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Контрольная работа 5 класс 1 полугодие

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контрольная работу к учебнику Кузовлева В.П, текст для аудирования в аудиоприложении к учебнику, текст для чтения в рабочей тетради стр.57.Задания разработаны по материалам учебника, учащиеся не имеют возможности списать тест .

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«Контрольная работа 5 класс 1 полугодие»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 полугодие.

1.Listening comprehension. Say true or false.

1.Paul is watching a video now.__________________

2.Paul is listening to music now._________________

3.His sister has done her homework._____________

4.Paul s mother is cooking now_____________________________

5.They do not hear the music from the room.__________________

2.Reading comprenhension.Say true or false.

1.British people play games for 4 hours a day._______

2.When children play 30 hours a week they may become angry and get bad marks.__________________________

3.Helen likes watching the film «Lord of the rings»_________________

4.Ken have played «The Simpsons» for 2 months.__________________

5.Beth likes playing «The Sims» because it is funny.

3.Make up the sentences.

1.Every day/in the park/ride bikes/people.__________________________________

2.Many boys and girls/very often/in the playground/play ball games/every summer.___________________________________________________________

3.Have picnics/children and parents/in the picnic area/at weekends__________________________________________________________

4.They/often/to the seaside/go/in summer._________________________________

5.Play tennis/at the sports centre/many people/every Sunday ___________________________________________________________________

4.Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form.

1 .Look at this picture. My dad (fish) ______________here. He (catch) already______________ a big fish.

He (like) fishing in summer.

2. We (visit)______________ Granny every week. We (visit) her this week.

3. Jim (make) _________________a wooden toy for his friend now. He (make) already___________3 toys. He (make) toys every day.

4. At the photo I (to be)____ in the Zoo. I (see) here _________a lot of wild animals. I (never see)______a crocodile.

5. We(play)___________in the yard now. We usually (play)________ in the yard after school.


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