics.


5. In 1933, when Adolf Hitler came into power, Einstein and his ___________ wife moved to the USA.


6. He ____________ a professor at Princeton University where he remained until his death in 1955.


7. Shortly before his death he wrote and signed the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, ________________ the people of the world about the danger of nuclear catastrophe. Albert Einstein is remembered as the scientist in the world. His theories have changed science forever.



8. It is generally thought that Albert Einstein is the greatest theoretical physicist who ever ________.


Task 3. The word in capitals in the right column can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1. Who is making all the _______ for the office Christmas party this year?


2. Former Chilean President Augusto Pinochet went to England to avoid being charged with crimes against __________.


3. We're trying to think of a new slogan for our business, so if anyone has any ___________, please let me know.


4. He accepted the job without ____________.


5. In 1759, for the first time, the Pope gave his _________ for the Bible to be translated into all languages of the Catholic states.


6. The world's first _________ appeared around 5,000 B.C. near rivers.


7. Muhammad Ali once remarked that the man who has no ______ has no wings.


8. A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle with no or irregular physical _______


9.Peter seems to have a natural ________ for learning languages.


10. The murder case is still under ____________.



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