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Контрольная по английскому языку в 10 классе

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 классе составлена по программе к учебнику Rainbow English  по итогам 3 четверти.

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«Контрольная по английскому языку в 10 классе»

Variant I

1. Choose the appropriate function words to complete the sentences (down, off, up, out).

  1. My doctor says I should cut….salt. 2) The patient was so weak that the nurse had to cut …. his food for him. 3) Last week they cut… electricity because of some accident.4) I’d like to cut this picture…. of the calendar and keep it. 5) We don’t want our woods and forests to be cut…

2. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1) I (learn) French for ten years. 2) If I (stay) some more days in your town, I (call) on you. 3) While he (ring) me up yesterday, I (help) mother. 4) Mary (buy) a new hat. 5) He (write) a letter for three hours when I came. 6) I want to know whether he (see) Olga.

3. Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words in brackets.

1) Today most of us are (DEPEND) on food industry. 2) I hope my (END) trainings will lead to (SUCCESS) results and I will be a (WIN) of some snowboarding (COMPETE).

4. Complete the sentences using the words: revenge, disaster, rescue, predict, surface.

1) It is hard to …...what he will do when he finds out about it.2) Volcano eruption is a natural… 3) They had to… the tourists who had lost their way in the mountains. 4) We swore to take… on our attacker.5) The astronauts explored the… of the moon.

Variant II

1. Choose the appropriate function words to complete the sentences (down, off, out, up)

1) I cut … a small piece of cake to taste it. 2) If you want to keep the article, cut it … of the magazine. 3) Please don’t cut… this beautiful apple tree.4) The farm was cut… from the village by the snow. 5) I always cut… meat before giving it to my cat.

2. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1) It (rain) since morning. When will it stop raining? 2) Nick (go) to the park now. 3) If I (see) him, I (tell) him about their letters. 4) When my friend (come) to see me, I (do) my homework. 5) Alex (meet) his brother two hours ago. 6) I did not know what she (speak) about.

3. Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words in brackets.

1) The only known (FEEL) was (HAPPY). 2) During the past century technological (ACHIEVE)…s and (MEDICINE) knowledge have made people`s lives longer but they also gave birth to many things that are in the way of our (PERSON) harmony.

4. Complete the sentences using the words: erupted, witnesses, rid, conquered, waves.

1) It is not always easy to get… of harmful habits. 2) When Vesuvius … in AD79, it buried the Roman city of Pompeii.3) The Normans ….England in 1066. 4) Are there any ….to the car accident in Oxford Street? 5) I sat on the shore listening the sound of…


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