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Контроль чтения 2 класс к учебнику "English"

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«Контроль чтения 2 класс к учебнику "English"»

Read the text

Hi, Tom,

How are you? I am ten. I am from Canada.

I have got four toys: a lego set, a teddy bear and two balls. The lego set is green. It is on the table. My teddy bear is big. It is brown. It is on the sofa. My balls are small. They are blue and red. They are under the chair. I like my toys!

See you,


Your Sam

Complete the sentence

  1. Sam has got _____________ toys.

  2. Balls are ___________ and red.

  3. The lego set is ____________ the table.

  4. The teddy bear is ____________.

True or false

  1. Sam is 5.

  2. He is from America

  3. The balls are blue and red.

  4. The teddy bear is in the sofa

Read the text

Hi, Tom,

How are you? I am ten. I am from Canada.

I have got four toys: a lego set, a teddy bear and two balls. The lego set is green. It is on the table. My teddy bear is big. It is brown. It is on the sofa. My balls are small. They are blue and red. They are under the chair. I like my toys!

See you,


Your Sam

Complete the sentence

  1. Sam is from _____________

  2. The lego set is ___________

  3. The teddy bear is ____________ the sofa

  4. The ___________ are under the chair.

True or false

  1. Sam has got 7 toys.

  2. He is 8

  3. The teddy bear is big.

  4. Sam has got a lego set, a teddy bear and two dolls.


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