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Контрольная работа для учащихся 11 класса в формате Егэ.

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«Контрольная работа для учащихся 11 класса в формате Егэ.»

Контрольная работа в формате ЕГЭ

11 класс.Reading


Most people spend a third of their lives at work and spend more time with their work colleagues than with their families or friends. So it is important that people enjoy their work as much as possible: and enjoying work means choosing the right career in the first place.

People in Britain can start work at the age of sixteen, though many people stay at school after this age. For all people, as they approach the end of their school lives the big question is – what are they going to do?

Most young people have several choices open to them when they leave school. Here are some of them. They can leave school at the age of sixteen and take a low-paid job, often a manual one such as working in a shop or a factory.

They can leave school at sixteen, take a job but spend one day a week at a College of Further Education learning more about the theory and practice of their work. Many people who are learning a practical skill – for example, car mechanics, caterers, hairdressers or typists – do this. At the end of their training, they get a qualification, which gives them a better chance of promotion and higher wages. At the same time they have gained practical experience in their job, because they have been working while training.

Many people stay at school to take A level * G.C.E.** examinations. This means working very hard and earning no money for two or three more years. However, with A-levels, a student has more choices open to him. If he goes to a Technical College, he can get a qualification in a practical skill such as engineering, art and design, secretarial work, business studies and child-care. He can go to a College of Education and train to be a teacher. These training courses take from two to seven years.

If a student has very good results in his A-levels, he can go to university and get a degree in a subject like Languages, Maths, Philosophy, Literature or Science. This normally takes three years. However, after such an academic course, many students still have no practical skill for doing a job.

* A level – advanced level

** GCE – general certificate of education

рочитайте предложенный текст и выберите единственно правильный ответ в каждом


1. Tо take GCE exams you must …

  1. have a well-paid job

  2. stay at school for some more years

  3. attend classes once a week

2. A university graduate gains …

1. a lot of practical experience

  1. good “A” level results

  2. a degree

3. Most 16 year-olds …

  1. are offered a variety of opportunities

  2. get qualification in some practical skill

  3. take further education outside school

4. While attending a College of Further Education you …

1. get promotion and higher wages

  1. study for an “A” Level GCE exam

  2. combine training and work

5. Getting a university degree takes …

  1. from two to seven years

  2. a third of your life

  3. three years

II. Grammar

Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.

  • «Посмотри! Здесь появился (6) новый бизнес-центр. Когда его построили (7)?»

- «Он еще не закончен (8). Когда строительство будет завершено (9), он будет оборудован (10) самыми современными средствами связи».

- «Три года назад, я не мог себе представить, что город так изменится (11) к моему приезду».

6. 1. … appears 7. 1. was … being built

  1. … has appeared 2. has … been built

  2. … was appeared 3. … built

  3. … had appeared 4. was … built

8. 1. … hasn’t finished 9. 1. … will be completed

  1. … wasn’t finished 2. … is completed

  2. … isn’t finished 3. … complete

  3. … haven’t been finished 4. … will complete

10. 1. … will equip 11. 1. … would have changed

  1. … is equipped 2. … would change

  2. … would be equipped 3. … will change

  1. … will be equipped 4. … will be changed

Выберите грамматическую конструкцию, соответствующую каждому предложению.

12. All the cars … in the opposite direction had their headlights on.

  1. having driven

  2. driving

  3. to have driven

  4. to be driving

13. The traffic warden made the driver … the car.

  1. to stop

  2. stopping

  3. stopped

  4. stop

14. Finally they succeeded … a good flat.

  1. to find

  2. in finding

  3. being found

  4. found

15. We felt … with the results of the advertising campaign.

  1. disappointing

  2. having disappointed

  3. disappointed

  4. to have disappointed

16. The front door turned out …

  1. to have locked

  2. to be locked

  3. locking

  4. having locked

17. She watched the cake …

  1. being baked

  2. having baked

  3. to bake

  4. to have been baked

Составьте вопросительные предложения из данных слов. Запишите цифры, которыми обозначены слова, в правильной последовательности.

18. 1. to 19. 1. be

2. why 2. this

  1. you 3. by

  2. a 4. decision

  3. did 5. discussed

  4. different 6. the

  5. have 7. will

  6. road 8. managers

  7. take

20. 1. me 21. 1. letter

2. gone 2. for

  1. could 3. still

  2. where 4. your

  3. has 5. you

  4. you 6. a

  5. he 7. to

  6. tell 8. waiting

9. reply

10. are

Из нескольких вариантов (1,2,3,4) выберите единственно правильный.

22. Everything should go on as planned unless the weather … worse.

1. will get 2. got 3.gets 4. would get

23. All of … have expensive laptops.

1. they 2. their 3. theirs 4. them

24. Don’t help him. He … it by himself.

1. must to do 2.must have done 3. is to do 4. may have done

25. We … the match if it had been played in Moscow.

1. would win 2. will win 3. would have won 4. will have won

26. What … doing since you returned home?

1. are you 2. were you 3. will you be 4. have you been

27. I hardly have … free time.

1. any 2. none 3. some 4. no

28. A driver … to take the test in English.

1. hasn’t 2. needn’t 3. mustn’t 4. doesn’t have

29. His car runs … a race car.

1. faster as 2. as fast as 3. faster like 4. that fast as

30. I thought the film … interesting and decided to go to the cinema.

1. had been 2. is 3. will be 4. would be

31. It now seems to me I have bought … tickets.

1. too much 2. too little 3. not enough 4. too few

32. At the airport we … by the immigration officer.

1. questioned 2. were questioning

3. were questioned 4. has been questioned

33. You … her when she was having so much trouble.

1. are to help 2. should help

3. ought have helped 4. should have helped

34. He … German since he left Berlin.

1. hasn’t spoken 2. didn’t speak

3. hadn’t been speaking 4. wasn’t speaking

35. What … questions have you got?

1. else 2. other 3. another 4. other

36. The event … before they arrived home.

1. reported 2. had reported

3. was reported 4. had been reported

37. “Are they good friends?” - “No, they don’t even know …”

1. themselves 2. each the other

3. each other 4. one the other

38. I … turn down their offer if they asked me.

1. won’t 2. wouldn’t 3. don’t 4. wouldn’t have

39. You did everything you had to do, … you?

1. didn’t 2. did 3. hadn’t 4. had

40. He asked his assistant if he …the reports.

1. reads 2. has read 3. had read 4. will read

41. This is the … test I’ve ever done.

1. easiest 2. most easy 3. easier 4. most easiest

42. … a lot of work to do tomorrow.

1. There are 2. It will be 3. It’s 4. There will be

43. I’m putting on weight. I wish I … so much chocolate.

1. didn’t eat 2. don’t eat 3. won’t eat 4. haven’t eaten

Выберите русское предложение, наиболее точно соответствующее по смыслу английскому предложению.

44. A big group of programmers was reported to be trained in the USA.

  1. Сообщили, что большая группа программистов прошла подготовку в США.

  2. Большая группа программистов сообщила, что ей необходимо пройти подготовку в США.

  3. Сообщили, что большая группа программистов будет проходить подготовку в США

45. We heard them arguing about the necessity of the suggested measures.

  1. Мы выслушали их аргументы относительно необходимости предложенных мер.

  2. Мы слышали, что они поспорили о необходимости предложенных мер.

  3. Мы слышали, как они спорили о необходимости предложенных мер

46. She is said to be working on a very important project.

  1. Говорят, она работала над очень интересным проектом.

  2. Она сказала, что работает над очень интересным проектом.

  3. Говорят, она работает над очень интересным проектом.

47. I would like her to make a rational decision.

  1. Мне нравится ее разумное решение.

  2. Я бы хотел, чтобы она приняла разумное решение.

  3. Было бы хорошо, если бы она приняла разумное решение.

III. Vocabulary

Запишите номера слов, соответствующих смыслу данных предложений.

1. accident 2. middle 3. like 4. cars

5. first 6. installed 7. outside 8. railway

9. lights 10. operated 11. time 12. exploded

The 48 traffic signal was invented by a 49 signalling engineer. It was installed 50 the Houses of Parliament in 1868. It looked 51 any railway signal of the 52 and was operated by gas. However, it 53 and killed a policeman, and the 54 discouraged further development until 55 became common. Modern traffic 56 are an American invention. Red-green systems were 57 in 1914. Three-colour signals, 58 by hand from a tower in the 59 of the street appeared in New York in 1918.

Выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий каждому предложению.

60. I wasn’t … enough to get a seat.

1. hurry 2. fortune 3. lucky 4. fond

61. She was … her homework when I came.

1. learning 2. making 3. working 4. doing

62. I’m too busy to go to the cinema. …, I don’t have enough money.

1. Although 2. Besides 3. Whenever 4. Excep

63. This box … everything you need.

1. applies 2. concludes 3. consists 4. contains

64. He can’t … a new car.

1. afford 2. effort 3. support 4. attempt

Выберите слово, наиболее близкое по значению к данному.

65. to happen

1. to render 2. to offer 3. to take place 4. to take care

66. to provide

1. to improve 2. to develop 3. to fall 4. to supply

67. to believe

1. to notice 2. to mind 3. to suppose 4. to reach

68. internal

1. formal 2. inside 3. outside 4. brief

69. application

1. use 2. description 3. attraction 4. make

Выберите предлоги, соответствующие данным предложениям.

70. They took the test … July 14th. 1. -

2. since

71. She is … work from 9a.m. to 6 p.m.

3. in

72. Write "By Airmail” … the top left hand corner. 4. on

5. at

73. They have been building the house … March. 6. of

74. He was very tired … playing golf. 7. to

75. Don’t forget to write … me while you are away.


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